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Everything posted by FUTURE_OF_GM

  1. LOL... What a surprise... A Nader "kick 'em while they're down" piece. I've never figured out why he hates domestics so much. But I think he was the catalyst that fostered the "hate domestics/hate america" culture of today. He made a career of criticizing GM innovation (And still does through Consumer Union--fostering the sterile import culture) Innovation that was also used by Porsche which became a ironically became a prestige car. It's all about politics. Personally, I wish the old bastard would just croak already so I can then sneak in and piss on his grave. a.k.a. IT'S WORKING!!! The goal all along.... Make GM and Ford unamerican or reduce them enough to be bought/controlled by the competition. LOL... Is this guy serious.... Umm, VOLVO, STABILITRAK, ELECTRONIC ROLLOVER PROTECTION...ETC..ETC.. I don't recall seeing rollover protection on any imported SUV (I could be very wrong on this though) But that doesn't matter, because they're not the target. So, basically this was just a personal agenda smear campaign to keep Ford and GM down? Wow, what a speech! Rally the troops to keep Ford and GM down... Hopefully some big Hummer will rollover in D.C. and claim nader as a crown or something.
  2. The S-series has always been a high mileage car (As are most FWD, 90's domestics contrary to popular belief) I still think a 10 year/100,000 mile warrenty would go a LONG way in curing GM's image problem.
  3. I guess one good thing is that it'll have a back seat (Unlike the Solstice) That way, things normally stored in the trunk can be put back there.... So much for security though, I guess... And let us pray that wind doesn't howl through the interior and launch those light weight items into freeway suicide..
  4. Jesus... Is GM ran by anyone with any common sense??? Does anyone run GM???? How can someone be so stupid???? GM: cutting costs at all costs, heck, we're even cutting tried and true standard features now!
  5. Yet another very unique GM vehicle, that SHOULD be a competitive advantage, is phased out becasue GM mismanaged it. (Among other things) What a shame..... I'd still love to have one! But it was a little too impractical, a little too costly and not nimble/quick enough. (Eventhough the new motor and tranny help) Of course, the SSR was supposed to only hang around for a few years anyway if I remember correctly.
  6. Oh I agree, the G6 needed to be much more.
  7. Ok... We can worry about the 300 million after we cure the 4 BILLION at GMNA.
  8. Meh... It'll be covered up.
  9. Complaining about the headliner..... It seems to be a good car, but why did GM pull a typical GM and shoot for 'mid pack' again? Next years version needs to be a real barn burner.
  10. EXCELLENT REPLY! The Pontiac is 5th, because it's a Pontiac.... Mery Christmas Virginia.
  11. I've often wondered how often this is considered.... Probably not too often with domestics as they're all predisposed to being inferior anyway. I thought it was a kind write up.... Too bad no one cares about that and will read the numbers (ranking--not the real numbers that tell the REAL story) instead. Maybe Foreign Car and Import Driver does have a conscience now that the mighty is falling. Most of the grips were unsubstantiated subjective anyway. I guess we can always hope for the G6 GXP! Silly C&G-er!!!! Price only matters if it gives the imports an advantage... You know, just like quality scores! Kinda reminds you of that recent C&D "Cheap Speed" competition where the Cobalt and Ion dominated and were cheaper. YET placed last... Hmmmmm..... Hell, even the unrefined SRT-4 blows their a**hole winner RSX out of the water. Which proves my point... We are now seeing domestics that are FUNDAMENTALLY better than imports, yet the chorus still plays on and the ranking still reflects it. It's all a big, fat load of lies and bull**** and they'll CONTINUE to come up with more and more fabricated and subjective measures to ensure the imports stay one step ahead. Unfortunately, some people still PAY for this trash.
  12. It's certainly been a HUGE hit with everyone I've talked to (Just like the Mustang AND Challenger) I, for one, don't think Saturn should have RWD cars.... Leave Saturn and Saab for FWD and AWD offerings. We'll already have RWD Cadillacs and Buicks, we don't need euro inspired RWD Saturns hacking sales.... Just like we don't need RWD euro Saturns hacking sales off of a SUPPOSEDLY performance renewed Pontiac and Chevrolet, our volume division.
  13. My point is as blatantly simple as your avatar Satty... There is no need to make an auto review into a divided political debate, just as we here at C&G have a no politics policy. His job is not to determine how buyers of Tahoes will vote, it is to review the vehicle. His political affiliation most certainly got in the way of a 100% fair review. And frankly, I really don't give an d*** about the politics of this country anymore, everyone is corrupt, blue people suck, red people suck, I don't care to b8tch about a country that is past it's prime and falling and I'm over it. That said, I'd prefer for it not to slither it's way into one of my hobbies. Anyway; sure I'll admit that I was having a lot of fun nitpicking.
  14. I'll give them that one. Ok, so now after years of BITCHING about cladding, now the media is BITCHING about the 'lack there of' But of course, gotta give Greenpeace something to whine about, lest they be completely trivial and un-needed. Typical built in "Detroit Disclaimer" EXAMPLE: It's a fine truck, but will it be enough????? (Enter mysterious music) Automatically establishes an 'us verses them' vibe and cues those liberal Cali types into fighting/negativity mode. Why is a political view even relevant to an automotive evaluation? Because it can be used as a weapon... Red is out of favor, just like W and just like SUVs. He is using the comparison to cast negativity and an unpopular bias over the vehicle. With "red state" he says "For you" but here it is an implyed "For us" automatically making the Tahoe not "for us" because of the connotation to negativity he is about to make. And not only does he make Tahoe not "for us" he also makes GM not "for us" with this statement. Making it the typical "GM sucks because" argument or I won't consider GM as a whole because" spiel. BINGO! And the "for us" is heightened into an anti-SUV euphoria... And with a lot of opinion to boot. Even throws the THEORY of global warming in there. Resist it regardless is the message here. A mighty big and wrong assumption.... I'm sure allah land doesn't hate us because of what we drive... And france doesn't hate us at all for our president.... Nah... ALL of it is the Tahoe's fault. I'm sure the oil producers hate us for driving Tahoes and I'm sure the Japanese hate us for driving big SUVs and trucks too. What's sad is I'm sure every greenie and extreme leftie out there is buyin this garbage hook, line and sinker... WOW!! 40,000-60,000 for an SUV and we're whining about a GALLON of gas for $2.19 Okay.... That's why, Rolls, Bentley, Lambo, Ferarri, Cadillac, BMW and MB are all SCRAMBLING to make hybrids Or an american car in general... Oh wait, I forgot... Aparently Camry's are american cars now. Can't support 'the man' now can we. I thought it was pretty innovative, but I'll give him this. I think this is a good thing.... It's all about perception and IMO the reason Toyotas sell so well is because they all, although not always attractive, look very substantial. It reinforces the value for your money think. Oh, of course (Sarcasm) And umm how about off road prowess??? Again, I don't understand why this is nessecery. I guess Democrats can't afford such luxuries or something. (I didn't say it, he did) Which of course, was the reason for the red/blue context anyway. Right? No obvious praise, of course.. *** I love how all of these high riding, SUV loving 'journalists' all of the sudden have become such GREEN MACHINES now that it's the popular thing to do... They're just like immature high school students, they buy into the popular trends so that people will like them. Or, I guess they just found another way to cost Detroit a few more sales and carpe diem when the time was right. Restrained use of chrome and a single roof-mounted antenna that handles satellite and terrestrial radio sources give the Tahoe a clean look. Hidden just beneath the rear hatch's big gold "bowtie" is this small video camera that feeds an image to the dashboard's display screen when the truck is in reverse.
  15. First off, there is a link to the ORIGINAL JAPANESE story. Secondly, if it were an original american piece then that would just reinforce the bias argument. And third, your points are good and agreeable. But they do nothing to bring the points I made into question.
  16. The actual presentation isn't as bad as this article (Intentionally) makes it sound. As for Hummer... Well, GM owns the rights to the name, NOT the overhead or pre buy-out employees, all of the vehicles are shared engineering with high volume products and all of the vehicles are high profit and image vehicles... AND they have would could arguably be considered GM's hottest model right now (in sales) If all my info is correct, then common sense says it (Hummer) will stay. As for Saab... Wasn't it evok that once said Saab had more potential with american buyers than MOST of GM's traditional brands back during the Oldsmobile phase out? (Don't forget---they're an all mighty import--well, at least until the media ruins their reputation too or either enlightens enough people of the GM ownership)
  17. Oh yeah... I forgot. Toyota is god. Or at least that what MOST in the press would have us believe. Toyota knew the test was bullsh*t and they did the same thing that they always do and exploited everyone elses stupidity/gullibility to their advantage... And what's even more funny is that most STUPID americans actually bought into the garbage... No doubt because they were TOLD to. You talk of Toyota on these boards as if they are some golden mesiah. If this is the attitude of the press in general, then it's no wonder that Toyota is being allowed to destroy our automakers and force their lies and "as good as" NOT "better than" cars onto a COACHABLE public, all the while the domestics have one arm tied behind their back because of CONSTANT NEGATIVE exposure. It's funny that the collective media is now saying "Toyota isn't to blame, the EPA is." 2 years after that same press BOUGHT into and PUBLISHED countless testimonials on this technology and it's literal too-good-to-be-true numbers. If you knew the tests were wrong and the numbers were wrong; and you knew that Toyota knew the numbers were wrong, then why publish and perpetuate the myth of 55 MPG? Why not expose Toyota? Why not exposure the antiquated system? But no... Instead, now the media is busy trying to save Toyota's ass for them (Like always) by mitigating blame elsewhere. I hope this DESTROYS Toyota's image as it has ALREADY grown to be a major issue. (Funny again that it is being brought up just in time to handicapp the domestic hybrids) But I'm sure it won't do much damage to Toyota as the 'journalists' in this country would NEVER allow that to happen and all the anti-domestic folks will say "It's a new technology, they deserve a break" unlike when GM pioneered so many technologies. If the Prius mileage were to decrease by 30% it would be at 38.5 MPG... Now, why in the hell would I buy a Prius for $21,725 when I can get a Cobalt for $12,990 that gets 33 MPG? And this is just a basic example.. SOURCES: toyota.com and chevrolet.com
  18. LMFAO!!! Another PERFECT post!!!! Yep, he called us stupid, just like the asians always do... I swear to god, this country has a "Japan is better than us" complex with EVERYTHING! And it shows as we take their insults and unfair business practices like a cowardly little kid. Japanese.... And yes they always possess the same communist bias FOR their industries as OUR media does, so they ALWAYS take cheap shots at us. Too bad america isn't the nation that Japan is... Then maybe this country would be as good as theirs and as good as it once was. According to a survey published last month by Reuters, the Japanese firms are expected to dominate the chinese market over the next 10 years just like they're dominating our market now. Yes, BUT.... I'm afraid that it'll go unnoticed... The American companies have been criticized for years by our own media and I think it's because they ARE american. They're easy targets, yet once Toyota starts screwing up, we won't hear a word about it. It'll all be covered up simply because that's where our media's LOYALTY and personal preference lies. It'll be encouraged.... The media has been encouraging the dethroning of the big 3 for years and they've finally swayed enough opinions to do it. Exactly, this is a fight GM can never win and that's why they'll lose. The deck has been stacked for years, deliberately and blatantly.
  19. Political Correctness? What is that? LOL. At work, sure, because I have to be although it almost physically makes me sick to do it sometimes. Socially; NEVER although I'll admit that I'm usually not as abrasive in reality as I am when I post here.
  20. Would that be anything like: OMG! 30MPG? Toyota lied about the fuel economy of their hybrid! I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  21. I'm sure the Trailblazer SS would've been the "answer to everyones prayers" had it been a 4Runner SS. These "journalists" (The very same people who LAUGHED AT and PROTESTED the first hybrids) are just living the GREAT AMERICAN DREAM of CONFORMING to what's popular. Partially because it's trendy, partially to stick it to Detroit and partially to gain those "kiddies" that read the magazines. LOL.... "IF you just MUST have one of these illogical things" (Like 54% of car buying America) LOL
  22. Well Looks like some people are already relegating the Tahoe to "It's nice, but..." status. Which is a given for any new GM these days. After all it's what we've been told to do.
  23. Nothing really new.... But a nice breath of fresh air at the same time. So, one day soon Tracinda could own 24% of GM.... Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing..... That would definately give them control (Unless I'm severely mistaken) which could mean a MASSIVE restructure. Never thought I'd see the day that GM would be bought up in large quantities though... Then again, never thought I would see the day when america couldn't care less about GM's existence either.
  24. That's typical of ANY media source in this country... They don't know jack SH*T about what they're reporting on yet fabricate it and spread it as gospel.
  25. TO GM: I already own 2 and I'll own a third in 2009 if you'll let me.
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