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Everything posted by FUTURE_OF_GM

  1. We were ORIGINALLY promised the 3.6L HF for ALL G6... Then, recently, we were told that the GXP would in fact debut with the HF 3.6L... Guess we got lied to twice. Not with our media... We all know that FACTS don't matter here, it's all about FEEL
  2. LOL Yep, essentially they're doing what the media does best; CREATING THE STORY, CREATING THE FACTS and CHOOSING A WINNER based on SKEWED, BIASED and FICTICIOUS LOGIC. I'm sure Ford is happy about them slamming the hot selling Mustang with an *IMAGINARY* car.
  3. I agree... Clinton was an excellent president in many ways, and (Here's a little secret) I'd probably vote for Hillary if she ran! Anyway... The public would view a GM bankruptcy in a VERY NEGATIVE way... Remember, they don't KNOW all the facts like we do and probably don't care enough to research them. Not to count according to CNW (I think) 75% of americans said they WOULD NOT buy from a bankrupt automaker.
  4. I agree... Not to count the reprecussions with SALES of GMs vehicles (MIght not be significant, but every little bit helps at this point)
  5. Here we go with the OBLIGATORY weekly gloom and doom article in the MAINSTREAM press... (A good way to nail the coffin shut--1 article a week slowly turning perception=guilt free) Umm... ALL the GMT900 news has been good... ALL the sales news has been good... ALL the 'reduced incentives/higher transaction' news has been good... ALL the UAW buyout news has been good... SEE THE PATTERN?!?!?! ONLY an issue because the press has made it one... I HARDLY see how a restatemment (Besides image problems) is in any way relevant to 2006. LOL... So, SEC is a criminal probe now??? And, BTW, this is OLD news. Uncontrollable AND a positive SKEWED negative by this author. Another POSITIVE *supposedly* skewed negative by this guy. That's a helluva rise for such NEGATIVE news.. (Of course, that's PROBABLY the reason FOR the negative news) AGAIN... OLD, REHASHED, RE-REPORTED $h!!!! C'mon man?!?!? Is this an article or a RE-RUN?!?!?! (Oh wait, it's the obligatory negative article--- OF COURSE it's a RE-RUN!!!) Nope, wont stop until the media/analysts get what they want; which is a GM chapter 11. LOL, we all KNOW that wont happen (nudges the press) GM: EVERYBODY'S DOOR MAT!!!! LOL... WOW!!! What an ARROGANT SERIES of predictions!!!! I bet THIS will certainly KILL some business for GM!!! (That's the goal right???--If not, then WHY pretend that you can predit the future and then say it all over national press; ESPECIALLY if you've got GM's best interest at heart.) I think this 'analyst' is forgetting that the 'cost structure' *SHOULD* peak around 2008 and then begin to decline. That's laughable.... Wow... Such "PROFESSIONAL" people we have on Wall Street... Running our industry into the ground. That in itself is EXTREMELY POSITIVE news. Meh... Just wait until oil hits $70 per barrel in a week (LIke they're predicting) and gas prices shoot above $3 per gallon because of this whole IRAN GMT900 is as good as dead if that happens. Good news.
  6. "Cadillac-- Pimpin' yo' ride since 1958 cous'"
  7. Hmmm.... So, the Toyota 1.8L sucks (Yet no complaints by the media in the Matrix) Toyota apparently ISN'T cutting the Matrix (According to this SENSATIONAL headline) I *thought* a new Vibe was already UNDER development. The Vibe is getting some age now with little to no updates, but I think it's STILL a conquest seller. I hate to see these trim levels go, Pontiac seems to really be getting hit hard by cuts this year (GTO, Vibe models, SV6, eventually Torrent) But I guess it's okay if most sales are for base models AND if some of the features filter down. Hopefully the next generation will be "More Pontiac"
  8. This is a HUGE opportunity for GM to tweak the entire line, introduce a top end model AND generate some positive PR all at once... Lets hope GM doesn't squander it away.
  9. Info like this is EXACTLY why I posted the topic the other day about Cadillac still being on track. Looks like GM is poised to make THE SAME mistakes again and let one of their divisions with A LOT of potential fade to nothing. 1 step forward, 3 steps back. That's GM's motto!
  10. But of course, NO domestics could EVER match or best an import... (Eventhough LR is domestic too---people just aren't smart enough to know it) If I were buying a luxury SUV, it's be a **VERY** tough call between the Escalade and the Range Rover Sport (Which has A LOT of presence) Well.... You know how that goes. I mean, there's nothing really special OR that nice about an Acura or Lexus either but people are brainwashed otherwise.
  11. The Camaro is SUCH a huge hit.... As for the 427... Last I heard Ford was inching forward with plans to build it along side a new Lincoln flagship.
  12. What a surprise!!!! NO MEDIA COVERAGE WHAT-SO-EVER!!!! This just illustrates 3 points. (Well, actually MANY, but we'll keep it short and sweet) 1) People are DUMB 2) People will BELIEVE anything they are TOLD to believe 3) The media has it in for DETROIT and only used the "hybrid myth" to further it's deterioration. And guess what folks, you'll NEVER see this in the headlines because the same, self-righteous yuppies that drive these things are the same YUPPIES that control public opinion. Oh, and it's FUNNY that now Detroit is getting in the game, the HYBRID HYPE has worn off and ALL SORTS of negatives are dripping out of the wood work. This is a BIG FAT 'Itoldyaso' on the part of GM and Ford, because they SAID publically that hybrids weren't the answer time and again. YET, the media kept on, destroying their image and proping Toyota up on that pedastool that they've so successfully built for them. EVERY major media outlet should apologize, or AT LEAST run this story.... Too bad that would take INTEGRITY, something our 'media' has been lacking for YEARS.
  13. Oh, Don't know why I didn't put 2 and 2 together with that concept. As for the Astra, that was more wishful thinking... The only confirmation I've seen is the patenting of the Astra name a little while back.
  14. No media exposure.... OF COURSE!!! (Why would those "49 journalists" want to admit to being WRONG, BIASED and IGNORANT?)
  15. To the best of my knowledge (I could be wrong) Caterpillar pretty much canned it's union in that process. They hired new people and never looked back.
  16. Okay... I've said this time and TIME again... WHEN will GM WAKE UP and start doing what's BEST for GM?!?!?! GM has been the BIGGEST doormat that this country has ever seen. If they COULD walk on GM, they have (Foreign and Domestic) It's going to get REALLY ugly folks.... The UAW is TOO STUPID to know their ass from a hole in the ground, Delphi (and Miller) has proven BLATANTLY now that they counldn't care less about GM's future. They ARE in essence, IMO, the ULTIMATE sell outs now having bertrayed and turned on their creator. (Who cares I guess, GM no longer holds the power anyway, they can get all sorts of excellent business from 'the transplants'---YEAH RIGHT, we all know those "we're american" companies don't ACTUALLY source from america that much) GM It's time to start playing hard ball FOR ONCE. They want to make it nuclear? They want to toy with and ruin peoples lives? Then you build the biggest bomb! In all reality though, I don't know HOW GM could've planned for this... Alternate suppliers maybe? But that's A LOT of work to line up.
  17. I agree.... And I know that GM would be risking a lot if they were to do radical styling. Add to that the point that the new Chevy Truck look is VERY appealing. BUT, it seems that the YOUTH or the FUTURE buyers are drawn more to the aggressive styling of the Ram and Titan (And probably Tundra, since, you know, Toyota doesn't fail and all) Of course, those same youth view GM and Ford *TRUCKS* very highly so I might've just negated my point anyway.
  18. I'd say "Plan B" is bankruptcy.... There is simply NO way around it if Delphi strikes. For better or worse.....
  19. I agree 100%... Pontiac NEEDS direction desperately and until it gets that, broad success will never be attained.
  20. Yep... It was orange (And featured the same cues--now common GXP cues) to match the GTO that debuted at Woodward (Along with that AWESOME V8 Colorado) that year. I ***HOPE*** That THIS GXP looks better, as I wasn't too fond of that GXP's look. On the other hand, THAT GXP had the HF 3.6L that we've now been promised TWICE for the G6 and apparently THIS GXP must make do with the HV 3.9L. I guess the 30 extra ponies will be welcome though... EDIT: added pics of the SEMA GXP
  21. No 2008 Vue? No Astra? Nice to hear about the G6 GXP.... Pontiac shouldn't even be wasting it's time gauging reaction... BUILD IT and promote it along with the Solstice GXP (And maybe the GP GXP) in a new campaign to try and 1) Rebuild the "excitement" division and 2) Make up for the HUGE hole left in the line up from the GTO departure. I was hoping GM had MORE for this years auto show season.... If they continue to trickle out products at this rate, they will NEVER recover. That said, I'm interested to see how the new Saturns do! It seems that Chevrolet, Cadillac and Saturn all have a lot of positive momentum now.
  22. So you're going to sit there with a straight face and tell me that GMT800 and better yet, GMT900 vehicles ONLY excelled because of CAFE and not on merits??? That people are paying almost $60,000 for an Cadillac-ed Tahoe because of CAFE?!?!? I mean no offense at all by this Hudson, and I'm not asking you to defend anything (Because you don't have too, opinions are opinions) but you seem VERY anti-GM and anti-Ford to me. I certainly hope that doesn't carry over to your job as much as it does with statements such as the above. (If I understood the statement correctly)
  23. By in large, I agree, I would probably NOT buy an SUV this big, BUT: That's NOT GM's problem, now is it? And apparently TOYOTA and Nissan don't think it's THEIR problem either. People BUY what they want... GM BUILDS what people want. WHY in God's name should GM be ATTACKED for effectively doing business?!?!?!? Yet, everyday, it seem that the media and the greenies favorite past time is bashing Detroit for doing business successfully. THEN in the very same breath they CRITICIZE the company for losing money. It's a no win situation and THIS is one POSITIVE and one market Detroit NAILED (!!!) even consistenetly outsmarting the asians, except instead of being CELEBRATED as the success tory and victory it is; the biased media only CHASTISES them MORE. Either because they're jealous of Detroits success or because they want to END Detroits success.... I'd be willing to make a guess that if the shoe were on the other foot, as in, Toyota and Nissan made these vehicles, we wouldn't see 85% of the NEGATIVE media about them. NEVER do you see an article focused SOLELY on the environmental destruction/oil consumption of the Titan, Armada, Tundra, Sequoia or 4Runner and what's even more disturbing is that; even with these companies RATCHETING up their truck assault, we'll STILL not see negative PR. What happened when supposedly enviro-friendly Subaru classified their Outback as a truck, then produced ANOTHER SUV?!?!?!?! NOTHING. What happened when Toyota introduced the new Tundra and FJ Cruiser, the BIGGEST light duty truck to roll on american roads and it's 5TH SUV? NOTHING! What happened when Honda started producing their "truck" that couldn't get better fuel economy than a V8 Avalanche? IT GOT KUDOS!!! What happened when Nissan BLACKMAILED the government into giving it CAFE exemptions by saying it would be forced to move Sentra production???? NOTHING!!!! These examples PROVE that articles like this (Although I thought it wasn't that bad) are nothing more than either outdated rhetoric OR a smear campaign. BTW, according to the EPA the Toyota Land Cruiser gets 14 MPG which is about the same boat as a 13 MPG Hummer H2.... WHY is there NOT the same negative sentiment associated with the precious Toyota?!?!?!?! "Because Hummer sales more" Well, 1) I'm not sure if that's true and 2) Once again, GM is to be chastised for making a BETTER and more appealing product?!?! (And don't say it isn't better---It sells more, so it's BETTER! It's an all mighty GM vehicle that "people actually want to buy" over it's competitors. Don't even try) GM's SUVs LEAD the segment in fuel economy.... Sure, I'd like to have a 50MPG mega SUV, but that's hard to do when you're bleeding 10.6 billion a year and your business has been declining for 30 years (Some self enflicted, some aided LARGELY by personal agendas) I'm just saying the same thing that many here have told me many times... Don't shoot the messenger. It's not GM, nor Ford, nor Toyota or Nissans fault for that matter, that Americans desire and buy LARGE vehicles.
  24. Okay, so just because GM sees a VERY lucrative market and an opportunity to make some much needed profit, they get singled out and killed? What about Toyota's 'bigger than anything else Tundra'? Besides, I'm sure they (The imports) would LIKE to be in this class and probably, eventually will be. ESPECIALLY after articles like this FINISH OFF the domestics. But then it'll be all fine and dandy for them to get horrible fuel economy, like it is now. Okay, so because GM and Ford are more in tune with consumer taste and actually BEST the Japanese in one area, they get picked on ANYWAY?!?!?! It's not our problem that the Japanese truck offerings SUCK. The inefficiencies are STILL the same regardless how many models they sell. THis is just more example of GM and FORD being DAMNED if they do and DAMNED if they don't and a typical (while somewhat logical) MEDIA skewed mindset on the subject. What do you suggest???? Should GM and Ford be taken to task regardless (We all KNOW and KNEW this would happen anyway---right?) or should they GIVE UP sales to the asians? (Something I have a sneaking suspicion is on the agenda of some of these 'journalists' anyway) It all boils down to this... FACTS (As in FUEL ECONOMY numbers) don't matter. What matters is who can screw over the domestics fastest and this is an easy target (BOth for the main purpose AND to seal their bankruptcy) Then, once GM and Ford DO relinquish these sales (That is the goal right? For one purpose or another) we can all be happy buying 250,000 THIRSTIER than Tahoe Sequoias and NOTHING will be said of it because Toyota will still have the press hyponotised by the Prius. It's ridiculous... Toyota does the typical baitand switch and gets away with it, yet the domestics are CRITICIZED regardless... Slower sales of these brute=CRITICIZM, higher sales of these brutes=CRITICIZM... They CANNOT win. **See my point?** Hmmm.... Sounds like an alternative agenda is coming out there.... Eventhough I don't see how it would level the playing field. I love how they include this pargraph right after the GM and Ford statement so as to then imply (With the bolded words) that ONLY GM and FORD have fought to not raise the standards.
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