The Chrysler ad was amazing! I loved every second of it....
I think Eminem is a genius and I think he's an excellent spokesperson.
Such vision; such dedication!
The Vader ad was both lame and pointless IMO. It didn't even show a decent shot of the car and just made the kid out to look dumb (like most kids are) Wow, that VeeDub has remote gadgetry?! You don't say!
The Beetle ad was pretty damn cool, though.
I thought all of the Chevy spots were pretty lame... The teacher spot is probably the best, but it's very cliche and looks low budget. 'Tommy' actually seemed to be a big hit, but I don't really see the point. 'Misunderstanding' seems to be the top rated one and it's probably the best from a humor standpoint. 'Discovery' is cool; but it needed better imagery and it wasn't very good at keeping viewers attention. I knew that 'Status' would be an either love it or hate it thing... Seems that most people hate it (which isn't surprising given how played out Facebook is getting)
The Transformer Camaro commercial had potential, but alas, the crappy style killed it.
I thought 'Release The Hounds' was cool.
'Epic Ride' was probably the dumbest commercial of the entire game, IMO. Yet it's getting good ratings.
I thought the Hyundai kaleidoscope commercial was pretty neat.