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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. He's not a car guy. He actually liked his cheap-ass Accent, but it was too small. Plus, the 300M had double the mileage and would likely get half the gas mileage. That little mpg readout they have tells a telling story. I don't think he liked that, either.
  2. Snapped some pics of his new car. It's a 2002 Hyundai Elantra 5spd with 69k miles. Bought it for $4999 before taxes and whatnot. It isn't perfect, but it runs pretty well and is quite clean in and out. Not much to complain about. They seem to be good little cars. My grandma's has been good to her, so I 'approved' of his purchase. Don't ask about the last pic. I was bored and wanted the sun to be in it, despite the picture having no real focal point.
  3. Indeed. One of my favorites, though it may be a bit tacky for today's market.
  4. I completely agree. Although, it would be true to history.
  5. Or.... Buy what you like and don't sell yourself with an inferior product, whether that product be American, European, Asian, etc. It's not a difficult concept. I don't pity the fools who bought all those J-bodies, N-bodies, and W-bodies over the years based on that concept. "I love my American made Cavalier, including the three American made engines I had to put in it, the two American made trannies my American warranty covered, and all those American made parts that rattle, squeak, and eventually fall off that was graciously included with my American purchase. I love all that American made depreciation, as well. I lost $10k in two years, but it was money well spent on America!"
  6. It's pretty sexy.
  7. Cooper > Cobalt.
  8. Just buy a Millenia. Remember: Rock > Millenia > Aurora > 530i > Everything Else.
  9. I'm the opposite. I never want to let go... but I always want more More MOAR!!!!!.
  10. Cory Wolfe


    Per the weight thread, you all would probably scoff when I say I need to lose about 10 lbs... of fat, anyways. I could stand to gain 10 lbs of muscle, too.
  11. <- ISTP. Introverted-33 Sensing-1 Thinking-38 Perceiving-56
  12. Cory Wolfe


    I always liked peanut butter silk.
  13. Might as well... *nods*
  14. My bike has a quick-release removable front wheel. After removal, it could fit into the trunk of the Jetta with a little bit of maneuvering.
  15. I don't use it... evar, but I have a Kingston 2 gig.
  16. I see. Currently, I'm eyeing up a GTI over in NJ. If he can come down to my price range and I can figure out all this transfer &#036;h&#33;, I might just buy it. I wonder if the DMV has anything on their website about their policies on out of state transfers.
  17. Basically. I've been looking at alot of VWs and Audis, trying to find to 'the one'. Found it once in the form of a driver's edition VR6 GTI, but it slipped out of my hands. The search continues.
  18. Intriguing, but I believe Kentucky's probably too far. It would have to be a damn nice SVX and for a damn good price.
  19. Sounds fairly easy.
  20. Is anyone here knowledgable on buying a car out of state? Alot of the vehicles I've been looking at have been in a state outside of PA. I haven't found much of anything locally. In all likelihood, I'm going to end up with something out of state unless I find a sudden streak of luck. Thusly, I was wondering what the process was for buying out of state and getting it registered here. Does it differ much from the usual registration process? Are there any extra steps that I will need to take?
  21. Happy birthday, Turbo.
  22. I love it. Screw the Fiesta.
  23. All roads are leading to H-to-the-I-to-theE-to-the-A. Later today shall tell us whether these roads speak the truth or if there will be another detour to travel.
  24. Queens of the Stone Age - Little Sister
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