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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Faith No More - Easy.
  2. Those dishes make me 'lol' over and over.
  3. Technically, if you reset it while going down hill.... 99.9 FTW.
  4. Not actually the G2, but...
  5. Do I have to post another picture of a G2?
  6. Photographic illusion. And thanks.
  7. I never liked Comic sans either.
  8. I tried. Look at that G2! Technically, he says he wants 'such and such' quality in a car and we gave suggestions with said qualities. And I'm sorry, but saying car A has lots of life left in it while car B does not is just retarded. He mentioned 'repair costs' and that was clearly countered with fact. If he needs to see the receipts, I'll dig them out. I'll also dig out some receipts from all those "cheap to repair and reliable" GM products that has graced my family's driveway over the years. I'm sure more retarded excuses will be brought out for those as well. Reputations are about as reliable as stereotypes, especially when you bring bias into the mix. Here, have a cookie.
  9. I want to buy a Shamwow and see if it really can soak up anything.
  10. You may have my seal of approval for this one.
  11. Sex with a cantaloupe on a soda machine.
  12. Where does "VW repair bills" work into that equation, again? I, personally, think it's pretty funny that I've already spent more on repairs for the Cobalt than I did for my "unreliable and costly" Volkswagen that is 7 years older with 70,000 more miles on it. Wait... What? That can't be! I'm crazy. I must have made that up. I'm such a dirty, filthy, deceiving liar. I can completely understand your mindless, nonsensical retort at the realization of such. Clearly, GM rox ur sox and VW is teh loser!!!!!11!!!1!!1! So, how 'bout that Yugo? I think it fits you perfectly.
  13. Cobalt with 11k: $300 in repairs over three weeks. Jetta with 82k: $200 in repairs over 9 months. *cough*
  14. I haven't driven it, myself.
  15. Design-wise, much better; Material-wise, equal or better than my Cobalt, but that's not saying much at all.
  16. I voted G5. Happy? But... Look at it go!
  17. Considering my Grandpa sold his Silverado to my cousin (who recently turned it over) and sold my Grandma's Cobalt to me... That puts him without a vehicle. The day I bought the Cobalt off of him, he replaced it with a new vehicle after I gave him a ride. He wanted something with AWD/4WD and that was easier to get in and out of than the Cobalt. His purchase:
  18. Cobalt and and my grandpa's replacement for it. The bushings that came off the Cobalt. Everyone I've talked to has lambasted GM for these bushings. The guy at Sears said 8/10 Cobalts they work on could use some new ones. Sad. This is what going down a 2 mile descend will do to your average MPG. My average is generally around 29.
  19. Just look at it! It's EXCITEMENT!!!!!
  20. Okay, okay... You could move to Mexico.
  21. Cory Wolfe


    This is why wheel gap is dangerous... You could fit a head in there!
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