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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Here, have a teaser.
  2. I just bought something... no more searching. No more Golf.
  3. Pittsburgh would be doable for me, but you have to remind me.
  4. The 3.5 is a pretty reliable engine, so there's that, too.
  5. I love that color. Congrats.
  6. Croc, I know you love having a good stick up your ass, but perhaps you should try removing it for once. I've heard it helps in reducing your propensity to be Captain Dictator. The other three tires, in all their glory, are below. Look, not really as bald! Sure, they're due for replacement as indicated by the tread wear strips, but I wouldn't say they're dangerous. If you want to rail on me for my negligence in not noticing how worn out the tire this thread is about had become... Sure, I forgot to check to my tires every time I entered and exited the vehicle in true anal fashion. My bad. So please, tell me how much of a fool I am for the dozenth time since you're always right.
  7. Word has it that Wednesday may be a day of change.
  8. Right, I understand the premise behind the commentary. This, however, is being blown out of proportion with a mass of assumptions and insinuations that I do not appreciate. Let me explain the situation to everyone in more clarity. This car, in its entirety, is a temporary means of transportation. The tires on it were also temporary with my good set of tires installed on what was my daily driver. I never switched them around because, honestly, I wasn't expecting to be driving this car for the period of time that I have. Beyond all this is the fact that, regardless of what may be, this car will not see another dime invested into it. I set a spending limit and hit it a while back. I'm to the point where I have nearly twice the car's worth invested and I don't plan on throwing any more money away. There's 2 strikes. For the third, what you see is deceiving. That tire is an anomaly in the set with the other three being not nearly as worn down. It is clear, to me atleast, that this single tire had more going on than what led to this occurrance. The set was equal in tread wear just 5k miles ago and passed inspection a mere 10k miles ago. Still, before I picked up the CRX, I had switched my almost-new set of tires onto the Golf. Which goes back to the first strike of being temporary after the fact. Case closed. Now, unless everyone wants to join in the simple amazement of the tire's failure and refrain from over-analyzing the theoretical causes... Please, take your banter elsewhere. There's far more in life than just being anal and up everyone's ass all the time.
  9. I forgot to mention... a Mercedes SLS drove through Dubois the other day. Talk about out of place. That car costs more than the majority of houses here.
  10. Right. So, unfortunately, I'm forced to remove this tire from the rim and, as such, will ruin any potential pleasure I could get from keeping it as a souvenir. Anybody want it? I'm sure it'll make a fantastic tire swing. You could even mount it, inflate it, and stare in awe of its misshapen structure... It still holds air!
  11. Perhaps you didn't notice... the tread is the least of that tire's problems.
  12. So much hostility over a tire! What you see is a tire that committed suicide over the course of a few hours during work. Don't worry... this occurred just last night and was only driven on for the last few deliveries and the drive back home at 35 mph. You can throw that tire at someone else as far as I'm concerned.
  13. ....Wheel felt like it was going to fall off. That explains everything.
  14. I wouldn't rate it as the best looking, but its definitely still in the top 2. It's only lost the top spot due to the Optima growing on me a bit more.
  15. Are you actually using list price in this instance?? The big dealers have all the polish & poise of the old Crazy Eddie electronics voice-over. You're too young to remember these I'll bet: Dealer in my radio reception area is advertising souls for $39/mnth. Does that sound like a brand selling on features & 'being a good deal'? The incredible/unbelievable Sonata is $89/mnth. Ads don't tell you a single feature of the vehicles- it's all down payment/financing tactics. One of the supposedly top 5 biggest hyundai dealers in right down the road from me- every 2 weeks it's another horrific-'humor' radio spot and another crazy deal. Give hyund-kia another 20 years and maybe their history up until 3 years ago will be forgotten enough that they can compete on an equal pricing footing without IINNSSAANNNEEE prices. Have you ever considered for a moment that it might be specific to certain areas? I have never... NEVER heard or seen a firesale ad from any of our local Hyundai/Kia dealers.
  16. Care to elaborate? Based on what we've seen, it's not to my liking.
  17. I don't really have high hopes for the new Malibu...
  18. I've been taking advantage of job perks. $5 worth of food a day at no cost to me is almost enough to live on.
  19. Happy belated birthday, Sir.
  20. Thought things were A OK with Dallas.... You haven't been facebook stalking me enough. Dallas and I broke up back in October. In the end, things just weren't what they were the first time we were together. I forward you to this note on my facebook.
  21. I hate to say it, but everyone makes a rather good point. You have to master the push-rod before you try to master the rotary. It's like trying to run before you can walk. It's just not going to end well...
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