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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Well, of course, Fly... :lol: I'm done with that anyways. I can't afford it. No senseless rides and no revving it beyond 2500-3000 rpms unless I'm on a hill. It is just a torque-less little thing... It slugs on hills unless you rev the hell out of it.
  2. No, the Grand theme is perfectly fine... It's not Pontiac's fault all these other automakers have used it after them. It's not about the Grand theme, though. It is the racing theme. Grand Am, Grand Prix, Bonneville, LeMans, Trans Am.... All racing inspired. And yes, I know the Pontiac emblem is an arrowhead. But, Pontiac Arrow sounds retarded. As for the other names... They don't belong on this car. It's a Grand Am. It's obvious. That's the only name it should have other than the crappy alphanumeric.
  3. I have no idea how many gallons my tank holds... But I'm using it up in less than a week. But that's with taking alot of rides for the hell of it and driving it hard. Luckily, the A/C doesn't work, or I'd burn even more... No more of all that, though. Not with gas prices being this high. Today, gas was $2.62... If I had money, I'd fill it up now, before it gets any higher.
  4. Mute has a point, BlkHhr104... You need laid. You post entirely too much for what little you have to say. So many un-needed posts for no reason what-so-ever. I need laid too, though. It's been a long, long while. Since before Bekah. But that's not necessary... I just need love, affection, or something like that as I am a lonely bastard. I have spent all summer on the internet, riding my ATV, and doing absolutely nothing. Damn. I miss Bekah. Someone shoot me... :D
  5. Oh, so you don't think my drawings are good? How mean! :( J/K... I know I suck. :D ;)
  6. Oh my... :rolleyes:
  7. How about... Don't worry about something so post whorish? Sound good?
  8. This another no-brainer...
  9. This is a no-brainer...
  10. No, he was just standing by it... Looking at it... :huh:
  11. That is the thinking of a post whore. :D Anyways, the Lounge usually is the busiest part. I, for one, only really come here for that. News being an extra. Mainly since there is never any good news about Pontiac... or atleast nothing I care about. I used to come here for the opposite, but I got sick of the bad news.
  12. I found another one... On the middle of the road. Some idiot had his Corolla parked there when I came around a turn. Scared the shit out of me and I almost hit him. I'm surprised that I didn't since it was raining and I barely have any back brakes. I have no idea why he had it parked there... If he broke down or what-not, he could have atleast pulled off the road. F**king idiot. He got the one-finger salute... It just amazes me how stupid people are. :angry:
  13. Poor G6... If it had to have been a Pontiac, why couldn't it have been a Montana or even an Aztek? Stupid hurricane... hating on Pontiacs. Such BS... I tell you. <_< :P
  14. Decka, I just got it inspected too and it worked. Jeesh.. :rolleyes: Stupid horn!
  15. LA, I care how many GAs I see... So deal with it. :D Speaking of which, I saw a first-gen GA today. It was red and sounded awesome. Too bad it was raining, though. It's still raining. I also saw a black GA like mine. It was bitchen... and had some awesome black/chrome wheels. :wub: :P
  16. El Scorcho, no and no. It's not on Theta, it's on a RWD platform and it doesn't have the Honda engine from the Vue.
  17. Yay... I can't wait. I absolutely love Alfa Romeos. :wub:
  18. Cory Wolfe

    8th gen civic

    October C&D has it as well.
  19. I don't even have a horn anymore... Mine stopped working. Stupid shitty GA. <_< :P
  20. First gens aren't my favorite. The '67s aren't bad, but '69s are. I just don't like them that much. My absolute favorite is the '98-'02 4th gen followed by all 3rd gens and '74-'76 2nd gens.
  21. I see the same as Ven, except the header is much wider than everything else... making me side scroll.
  22. Well, when I used to ride my 300EX, I'd park it under my tree. Well, the birds would always manage to shit on my black seat rather than the red plastic. So, maybe your theory isn't off by much... :P
  23. I put $5 in the GA today to hopefully last a few more days... Damn, this isn't looking good. I'm out of money, so my parents will have to go back to paying for all of my gas unlike the 60/40 deal...
  24. Yeah... C&D is a biased fire-starter magazine.
  25. You deleted your post... :rolleyes: :D
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