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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Oh... my... god... :blink: :rolleyes:
  2. Sounds like my entire family... Yay. :P
  3. Yes, but what do you think the consumers look at? How do they know it will have higher fuel mileage than what's posted on the window sticker? Same goes for Priuses... How do they know it will have lower fuel mileage? The thing is... most people won't. Its the sad truth.
  4. Well, just FYI, I wasn't agreeing nor disagreeing with you. I was just saying that it's obviously your opinion as others had differing comments. And that's their opinion. That's all. :) As for Empowah, I don't understand what you see in the old Civic's interior. The shapes of the dash and seats make it seem more substantial? What? "I'm certain there's a scientific aspect to interior design, what makes shapes pleasing or distracting, what evokes the unity and order of nature... kinda like Piet Mondrian's compositions. The new Civic ventures into new, daring forms, but it doesn't go outside the boundries of what's acceptable. The same can't be said for the Cobalt, which leaves me feeling... well, distressed." And this... confuses me. What are the boundaries of what's acceptable?
  5. I can't believe you still use Pearl Harbor as an excuse to not liking the Japanese... I do too, actually... but it's more or less because my birth is on December 7th. How nice, huh? :P
  6. Maybe you guys should pay less attention to shape... And more attention to the headlight elements; the inards. Just compare the two. Which looks more expensive and more up to date? The Miata's. What you find on the Solstice can be found on entry-level vehicles.. Like a Cobalt . What you find on the Miata can be found on more expensive vehicles... Like a CTS. See what I'm seeing?
  7. That's good... Still need more, though.
  8. That wasn't my point... I know I can, but the majority of my posts are in the Lounge; therefore tainting it. Once again, you have missed my point. My point was what you said below... I meant that I'm probably the only the cared about this. Yep, that was my point. And as I said... I'm probably the only one with enough balls to come out and bitch about it. If anything, you should have expected this from me... Well, I would but I think I like bitching. It feels nice. Sorry.... Wait, I kind of do have my own forum. Not exactly mine, but Bimmer's. Modern Driver. Yes, the one that you asked me to remove from my sig. The only problem with it is that once C&G went back up... it basically died. So sad too... Bimmer put alot of work into it.
  9. That is true... Well, maybe not. I've seen some pics that make the front look pretty bad. I do think the front needs refined a bit. Especially the headlights. They look outdated compared to the Miata's. Why do they have to look so cheap? Same with the DRLs/fogs... Why? These are instances where the General lacks attention to detail. I realize that it was developed rather quickly; therefore causing this, but I would like to atleast see an update.. maybe for 07.
  10. My dream is a bit different than that... It includes an 88 Fiero GT, though... That's for sure. :P
  11. Will it work if I say mean things about your Colorado? :P Now get to it, people... I only see 3 eligible entries. I need 7 more... Atleast...
  12. "Everyone needs to pull the cork out of their ass and acknowledge reality in daily rhetoric." And deal with it. Oversensitive wussies.
  13. You didn't... Did you? Get the basis for that from Eminem, that is? Oh my... You did! :D Oooh, I love this one too... B) More, I say! More!
  14. Oooh... Looks great, Plum. Can't wait to see the rest. In BV's news... My entry is about to be posted. My front and rear are finished. I'm redoing my interior. I didn't like what I had; so I spilled some Pepsi on it, crinkled it up, sucked it up with the sweeper, gave it to my dog, and ran it over with the lawn mower. Also, no shading. Once again, people should vote on the design, not whether it has shading or such. I'll probably lose votes for it... but those people would just be pricks to me. As I said, I'm going original. Trying to make what people would like has resulted in poor finishes for me in previous contests. The closest I've gotten was third in the Camaro contest. So... hopefully original will work. If not... I'll just focus on other things...
  15. I figured you wouldn't like that... I meant it in jest anyways. Rest assured, I wouldn't do that. Blatantly post whoring is overrated. Haven't done it since... well, I'm not sure. A while if I didn't do it when I was drunk some night that I don't remember.... :P Meaningful post whoring is a different story, though. Sixty8 and maybe even HE know a thing or two about that too... But we all have urges to have some fun every now and then. That's why we desperately need a chat room or another shoutbox.
  16. Oh yes... I'm sorry. I forgot that other than the LS Series V8s, GM can't make a fuel efficient engine. Especially when it comes V6s... GM sucks at it. That's why the ~240hp 3.9L gets worse fuel mileage than the 400hp LS2. Yeah... what a shame. I just wish GM could invest some money on the smaller engines. Refine them. If they did that... maybe V6 push-rods would be better than the V8s. Hell, maybe they could eliminate V6 push-rods all together since they are total disgraces. GM's I4s need some work too... The new 140hp Civic engine gets pretty damn good gas mileage. In comparison, The 140hp Ecotec engine looks like a V6 with its gas mileage. Needs some refinement... Another thing... if you look at the V6 in the Ridgline, what makes you think Honda would make a fuel efficient V8? Not saying they wouldn't because they have the technologies and such...
  17. Oooooh, I like that one.... :lol: :D Keep them coming, guys. I'm looking for atleast ten before I decide.
  18. Or in other words: "Whatever... shut the hell up". Alrighty then... Offense? Why would I take offense to that? I'll openly admit that... You have a point... but then again, there's more members than the 8 or so staff members. I wonder if majority rules? Although, since I'm the only one that cares, it probably wouldn't be majority. Egh... Whatever. Well... I was refering to all of you guys... So... Nah... It's obvious that you guys don't like my bitching. As for the stupid comment... Well, that's a classic case of sarcasm. Not the usual sarcasm, but sarcasm none-the-less. I mean... just read that post. It's stupid. :P I do have one last thing to say... Would you guys like it if I started post whoring in the forums not known as the Lounge? Ya know... to accomodate what I lose in the Lounge. That should be fair... I mean, it's not like I'm post whoring in the Lounge where you guys clearly don't want it. If I were to do it in there, I'd probably get banned...
  19. Who says I compare ranks? I don't. I complain about them being tampered with, though... But, alas, that is what I said. For the time being, I feel like it because it irritates me. If you anything about me... I won't just keep quiet and be fine with it. I'm going to let you know... AKA what I'm doing right now. Mmmkay? As for me being the only one... Well, I'm probably the only one that's not afraid to criticize the staff members and their actions. Yeah, I'm probably the only one that cares as well, but that's just too bad. If you really don't want me to complain so much... don't give me things to complain about. That shouldn't be too hard, should it? And if you guys really wanted to stop post whoring, why don't you just eliminate the counts from all forums. While your at remove the counts from our avatars and those two links that showcase none-other than who posts the most. Or would you all rather have me complain? Is that it? I can continue on if that's the case....
  20. This is good... I like the SportCombi too. Something I can't say about most other Saabs.
  21. Well... I find it hard to believe that it went down because of that... I mean, hell, I never noticed until I saw this thread. Ever think that maybe it was just a coincidence. There are probably too much against that, though... I still disagree with post counts being turned off. It's just senseless and prevents natural occurance of one's ranking... As I see, you guys expected me to complain of this before-hand. Still, this pic makes me angry: There goes my rank. I might as well just stop posting all together. <_< BTW, don't you just love me?
  22. Come on people... Do it, do it good, and do it now, damnit!
  23. Av: All new. Sig: Subtle, but different.
  24. C&G Staff Forum: "We want to to take member's mind off post counts. Ya know... since this is a car forum first and foremost. So how are we going to do this? Well... I know... we could eliminate the post counts from the avatar and delete the "Today's top ten posters" and "Overall top ten posters" links. Nah... we're too stupid. How about we just disable the post count in the Lounge? Wow... what a great idea! That will stop all post whoring!" The sad thing is... That's probably how it actually went. :rolleyes:
  25. Oh, btw, I don't come here for the the other forums... I come here for the Lounge and the community that post in it.
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