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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. An ATV.. :D
  2. ...As it is starting to want to sell the Grand Am! :o I don't know why, either. Tonight, all I have thought about is how to get rid of it. It's strange because I love it. I even went dealer hopping looking at used cars... And I got a strange urge towards some cars I never thought I'd consider. I've also been thinking about selling my beloved 300EX. Probably to help pay for a newer car since the GA isn't worth much. It is just really weird. I've been having alot of bad luck with my GA, too. It's as if something or someone wants me to get rid of it. Either that, or my brain is on the fritz... Anyways, the first car I thought about is a sensible one. Something that I would consider even if my brain wasn't acting funny like it is. The previous body style Grand Prix. I looked at a few... none of which I could ever afford, even with selling both my vehicles. They were all 02s or 03s. I would love to have one. I think seeing them do burnouts has helped that. The problem with it, though, is that its not very ideal. I mean, it is bigger, gets worse gas mileage and doesn't look good with the stock wheels (too small). So... The second is one I really can't explain. Its a 1999 Honda Civic. The dealership it was at, didn't have prices on any of their cars, so I don't know its price. It is basically the same color as mine (dark green), has the same transmission as mine (5 speed), and is the same body style as mine (coupe). It did have some modifications, though... aftermarket wheels, lowered suspension, altezzas, and a fart can exhaust. Yeah, yeah... rice. The only thing that I can truly say bothers me is the exhaust. The rest I'm quite all right with. Don't know of any engine modifications. The sad is that I'm really considering this car.... The third and final is another one that stumps me. A Saturn SC2. A second gen, basically. Not sure of the exact year. What is strange is that I... dislike Saturn. I really do. Anywho... it was black and had that third door. It also had aftermarket wheels. No other noticeable mods. Don't know the price of it, either. It has a 5spd.. almost forgot to say that. Really, I'm not feeling it, but I thought about it... So, what should I do, guys? Take a gun to my head? Bash it with a hammer? Or break some bottles over it?
  3. Went dealer hopping again... I saw that DTS again, too. The more I see it, the more I like it. I don't what it is about it that makes me like it so much. The only thing I necessarily hate about it is the soft suspension and that fact that I will never be able to afford one. I mean, give a sporting suspension setup, Z-rated tires, etc... and it'd be perfect. Woah... I need help. :unsure: :P
  4. Cory Wolfe


    Of those three... Best exterior: Ford 49 Best interior: Chevy Bel Air The Dodge is just disgusting... Ugh.
  5. TRC, you don't like my dream? You're going to make me cry, now... :lol: :D
  6. Heh... You're funny. :lol: [quote]It's not about being close minded there BV, I DO NOT LIKE 95% of FWD cars. And I sure as $hit will never make PAYEMNTS on one.[/quote] Exactly what I said; close-minded. [quote]Why TF should I compromise my standards? To make you and other Grand Am/Malibu/Civic/Altima driving semi-enhusiasts happy?[/quote] Lower your standards? ...If anything, it would raise them. And make you less close-minded. Oh, so I'm a semi enthusiast now because I wasn't able to buy a Fiero so I settled with a Grand Am? Hey, it just wasn't the end of the world for me since I'm not close-minded like you. Okay? [quote]I never said ALL three cars (M/C Chevelle & Camaro) should be sold simultaneously but the lask of the later tow and the lackl of the first wiht RWD/manual trans. pisses me off.[/quote] I didn't say you did, now did I? I know exactly what you meant. Still, you rubbed the fact that a Fiero is never going to made again. Did you think I would like that? [quote]What the hell woulf the Ford lineup look like without the Crown Vis and Mustang? If they made two otehr bland looking FWD cars to replace those two do you think that Ford enthusiasts would be happy?[/quote] Crown Vic? You're kidding, right? It would look so much better without it. It's a disgrace to the Ford lineup. The Mustang, though, would make it worse. No one is arguing about that. [quote]I've said multiple times how I'd love to see a new ME Fiero but I'm just comparing apples to apples in terms of your making fun of my analogy.[/quote] Making fun of it? I can't help the chance of Chevy getting any of those is higher than the chance of Pontiac getting a Fiero. Making fun of it? Whatever... You threw it in my face, so I brought you into the real world. Deal with it. [quote]I like how you set up a whole website about how people should BUY you a Fiero, or donate money soo you can buy one etc... you're calling me a "whining fucking baby"?[/quote] How funny... Anyone who took that site seriously is complete and total retard. It was done as a joke. I wasn't expecting anyone to donate. I just hope you didn't take it seriously... [quote]That's pretty amusing. As far as Croc, well there's a reason why you're not a moderator anymore.[/quote] And there is a reason that you're not a moderator. There is also I reason that you've been suspended from here before. Also, Croc resigned as moderator. So... what exactly is your point?
  7. No shit, Sherlock... You just figure this out? You should just be thankful that there is a chance any of those may return. There is no chance of seeing another Fiero. I know that. However, I don't go around whining like a fucking baby about it, like you. I also don't diss something because of it, like you. That's BS. Also, if you weren't so close-minded, there would be something from Chevy you could want and afford. I love mid-engined cars... Pontiac doesn't offer one; let alone one I can afford. Yet, it won't be the end of the world to get a different Pontiac.
  8. Well, just keep in mind that some people who visist this site is on a crappy 56k modem with dial-up... and some even have shitty computers. I like to view sigs, but sigs of that size is just riliculous.
  9. Who are these so-called 'hard-core enthusiasts'? Obviously, they aren't...
  10. Cory Wolfe


    Tail fins are overrated. :D
  11. My dream... :D
  12. Well... My dealer puts new cars out back and used ones out front. They are starting to rearrange, though. The used cars now sit off to the side in the back while 05s are out front and 06s are out back on the left. That makes sense for the 05s, but I never understood why used were out front in the first place...
  13. Cory Wolfe


    ...I'm home alone and board. So here's some pics of some random car search I did...
  14. Cory Wolfe


    The current Accord of the time was still better than it... That and when the new Malibu came out, I remember some magazine placing it higher than the Camry in a comparison... And its biased. That has to say something about the Camry...
  15. Its not getting canned in 2011... 2016 for its 90th birthday, stupid. :rolleyes: :D
  16. Cory Wolfe


    If you can honestly say the Corolla and Camry are class leading... you need help. :blink:
  17. Please tell me you are joking... :blink: -Camaro, I will agree with you here. Chevy needs this just as badly as Pontiac needs a Fiero. Only one is possibly coming... -Chevelle, Come on... Chevy has a full lineup as it is. Like Fly said, pick two and that's it. -Caprice, I will also agree with you here. Chevy does need this pretty badly. May be coming, too... -RWD cars, well, for the majority of people FWD is absolutely fine. It's better in the snow. It's more practical. That's what most people want. That's what will sell. Having a few for enthusiasts is fine... aka, the supposed Camaro joining the Vette and SSR. -Hardtops, Considering that it's expensive to make one as safe as a regular hardtop with pillars... Don't think that will ever happen. -BOF, Come on... stop living in the past. Unibody is better in every aspect unless you're building trucks. Get over it and move on. -Manual trannies, Let's see... Aveo, Cobalt, HHR, Corvette, and the odditty SSR compared to the Impala, Monte Carlo, Uplander, and Malibu. Uh... most, you say? If you're counting trucks... Silverdo, Colorado, Express, and the oddity SSR compared to the Suburban, Tahoe, Avalanche, and the Equinox. (not sure on a few, but...) Uh... most, you say? I would like to see more offered, but you can't go around saying 'most' don't have them. -No I6s, well, considering that the only one they have is the Atlas in the TB and that it is huge and can only be put in large vehicles... I don't think there is much of a chance of it being put in anything anytime soon (and it probably won't fit in the supposed Camaro; hell, it couldn't even fit in the Colorado). -Styling, I definitely agree with you here. Chevy styling sucks, to say the least. If it isn't boring, it isn't beautiful (there are exceptions, though). --------------------- So, Sixty8... Ever hear of grading Chevy based on what it is, not what it lacks? :rolleyes:
  18. Well, I gotta agree with the placement of them. I don't think the STS is worthy of first in any comparison (unless against a Jaguar or something... :P ). It's just not the stand-out product that it should be, imo.
  19. Um... I think the 4th-gen Fody could go faster than 150. Probably the same with the GTO. I also know that 5th-gen Grand Am GTs with Ram Air could go about 130, maybe faster. Judging by the RPMs, my Quad4 powered GAGT ought to be able to do 120. All of this is without governers, though. I think the 3400 RA GA are governed at.. 115? IDK... its been a while since I've talked about this. I'll have to check with the GAGT gurus...
  20. I've been raised Pontiacs... :unsure: :P 4cyl ones, at that. :D Hey Sixty8, think your sig is big enough?!?!? Holy hell... :blink:
  21. I saw... an accident. A Chevy C/K Silverado rammed into a Focus wagon. Needless to say, the Focus was destroyed while the Chevy had frontal damage. I also saw a Sunfire GT do a burnout. :D
  22. Well, I got another set made. These ones have the plastic on top like the originals (mine aren't the originals). I'm going to use them as my main keys now. However, I can't get the starter key to work. It must need filed down or something... Also, I forgot to mention that I also broke my driver side vent visor. Boy, I'm lucky.
  23. You mean... you don't want to see nude pics of that one girl you used to date, NOS? :o :lol: Or a FWD burnout?
  24. Oh yeah... forgot about you. So.. when will Brookville see it's second C&G tourist? :D BTW, I've been meaning to tell you that I now have Yahoo instant messenger. So, if you ever wanted to talk.. PM me to get on or something.
  25. Um... FWD Grand Prix burnout? :P
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