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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Yes, I do... Except I don't bash it for the hell of it. You guys are my heroes! :P I resent that... <_<
  2. Or Blazer! Oh... wait, it isn't unibody. Nevermind. Let's see... get my head torn off and die -or- get crushed and die. Hmm... I can't live no matter what. So, why should I care? Great analogy, dumbass. :rolleyes: :P :D :lol: Great point about mass, though. It's completely right... but design matters, too.
  3. Or... I could stay in Brookville and just travel alot. :D Although... I kind of already do that. I'm not into sports that much, but I am a Pittsburgh supporter.
  4. Montana SV6... A definite improvement over the one posted above... And the 04 GP...
  5. Astro: Um... these next are funny. :lol: :D
  6. Haha... Not yet. Never thought about it, actually. It would be easier to document this way... :D
  7. Pontiac, of course... You didn't vote for it, though. :P
  8. My tribute to the 97-03 Grand Prix... Arguably one of Pontiac's best looking, ever. First, the concept that started it all... The GPX 300. The GPX pace car. Now... Regular GPs. Oh... Burnout! :D
  9. Compared to the people in my family who own Blazers or Ventures... Pretty much. :P
  10. Grand Prix: Aztek: Silverado: And just for the hell of it.. Honda Civic: Hmm... it's rated at 4 stars for driver-side frontal while my GA is rated at 5.
  11. And you bash FWD more often than both of those combined! :D
  12. Um... Don't really know. I guess I'll live where ever my intended career takes me. Which is Automotive Design. There are no good colleges for that in PA... So, mostly like the Academy of Art college in San Fran. Or a different, better one. It all depends on if I get any Scholarships or grants or such. Loans too... as I really can't afford to go to even the crappiest of colleges. After college it depends on which, if any, Manufacturer I get a job with. So... I just really don't know. I like it here in Brookville, though.
  13. Jeez... I can see this turning into a Pontiac or Buick bashing thread... <_< Saturn gets my vote, but that's only because of what's 'supposed' to be coming as I love Opel. Otherwise, Saturn is currently the weakest along with Saab. It's hard to decide which is stronger between Buick and Pontiac. They both seem to have sketchy futures. I'd have to say Pontiac is only because of Buick's average buyer. No offense, but after most of them pass away, who is really going to buy them? The next generation of older citizens are already hooked on Imports, for the most part.
  14. Show Your House! :D I figured since we've shown our faces, our cars, and are close enough to be open with each other... There isn't any reason why we can't show the place that we eat and sleep in. Right? Here's my pathetic house:
  15. Ooh... A Pittsburgh article. Cool.
  16. This thread is dedicated to Brookville. It'll tell you just about everything you need to know... Anyways, No... I rarely see any 50s, 60s, or 70s vehicles. There is one, a Nova SS, that some kid drives to school, but other than that... Basically nothing but old beat-up pickup trucks. Also, no sports cars. A Mustang is a sight here.. as is a Camaro or Firebird. Vettes are extremely rare. I rarely see any sports cars other than those when I do see one. Also, no top line pieces... Ever. I think the most expensive car I've ever seen here was a BMW 7er... the last generation at that. Very, very few Euro vehicles. Very few Asian vehicles, too. Basically, most people around here drive Grand Ams, Grand Prixs, Sunfires, Cavaliers, Impalas, Blazers, Silverados, Tahoes, LeSabres, Caravans, or F-150s. That's it, for the most part. As I've said in the past, the only new car dealers here are GM and Chrysler... Meaning Chevrolet, Pontiac, Buick, Cadillac, Dodge, Jeep, and Chrsyler. You have to travel roughly 20-40 miles for anything else.
  17. Damn... and I thought the Blazer was bad... :o
  18. I'm with NOS and Nick. :D
  19. For comparison... :P Okay... I just found that pic. I never posted it for some reason.
  20. I'll never forget the reaction my mom had when I showed her all of these... What's interesting is that my Grand Am got a 5 star rating for driver frontal. Never knew that. The newer GA only got 4. Ironic. I don't know what the Blazer got... but from the looks of it... I'd guess 2 stars. Jeeesh... I can't believe they even let Chevy sell those death traps. :blink: :D
  21. Mine says: "Do not be alarmed if you have trouble with the fuel filler door, it is only natural."
  22. Finally... I some some things that were interesting. A G6 Coupe. Second ever. It was red and parked in a lot. Didn't really get much of a look at it. I could have turned around to look more closely, but I didn't. I also saw a Fiero. Yay... it's been a while.
  23. This isn't that bad of a Sunfire... Also, this isn't that bad of a Cavalier... Another Sunfire...
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