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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Oh... a model. Jeez... got me all excited for a second. :P
  2. Hmm... :D I can't view it though... My PC hates Ebay... especially links to ebay. So... wanna post the pics and the price? Even though my parents are still being Nazis about me getting one... :P
  3. Okay... this isn't about classic GPs... only 97-03s. :P
  4. What the hell is your problem? In Brookville, Civics are rarity. I hardly ever see one. They are the equivelant of a limited edition Camara; 1 of 500 made. That's here. So I couldn't give a shit how many you see. So that means shut up about it. I like it. That is all that matters. If you don't like it, too bad. Go whine and put another decal on your Camaro. Which, btw (using your retarded logic), There's about three more million of... as well as Grand Ams. In fact, there actually is one for sale in Brookville. Exactly like mine. Green 95 GAGT coupe with a 5spd. It even has that stupid windshield sticker... I'll try to get pics of it, if you try to get pics of that Civic. :rolleyes: So shut up... Please...
  5. Washed and waxed the GA yesterday... took some 'scenicery' pics. :D And these are only the better ones... Yeah, I went crazy. :P
  6. :withstupid: Now that sounds like a Buick that I'd actually *want* to own, unlike any current one.
  7. I'm not going to let this thread die!
  8. That's exactly what I thought when I first looked at it... Yeah... it looks exactly like the one in my dad's previous work F-150... a 93. Damn... They didn't even try... :blink:
  9. What the fuck? Did someone fucking say something. This is fucking bullshit. I can't fucking beleive that you guys fucking said that. How fucking dare you, you fucking fuckers. Go fuck your fucking selves. :lol: :D Sorry... I got caught in the moment.
  10. Yeah... well Penn State lost to Mighican in the very last second. Damn them... :P
  11. Okay... keep politics out of it. "No political talk. There are plenty of forums on the 'net for that. Lets keep C&G free of political talk." Did you miss that at the top? Please do so... before I have to get into another of my "defensive" modes. :D Anyways... interesting. Really interesting. I just don't quite get why a building that tall is necessary, but whatever. Make sure it's airplane proof.
  12. Damn.... I need to move the hell out of Pa. Minimum wage is somewhere around $5. Probably the national level of $5.15. But, damn. My parents each make about $8 or $9 and hour... Damn... Damn... huh. :huh:
  13. :blink:
  14. Cory Wolfe

    Miller & Me

    That's if I want to. I'm not really religious... and I like doing what I do. That and how else could I be Hell's Pontiac fanatic? I have to go to hell... :D
  15. Well... I think that is the problem. I am a 2-door GA fan. The G6 coupe looks way too foreign for my tastes. It looks about as Pontiac as a Nissan. Nothing about it looks Pontiac to me. Forget shape. Going by shape, the G6 sedan is a Camry with a different grill. Shape means nothing... obviously. The G6 sedan doesn't look like a Camry and the G6 coupe doesn't look like a Pontiac.
  16. Aww... How cute. Sixty8 is finally starting to turn the corner and realizing that Hondas aren't shit, unlike Toyotas. :D
  17. Well... $15 an hour around here will put you into Brookville's wealthy club... :blink:
  18. I still don't understand why everything is getting so big. It's ridiculous. The Cobalt already dwarfs my Grand Am, which is so wrong, IMO. Not only that, they are getting heavier and heavier. It's really fucked up...
  19. Cory Wolfe

    Miller & Me

    Oh... with the things I do, it's garanteed.
  20. Damn... my shocks look worse than that. I think they're rusted through... But they are not air shocks, of course. :P
  21. Well, I wish I had the money for that damn Civic...
  22. Cory Wolfe

    Miller & Me

    True American moron is more like it. I hope he visits me in hell...
  23. Oh... I forgot AAA and Safe Auto. The others mentioned, I haven't heard of.
  24. Completely agree. The same can be said about Pontiac and BMW...<_<
  25. Just curious as to what is the popular auto insurance among C&Gers. Those are all that I know of... or can think of at the moment. I have State Farm insurance.
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