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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Wow... now if only you and Nick could post back to back... to back to back to back to back.......
  2. Wow... that's the first time I've seen those wheels on a G6. Looks good after finally seeing them... :P
  3. Well... sNOSage... You have to drug up your parents so I have a place to stay for the weekend. :D Remember? Anyways... if I find a place to stay, my parent's allow me, my schedule permits it, and if I have a car by then... I'll definitely try to get my ass up there to help get a big group buy.
  4. Wait... which one is the front? Okay, I can tell but that almost entirely looks like a front.
  5. I still don't like it... :P I think either GTP or GXP has to go. Keep SE and GT as they have always been (no... not in that way) with one of those as the high performance trim. Preferably, GXP. Although... GT, GTP, GXP has better flow to it... Oh f**k it. Whatever....
  6. No NOS... Emerald green is the dark green like the color of my GA...
  7. Hmm... I'm sad to report that the men in my family have worse records than the women. Especially 16 y/o's... But the men are generally the better drivers. Wierd...
  8. Technically it's only 1 year and about 25 days. :D
  9. I don't like the idea of GT being a base model... :blink:
  10. Wait... are you saying you want pics of me doing.... that? :D I wouldn't do that to you guys. Sorry.... PM only. :lol: :P
  11. Hmm.. never saw those. I can't remember what the one I watched was called but it came out on video/dvd around spring/summer this year, I think. It was about how he slept around with a bunch of women and it ended up biting him in the ass when he fell in love with one... or was it impregnated one? IDK... I'm embarrassed. :blush: :P
  12. Well... my dog can. :lol:
  13. Wait... so there is a gay sex scene that shows nothing and some nude scenes... Interesting. It's very emotional too, you say? Wow... if it wasn't for the emotional part ...and that nothing is shown in that scene, I'd love to see this movie. As with Ocnblu, I doub't it'd be shown anywhere near me since Brookville is full of a bunch of homophobs... Still, though, some movies will just hit me a certain way emotionally, so I don't know about it. I mean... that "comedy" with Jude Law made me cry myself to sleep since it reminded me of breaking up with Bekah. Yeah... so... I can't imagine what a non-comedy movie would do. :lol:
  14. I figured so, but what else would I post about? Want me to start talking about what I can do, again? :D
  15. Well.. I'll answer what you meant, not what you typed unlike them... :P NOS = straight & BV = bi. We're not dating unless NOS says we are... :rotflmao: :AH-HA_wink:
  16. See...? What'd I tell ya? :rotflmao:
  17. I'm sure NOS would love to... :lol: :D
  18. ...Or lack of a Fiero. :P
  19. :wub:
  20. Chris... I couldn't tell you. It's just those ones that supposedly put you to sleep. Whatever they're called (don't have them with me at the moment). They don't really do what they're supposed to just as caffeine doesn't keep me awake. But yeah... I found out that it does wonders for other things... :P
  21. Well... it's size is a huge giveaway. Compare them in person. That's why the new XL7 is on Theta, but this isn't. Especially since it has a two door version. That and look at that front overhang; it barely has any while the Theta's has quite a bit (but very reasonable).
  22. :blink: :huh: Avalon meets IS meets Mazda meets Camry?
  23. You bet it should... I've been saying this ever since they did away with it. You can't have a GT without having an SE. It's Pontiac tradition. :D
  24. Toni... that's not a Mazda Mazda6 MazdaSpeed6. ( :lol: ) That's just it's refresh it received for this year (I think). The 'Speed6 is alot beefier looking... See:
  25. Total Posts: 29 ( 0.3 posts per day / 0.07% of total forum posts ) Most active in: The Lounge ( 186 posts / 98%) We have a winner! :lol: :D
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