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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. I voted for a modern coupe. Is there a such thing as too-retro? You betcha... especially when it looks like a carbon copy of the original. Does it look good? Other than the front, yes, it does. It's not bad but I just wish this retro craze would stop already... It's so expected these days. It's like everyone has forgotten how to style unique vehicles.
  2. Even though I hate Tony... he deserved it and earned it. Ofcourse... I'm a Jeff Gordon fan, so this season hasn't given me much to be happy about. Atleast he won 4 races and finished the highest he could in points. If it wasn't for the stupid Chase... I'm sure he could have easily gotten 7th or 8th. Anyways, NASCAR is retarded. I like to watch it and have driver I root for (and well... put in the same vein as Pontiac... so... ). But between the Chase, the contast rule changes and retarded limitations, it being nothing near stock, the ridiculous advertising and sponsers, and just how it is so... stupid. I hate it and it gets worse and worse each year. Ever since the manufacturers changed to FWD. Yes, I'm actually complaining about that for once...
  3. Styling isn't, though.
  4. Cory Wolfe

    XLR redesign

    Oh.. you know I prefer the angular A&S styling over anything. Watered-down and rounded Cadillacs are bad for you... Really bad... just like rice.
  5. Damn you, Nick... Why do you have to have a Bimmer?? :P I've only gone 100 before... How sad is that???
  6. The bus I have to ride now had a special exotic (for brookville) car attracting device. I was like... Wow! Then this other dude was like... Awesome! But this one dude... he was all like Eww, my tuned Civic is so much better! So I was like... F**k you and Rice sucks so why don't you suck my ****. So he was like... Okay, I'd love too. :lol: :D I saw an absolutley gorgeous CTS-V. Drool was running out of my mouth as we passed it. I want one so bad. Next to it was that black M3 sedan I saw a while back. Next to those was this badass black 5th gen GAGT. Needless to say.. it was totally evil looking. I want it too. Hell, I want all three!
  7. :rotflmao: No one focused on my "mentally ill" sig!
  8. Well... do I realy have to answer that honestly? :D Nothing serious. :P As for the blue Fiero sig... Awesome except that front fascia is in terrible shape. That and its huge... height-wise. Takes up a little more than 1/4 of my screen. Anyways, I'm for my GA replacement for a new sig pic... If I get what I want, that is.
  9. Oh... I always feel like this. Always. I dream of punching it. Over and over and over and over again. I just kick it and stomp on it. Throw it out my window. Take it upstairs and let it drop the 20ft fall. Then beat it with a sledge hammer. Drop huge stones on it. Have my dogs crap on it. Piss on it. Hell, I'll piss on it too. Oooh... whack it with a shovel. Burn the f**ker! Let it go to computer Hell!!!! Yes, I'm irate. :blink: *BV is promoting his sig* *BV says "look at it, bitches"*
  10. You so crazy, Sixty8! :lol: :P *looks at sig* Isn't boredom great? *BV likes to promote new sigs for some odd reason*
  11. Boredom is awesome. B)
  12. Come to Brookville and never have anything like that happen again... :D
  13. Other than the front... It looks good, but yes, its about as unoriginal as retro can get...
  14. Pfft... I think I've seen better.... :rolleyes: :P
  15. I've never experienced this... so I can't sign quite yet... :unsure: (damn GA fiddling with my plans)
  16. Just like Chevy and the Fiero.... <_< Still trying to figure why an Alero is all that different from a Grand Am - other then the Grand Am sold more , that is the only difference Sleeker styling, better-looking interior. Nice colors. That's about it, but it does make a difference. An Alero is more a car you can take to a night out or to work and not have people laugh at you. Still, they're so similar so most of the comments made about it are BS. Same engines, same transmissions, same suspension, same platform, same features, same greenhouse (sedan only), same doors... the only real unique thing about it was front and rear styling (and greenhouse on coupe), interior styling, wheel styling, and not much else. That and styling is only subjective. A matter of opinion. It can never be fact and some use this against the Grand Am. Personally, the Alero is more of a pure design, but it has on one of the ugliest rear-ends I've seen. The interior is just bland in my eyes. Better, yes... but so unoriginal. As for getting laughed at in a Grand Am... well not where I live and if people did... I'd do something about it. ---------- Anyways, Olds used to be the only other GM brand that I liked. The rest had no special connection with me.
  17. Okay... that's f**ked up. :blink:
  18. Well... Friday I went to theatre and watched the new Harry Pothead movie. It wasn't bad actually. Much better than the others. Must be because of the PG13 rating! So controversial! :lol: Later that night I watched Saw 2 on DVD. Yeah...
  19. Jeesh... all this talk of past vehicles... :P Well, I guess I can talk for current and past vehicles too then. So I do still have the Grand Am obviously. As for my parents... Current: 00 Blazer - Mom's ?? F150 - Dad's (supplied by work) Past: 00 Grand Am - Mom's 96 Grand Am - Mom's 89 Regal - Both's 89 Cavalier - Dad's 88 C/K Cheyenne - Dad's 83 Turismo - Mom's 8? Cutlass - Dad's 8? Silverado p/u- Dad's 77 Scottsdale p/u - Dad's 6? Mustang 6? Skylark Those are just the ones that I remember seeing or hearing about.
  20. Coming to soon to a thread near you... The Buick to Attract More Youthful People. :AH-HA_wink: Anyways, I've always felt this was Buicks biggest problem that it has to do something about.
  21. Not to mention digital guage clusters! :P Anyways, this is interesting. Not sure if I like the idea or not. Something makes me think these will fade faster. None-the-less I hate how my rocker panels are chipped all to hell....
  22. If you can figure out my sig... I'll give you a...
  23. Well... bought two CDs today. Wasn't planning on it, but I had money that didn't need to go towards gas anymore and said the hell with it. Guns N Roses: Greatest Hits and Linkin Park: Meteora. Two great CDs. Love them both. I wanted Metallica's Black album, but Wal*Mart sucks and didn't have it along with a few others.
  24. Sixty8... If I buy a FWD Honda... are you going to tell it sucks? Even if its a Prelude with a V8 stuffed in it? GM V8...? Opposed to a FWD Pontiac with a 150hp Quad4? :P Anyways, I've had it all already. Snow, frost, ice... And it sucks. I hate winter.
  25. I remember those... My neighbors used to have a red one.
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