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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. When I first swim in the ocean... I'll tell you. For now... indifferent.
  2. You... wnat a new pic, eh? Hmm... *thinking devilishly with hint of insanity* If you proveide me with a pic... hehe... I'll do the same. Sound good?
  3. As for putting them in other places... I don't feel like paying to sell them and I don't like Ebay. I mean, I've put them in the local trade book, put them (well my car) in my yard with signs, put them on the Craigslist, advertised them here and at many other forums. No one wants them. I can understand my GA... it's a POS, but my ATV... WTF? And as for my parents, yes it's nature but for whatever reason it freaks me the f@#k out. I'd love to do something to freak them the f@#k out, but I'm afraid I'd have to find another place to live. I know how I'd do it, too... and am gonna... sometime, if you get the drift. Hold the f@#k on... tonight?!?!?!? Goddammnit!!! They're... well... doing it again. Please kill me... god!! OMG... well... Yes, I'm glad I have intenet but it's quite annoyingg with this $h!yt computer I hace. Goddamnl...
  4. What? Isn't anybody gonna comment? :D
  5. Damn... beat me to it. w00t!
  6. I could figure your name out... all you have to do is tell me. Anyways, my last name is on all of my sketchs: Wolfe. Wolfe, Wolfe, Wolfe.... Wolfe. No big deal. I've even told you where my house is... shown you on the Frappr. I've even given out my phone number... I have a sense of humor, I laugh when people make fun of me or do stuff like that. Take notice, NOS. 'Nother PM sent. B)
  7. Okay NOS... you've got a PM. Anyways, Zoom, I thought it was funny as hell. In this case, there is no problem.
  8. *whispers* psst... hey NOS, calm down. If I'm fine with it... there's no problem *whispers*
  9. Um.... uh... wow... okay... well... that's.... uh.... I'm flattered...? I guess. As for WMJ, figures. Seems exactly like him to me. Must not get laid very often... Atleast I know someone is hornier than me. Hairy palms?
  10. Eat your heart out. V8 240SX :D
  11. So... what's on BV's mind this time, you ask? Well... I found out a new view in which I love about my Grand Am. I just love how it looks when you're looking at the front, not straight on, but slightly 3/4 where the mirror seems equal to end of the rear passenger window. Especially at night where the the body blacks out and the small amount of light hits the shiny innards of the lights. And with the hood up... sitting along side some road... in the cold... trying to get back home... while suffering from overheating... because I wanted to try my luck once again... since I was sick of staying home, not having a car, and to have my parent's continuously go out and leave me home even knowing how much I hate that to death............. God, what a beautiful view. Just... peachy, you know? It has now been almost 2 months that I've gone without a car. I've been trying to sell it and my ATV almost as long. One guy was interested in my car, but he was in Florida. He was so enthusiastic about it and wanted to have it shipped there, almost like he completely misread the problems it had and was some sort of deal. Shipping it would have cost $900, I got a quote. To save him from facing the reality of the POS that it is, like I had to when I bought, I moved on from him. But my ATV is what I don't understand. It is nearly perfect, except for the worn tires. Why doesn't anybody want it? I priced it exactly what it should be worth minus the worn tires. Nobody... absolutely nobody wants it. Not even the ATV freaks at my school... WTF? I've found a 240SX, though. It's in New Jersey. The only problem is that I am not first priority. Someone is before me. This car is perfect, in my eyes... It's black, in good condition, has a 5spd, has a sunroof, has aftermarket suspenion and audio system. It's basically $3100, but I'm willing to pay more to get it. I just have to wait and hope.... wait... and... hope... It's going to be a long week. You want to know what the worst thing is? Hearing your parents... in bed... doing something. God, does that freak me out. They were out hitting up some bars with friends and came home drunk at 3am. Went upstairs, talked, and then I could hear it. The bed, the floor... No matter where I went, I couldn't escape it. I eventually went in my room, shut the door, turned on some music, and banged my head off of a wall.... I can't stand that. I don't know why... Trying to lose weight sucks. I'm too lazy and too picky and too... uncontrolling of myself. I keep trying to exercise... I was actually doing not all that bad until I got an unforgiving ear ache while jogging one night. I never got one before, but damn did it hurt. Had to walk the rest... And that was the end of that. Haven't tried it again, yet. Or other exercising. Weird. Then there is dieting. I eat very unhealthily. I just can't stand the taste or texture of some foods and they happen to be the healthy ones. Even then, my parent's don't eat or buy healthy food either. Can't say much for my school, either. Ugh... I stopped eating school food anyways. But I've tried to cut down... even that has been hard. Still trying.. just need to get into a rythm (however you spell that, lol)... I hate the cold. I'm freezing. I can't stay warm. My hands are always cold. I can't stop shivering. The only warm room in the house is mine and I'm only in it during the night. Down here on the computer is freezing. That wood furnace just isn't enough. So... alot of vehicles have been at the current autoshows. I must say... I am impressed with GM. Moreso than I think I've ever been. I'm just disappointed at what I see for Pontiac. I realize it just got the Solstice GXP, but I can't help but feel GM is still giving Pontiac the short end of the stick. I see the Enclave, the Camaro, the GMT900s and even before these autoshows, the new Saturns. I look at Pontiac and see and a very much outdated GP with questionable styling, a usually crappy interior, with the small brightspot that is the GXP. I see a somewhat mediocre G6 with bland styling, a better interior than most Pontiacs but still not what it should be, and an outdated powertrain. I see two Chevy rebadges that aren't close to class leading and most certainly don't belong as they are. I see an outdated GTO with bland and outdated styling and a powertrain that isn't class leading, but close to it. I see the Solstice, while it is attracting more attention to Pontiac than I've ever seen, but I'm sorry guys... The interior is not where it should be and styling still feels just a bit outdated to me. I like it, but it needs improvent. So... I want to feel enthusiastic, but I can't. I just have little hope at the moment. Retro... you guys amuse me. That's all I have to say.
  12. Hey... you're supposed to post this in the thread I started however long ago. Post whore! Haha... j/k. You just couldn't find it... right? Anyways, mine's black. No pic of anything. My pics were deleted by the angry (non) step mother. For no reason... and onto a disc. Because she's... mean? Yeah, mean, that's it.
  13. Interesting... sounds awesome and love how it's different.
  14. (Sciguy, don't kid yourself... no offense) The exterior isn't bad, but like the IS and GS, it has questionable details (which I like to call f**ked up). But it's much more bland. The interior, again, has those questionable details (look at that center stack... ugh), but looks nice otherwise. The powertrain and such sounds awesome. 8 gears? Thank god it's an auto...
  15. Looks good for a Ford. Also looks sad like... a Ford.
  16. Damn... Buick, Buick, Buick... *speechless*
  17. ........Wow. *drools*
  18. Just... show her the facts and slap her silly then. It'll work. Maybe try taking her for a ride in the biggest Nissan $h!bucket you can find too...
  19. Sixty8... I don't think about him. Honestly... Jeez... you guys are terrible. I mean... yeah, I'm a horny 17 y/o, but damn, I'm not that horny... That movie doesn't even have anything for me to be horny. If I wanted to watch a movie for that reason, I'd watch American Pie Presents: Band Camp. Lot's of hot guys with no shirts and close to nudity... And I did. Last night... hehehe...
  20. What? I love the Maxima's interior... best one in any Nissan if you ask me. As for his mother... IDK, Nissan's not all that bad, but I would wait, like Variance said. If it was Toyota... then you start slapping her silly.
  21. Well... he knows I just like to joke around with him. We're good... I think.
  22. Okay, wise guy... That is WAY too big. Your making me side scroll... big time.
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