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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Making up words is fun. Scenicery- Scenery that's more scenic than regular scenery.
  2. Oh my.. um, neither, but I drink water. My house has well water, which, tastes and smells like rotten eggs. Don't drink it, hate showering in it. For water, we go to a natural spring located down the road a mile. Put it in old 2 gallon bottles. I drink that. It's alot better than any tap or bottled water I've tasted, too.
  3. Cory Wolfe

    C&G Idol

    Get me a microphone and I'd be... extremely happy to. I would. I want to sing this song to you guys... especially Nick, who the song is dedicated to. Oh... My GA, My GA, it's so fast, it's a blast, you will drool, it's so cool; My GA, My GA, don't look now, it will wow, watch it turn, no concern; My GA, My GA, it's the best, try to test, it will win, not by thin; My GA, My GA, you want to pick, you know you do, Nick!
  4. Would you rahter me start a whole new thread with hot guys? I can't see it... but your post has sparked my interest. Someone make that pic work for me! Okay, guys... Here you go.
  5. Yep, I'm the best member... *can't read double entendres*Anyways, I wish I had an LGO... they're sweeter than LD2s. Actually, a W41 version would be the best. Just need to swap it into my GA... if I find one for cheap/free and end up not needing to sell it. Oh well... bring on the KA24E!
  6. Wow... this movie has to something special. I must see it. That reaction is much of the same reaction the book "A Seperate Peace" gave me. I didn't necessarily cry or breakdown, but it was the first book I actually wanted to read and enjoyed doing so. I finished the last 3/4 one day. Afterwards, I couldn't stop thinking about it and had dreams about it. I had to read it again. Still couldn't stop thinking about it... A month later, I still think about it, though, not nearly as much.
  7. Cory Wolfe

    Roll Call

    "Black"... as in the color as well as darkness, being evil. "Viper"... as in the snake, not the car. "8891"... as in my birth year, backwards. "blackviper"... as in it sounded cool together. "blackviper8891"... originated over 5 years ago. w00t!
  8. What? An LD2 is an actual engine. I'm not teasing you. It's my lovely, for 95 only, Quad4. You know... the super smooth and reliable one... that's scary.
  9. Similar in that they both have four wheels, 90's styling, and a coupe profile. Elsewise, it's been two years and I still don't see the simularities.
  10. Um... I can count. Try again. Anyways, your posts speak for themselves.
  11. Figures... GM only knows how to f**k things up.
  12. GM... build me my Fiero. What? This is for the Camaro concept? Pfft... who the hell wants a Camaro when you can have a Fiero? Right Sixty8? Damn... it sucks to know the one car I love more than anything will never be built again. Enjoy my depression, Camarocans. Yes, GM, build it. Even though I will never buy one...
  13. First off, you need three things...This: This: And This: Second, you need to stop using something... This: Third, you need to go somewhere... Here: Anyways, GTO looks nothing like a Cavalier. After 2 years of comparing, I still don't see it.
  14. It's only fair for me.
  15. 1. Water this morning 2. Water last night 3. Lemonade 4. Lemon lime soda 5. Dr. Pepper (Only had the soda because we ate out. Otherwise, I rarely drink it anymore.)
  16. LD2s are very scary... but very smooth and super reliable!
  17. There are enough 240SXs running around with SR20DET engines, regardless. I couldn't care if it's legal or not and that has no effect on what I said. You originally said your V6 Firebird, not a 95 coupe for $2500. Your's. Going by the worth of your 98-02 V6 Firebird conv, the 240SX I described will dominate your Firebird, dollar for dollar. See what I am trying to say? You said your's... I came back with a car that fit. Simple. You can't change the original motif of your original post. I'm not saying ricing up a car is cost effective... I'm just trying to defend cars that are being unfairly bashed and try to bring everyone back down to reality. You don't like 4cyls? Fine, but don't bash. You don't like high rpm engines? Fine, but don't bash. You don't like something made outside our country? Fine, but don't bash. You're an F-dody fanatic? Fine, but don't ignore their faults. You're an American car fan? Fine, but don't ignore their faults. And so on... I never even commented on ricing out a vehicle. I hate rice. Tell me when and where I said American cars can't handle and I'll respond. Yeah... I never said that. I said a stock Silvia will outhandle any stock F-body. Don't like it? Too bad. It's the truth. I mean, I think it's common knowledge that F-bodies weren't the best handling cars in the world. So why the hissy fit? A much lighter RWD coupe with better weight distribution and such outhandles it. Big deal. I think it'd be a shame if it couldn't with all the things F-bodies have against them. It's not my fault the F-bodies have horrendous front and rear overhang coupled with a ridiculously short wheelbase that set it up for less than worldly spectacular handling. Blame GM. Regardless, you of all people should know that I would never say such a thing. Forget what car I think is one of the best handling cars to come out of the 80s? Appearantly so...
  18. Search Autotrader.com. There are plenty below $3000 and some for $2000. Those have engines... One without could possibly be had for $2000 and below. Cheap enough.
  19. If I lived in Japan, I would tell you.
  20. Hold up, NOS. He said dollar for dollar. His Firebird... isn't going to cost $2000 for there to be $4000 to spend on that, now is it? Didn't think so. Older ones? Yeah, but he said his. His is atleast a 98. You see? Dollar for Dollar, his pink slip will be mine.
  21. Joe's was just the icing on the cake for me... the final thing to where I had to say something. Technically, though, it was Zoom's... but Joe's was after his, so Joe gets the credit.
  22. Alright, then... I'll go find myself an S13 240SX (US Silvia) for about $2000. Swap in a SR20DET engine for about $4000. Bam... instant whatever-year-your's-is V6 Firebird conv. beater for $6000. Use to the rest to go above and beyong just beating it for only the worth of your Firebird. Dollar for dollar, your pink slip will be mine. And actually... that's something I plan on doing with my future 240SX. What were you saying again?
  23. I am totally serious... so much so, I added it to my sig. It's the best song in the world and ever written. All for you, Nick. Rock on, dudes and dudettes! Long live the godly Grand Am!
  24. I guess that explains why everyone in Brookville, parties. There is literally nothing to do here. It gets boring...
  25. Me? Smoking? That's blasphemy! Never would I do such a thing! *laughing, once more, starts to say "only if someone gave i...", falls over again. the carpet... still red* *singing* My GA... My GA... It's so fast... It's a blast... You will drool... It's so cool... My GA... My GA... Don't look now... It will wow... Watch it turn... No concern... My GA... My GA... It's the best... Try to test... It will win... Not by thin... My GA... My GA... You want to pick... You know you do, Nick
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