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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Cory Wolfe

    IS350 Review

    Exactly. I never have and never will consider a car with an automatic transmission. To compare a car without one to one with one makes such a pretender. Gmrebirth, you're not being very objective...
  2. Why am I suddenly glad that I was born in the '80s? Fieros/Sunbird Turbos/Grand Prix Turbos/Grand Am Turbos/Trans Am Turbos/etc. > Astres (for some reason, ash tray just popped into my head).
  3. Cory Wolfe


    What? You should... I said he has a very large camera, which he does, and that I wish mine were that big, which I do. I have a puny little Olympus with 1.3mp and no zoom. I was completely serious. I would love to have a camera like that. I would play with it all day, taking pics of all sorts of things. You guys must be perverted... Again, it's only a sexual innuendo if you see it that way. Now believe me, damnit.
  4. Would like it, but it wouldn't keep me from a car. I'd use it, though... I like going on trips and not getting lost or having to pull over to use a stupid map. It's not that big of a deal right now, but it may be in the future. I mean... I'll be buying used cars for quite a few more years yet.
  5. Cory Wolfe


    It's only that way if you see as it that way. As far as I'm concerned, what I said makes total sense and is relevant. If you see a sexual innuendo, well, you already had to be thinking of it in the first place. Sexual innuendo? Me don't think so, but guess who does, Mr. Sciguy...
  6. Well, I actually tried to not beat my GA... It deserved to be, though. It's a beater. I eventually say to hell with it and just drove it hard over the rough roads instead of just the semi-rough ones.
  7. Cory Wolfe


    Why must I behave? You have a very large camera and I was admiring it... I mean, I wish I had a camera that big.
  8. Wow... that's ugly. Ferrari styling has become bastardized.
  9. Here's the King of boredom... *faintly says "hi"* Anyways, my microwave is losing power. It now takes 1:30 to cook Chef Boyardee Mini Ravioli and Cambells Chicken Noodle Soup. It used to only take 1:00. How bad is that? I know... I know! It's terrible, isn't it? I'm going to write them about it... Damn Sharp microwaves... Sorry, just had to...
  10. No, not really anything sexual about it. It just... hit me a certain way, somewhat like BM did for him. Although, I do think the author, John Knowles, was gay or he intended Gene to be... I mean, some of the comments about what's-his-name's ass...
  11. Ocn, Ocn, Ocn... Mi culo as muy bonito. La G6? No, no se bonita. Ah... Chingase! Tu no comprendes.
  12. NOS, take note. :AH-HA_wink:
  13. Nissan or Honda. Depends which brings back my favorite car of theirs back, first. If it turns out to be another no-shows like the Fiero... I will have to kill myself by running out in front of a Pruis to symbolize my surrendering to Toyota.
  14. Hey Chris... I'm on dial-up. That animation is literally taking forever, you know...
  15. Cory Wolfe


    Wow... that is a BIG camera. Look at it! Your camera is so BIG. I'd love to play with that camera... Oh, and there's Chris. Hello Chris. You have a really BIG camera. Did you know that?
  16. Yes... Iron. Our water is full of it.
  17. Yes. It probably does have something to do with the purification... We don't exactly have the best system... nor plumbling for that matter.
  18. For Razor: Monochromatic: Not: Somehow, I don't see how monochromatic translates into "dull, boring, lacking contrast and character." I always felt it translated into sporty and cleaner looking.
  19. Cory Wolfe

    Roll Call

    You must remember... NOS is in the closet... like Tom Cruise, John Travolta, and R Kelly.
  20. Um... No, I don't live on a farm. I live near farms, though. There are a few over the hill from me. 1 south, 1 northeast, and 1 east of me; all approx. 1/4 mile away. I'm in a Valley. Also, the town I live in used to be coal mining town so coal can be found throughout the area, including my back yard. Perhaps that may have something to do with it?
  21. Well... School, yes, anytime when possible.
  22. What? *looks innocent*
  23. That's one reason Dodge makes me laugh.
  24. Well, I didn't think it was that bad of a review, although they were harsh about some things. That and the scorecard didn't quite match what they said about it. It sounded like they enjoyed more than the scorecard showed... not by little, either. Still, it's alot better than anything out of Motor Trend, these days...
  25. Buen, tu comprendes.
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