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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Um... no idea. I thought about it being just a certain font, but appearantly not. I mean, the font I used for my sig, lowercase is just smaller uppercase. Well... Could there be an internal setting in the program for caps lock or such? That's my only guess... unless the program somehow became corrupted? IDK... I'm not the person to ask.
  2. :AH-HA_wink:
  3. Interesting... Sangyup Lee. 05... hmm...
  4. Cory Wolfe

    IS350 Review

    No... I meant objective as in you are once again praising Toyota. That must be all you know how to do. You say you are objective, your posts say otherwise. Even in a thread about a foreign Toyota minivan, you start backing up and praising Toyota because of one member's OPINION. Not only are you not being objective, but you are not respecting another member's opinion and attacking them in doing so. Same with a simple thread about a company buying GM's hybrid buses. You find some way to praise Toyota, bash anything otherwise which was GM, like in most instances. I listened to your BS once, I tried to respect it, but it was only BS. You are not objective, you do not respect other's opinions, you do not add anything positive to this forum, and you do not belong. You are nothing more than a troll, so leave. I hear there's a forum called Toyota Nation...
  5. Oh, I know... but TR commented about coming out and it made me add my own situation to it.
  6. What? I included you, didn't I? *read over post* Oh... t'was a mistake. I see I left out Satty and Josh, too. Damnit, I suck. I can't believe I put you three with the rest. Ugh... I have to... um.. edit my post. *using thing from the Matrix* You never saw the absense of your name.
  7. It's a sad day when Mute wants a Grand Prix and BV wants a 240SX. It's alright, although it has alot of miles. Personally, I wouldn't trust anything with that many miles, not even a 240SX. Especially after the POS my GA turned out to be with only 118,000 miles. It was cheap, like that GP, and seemed to run great (minus the ticking, but it didn't hurt the engine, which, ran perfectly otherwise). Oh well...
  8. Razor... you are completely misinterpreting the idea behind this. It's not wanting a copy of another manufacturer's vehicle, it's wanting something similar to it. Example... the Silvia. Why did I post it? Because I want a compact coupe with RWD and a range of 4cyls under the Pontiac brand. Copying? Retro, like what you talked about where it isn't bold, is copying. I'm simply having a want for a certain type of vehicle, not a direct copy of another. I'm am 100% for uniqueness. You know that and guess what... Retro is not that. So you do not want that. You want copied, unoriginal, non unique designs, eh? Well... I don't see why you don't like the Toyota Camry. Same thing, if you ask me, just different inspirations. Discrimination is bad, you know...Anyways, everyone back on topic, now. I also wish Pontiac had something like this... ...But I see that is never going to happen.
  9. to tel you the truith, I felt like this for most of my high school years and during my first year of college as well. I eventualy broke the ice and came out to my close friends and eventualy to my parents (by accident)......It is such a relief once you let it out.... Well, currently being in high school, I somewhat feel like that. As time passes, though, I keep feeling better about it. I don't necessarily think I'll end up alone. I do want to come out... badly, but I'm still unsure of what will happen. I want to think that everything would be alright, but being Brookville is made up of a bunch of rednecks/conservatives, including my parents... I don't see any good coming out of it. I've been thinking about "accidentally" doing it, though... Regardless, I really need to see this movie.
  10. Well, I'm sorry... I had some annoyances with him before, but when I woke up to find this... I just had to let it out. Maybe I should have done it through PMs, but it's too late now. I've just been getting sick of basically being hit on, being joked on, and other things... all of which associated with my sexuality. It was funny... at first, but has gotten old. I don't mind talking about some of that through PMs, but I want things like the joking and flirting to stop as I dislike it. I'm sorry that I have to be so rude and up front about it, but again, I had to say something and it's too late to do it through PMs. As for my attitudes... ofcourse they are. I'm an annoying person. That's how they're supposed to be.
  11. And... since when? I see no S class, SLK class, or 3-series coupe competitors... Do you?
  12. Wow... 20 years too early?
  13. ...GM had something like. Indirect or direct. Obviously, indirect applying to price and such. Pontiac: Compact: Midsize: Cadillac:
  14. Like I said... I live in a town that started out as coal mining town, so it totally makes sense.
  15. I just realized something... I have never floored the gas in the GA. I've never dropped the clutch on a start either... or gone over 100 mph... or slammed the brakes... or hit the redline... So sad considering the damn thing spun a rod bearing.
  16. Um... alright... NOS Nick Mute Alpha CS Chris D. Chris Croc Ocn Bimmer Northie Fly Sciguy Satty Josh etc. Sorry to leave people out, but it's only because I don't like you as much...
  17. Damn, zoom... it is annoying even for me. Alright? You are freaking me out a bit... It wasn't that long since I was last on. If it goes a few days, then worry as it means something is probably up. But a few hours? I was catching up on sleep, again, since I regularly stay up late. That and your infatuation/crush, well, I am flattered and thought it was funny the first few times, but now it's getting annoying. Quite frankly, it's freaking me out a bit too. Come on, Zoom... I have no problem chatting with you through PMs, but I'm being bought into stuff here on the boards because of you. I don't like getting into trouble... That and I don't like people thinking things about me which are just not true. I expressed distaste for this already. Just keep it within PMs, that's all I ask...
  18. NOS, you suck. My price range $2500-$3500. Are there currently any new cars going for that? Anyways, since my car did break down and I have chosen a car... 91-93 Nissan 240SX. B) BTW, Northie, congrats on the GTO... you lucky bastard...
  19. Cory Wolfe


    Um... what?
  20. Cory Wolfe

    Roll Call

    Excellent grammar, NOS. Still... you don't want to feel and taste the warmth of R Kelly pissing all over you? It could be quite pleasureable... Oh... so that's what it meant. I thought it meant something else... that's a bit X rated...
  21. Haha... you just found this out? I knew this since the last boards C&G used. The problem with that is that it doesn't up how many PMs you can hold. I wish it would as everytime I get a PM, I have to delete something... My inbox has been full for a good two months now.
  22. Have you... ever considered that, for people other than yourself, the Camaro is not their ideal vehicle nor the greatest vehicle in the world? Obviously not as I've explained this to you I don't know how many times now... I understand your love of Camaros, but come on, Sixty8. Honestly... Anyways... Camaro......build Challenger...bag F3R.............bag Roadjet......build Imperial......bag Raptide......build
  23. Astra 3-door... it's another car that I plan on importing to the US once I'm a rich bastard. Such a beautiful vehicle...
  24. I never had any need for premium... Atleast unless I find a cheap YZF450.
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