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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Again? Sorry to hear about it, FOG. Hope everything goes well...
  2. Oh, but I am mental. Well, not entirely, but they almost sent me to... one of those whatever-they're-calleds, where I would've had to stay there for a few days. When I think about it... It's depressing. I can't believe my parents wanted to send me there... You know? Yes, we still talk. Daily now. I like it that she doesn't ignore me anymore and is completely okay with me being gay. Really do. It was torture before...
  3. Undecided. I thought he would have been by now, but obviously he hasn't... so... who knows...
  4. I have. 5, I think. I've just been in trouble with my parents... Yeah... that.
  5. I'm not really sure but I voted American.
  6. Sixty8, have you tried Auto Trader.com? Anyways, I can see you an ATV for $2800! It's super reliable and economical! Or how about a Grand Am for only $500! Sure it's FWD, a coupe, and has a lemon of an engine... but atleast it has a clean interior and 5spd! Oh and it comes with lots of accessories including a key chain!!! Seriously, though, I'd try for a BMW 325 sedan.
  7. Hmm... what if I haven't really had the best time of my life yet? Well... Cory and 17. The best time I can remember... It would have to be when I was with Bekah from about 8-04 to 3-05. Either that... or maybe the summer of 05 when I was enjoying my Grand Am after getting my license. Otherwise, it's sucked since and before those times. Meh... So f@#king sucky...
  8. Hmm... nice color and sweet wheels. Otherwise... not bad, but Firebird/Trans Ams look better.
  9. Well, that sucks, NOS. That was Bekah's birthday, too... and it somewhat sucked for me, too. Obviously, I haven't been on lately because of my parents and yeah... Sucks. I also had to talk to... damn... a counselor and a psychiatrist (how the hell do you spell that? ). That sucked, too, but was a good thing, I guess. Oh... and it was f@#king cold here, too.
  10. Well, Nascar is about the drivers (and all the damn sponsers, unfortunately). I mean, I didn't start liking Jeff Gordon because of what car he drove. Ofcourse... his paint job might have had something to do with it. Hmm... Rainbow Warriors!!! Anyways, yes, I watched it. Would have liked Gordon to win, but one of his Hendricks Motorsports teammates is the next best thing, I guess. Too bad Stewart couldn't have backed off and prevented both of them from hitting the wall. Bastard. Then what he did to Kenseth... Grrr...
  11. Interesting. Well... I raced someone in a Civic with the Blazer and won. He didn't know we were racing, but it was fun! The Blazer is good for something afterall...
  12. Well... I don't remember anyone talking about gay anal sex. Atleast not directly. Exactly. I agree... the US is weird on this issue. Anyways... Wow... this thread was more of a hit than I could have ever imagined!
  13. Well... I'll just list the 2 that I have... -Brittany Spaniel (Lucky) -Boxer (Harley) Both are good dogs, but Harley is extremely hyper... and now Lucky is old, tired, and extremely lazy. Sad, but he seems somewhat happy, I guess. He's almost 10 years old, I think.
  14. The car itself isn't bad. The styling, however... and since when did not being able to buy something mean I cannot express distaste for it? Sure, I do it in an annoying way, but still... Yes, though, anything like this is obviously of my opinion. Yes, I do. I am also stubborn. I'm proud of it, too. Yes, correct. You are looking at typical 17 year old. Although, I wouldn't call this rebelling... Beautiful, they were, but just like other cars you've said this about, I don't see the connection. Bland and plain suddenly evokes beautiful, stylish, and thoroughly unique? I must've missed the memo...
  15. Post # 1000!!! I got each of them! The one according to the posts and number of posts! :sign0200:
  16. Grand Ams!
  17. Innuendos are one thing, nudity is another and it is forbidden here. Period.
  18. Fast.
  19. Skiing
  20. Italy.
  21. Sexy.
  22. Razor... get over yourself. If there's any member people are sick of hearing, it's you. You are so out of touch with reality that it's sickening. It's not them, it's you. Now will you please "SHUT UP!"
  23. That's not justification for this. GM has the funds, but they'd rather spend it elsewhere. That's all there is to it.
  24. Yes, Toni, I was bored. Anyways, some people defend the styling of this car way too much so I had to do the obvious and show just show how far from unique and "Buick" it is. It's not about classiness. If it was... well, I don't see how anything that's a rip-off of other cars and is as bland as it gets is classy. Oh... must be the plastic chrome and fake wood.
  25. Fruit of my loins.
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