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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Hey... check the date of my original post. October 12, 2005. I just revived it. So... what? :pokeowned:
  2. Hey... these depression pills make me sleepy... so I'm tired. Blame them. But yes...
  3. Old pics of my house... of when we first moved in, 15 or so years ago.
  4. I wanna join! I wanna join! Include my GA! Include my GA! Or my POS Blazer! Oooh, the Blazer! Woo... hahahaha! Yay!
  5. Oh... I've had that happen. Can't remember the specifics, though. It sure is freaky...
  6. Styling has nothing to do with actual differences, you know. Technically, there's a similar level of differentiating to the Alero/Grand Am. Remember... only differences there were the doors, chassis, and mechanicals/etc. Uh-oh...
  7. Oh... now, you've done it... Now, what were you blabbering about?
  8. So I was up in my attic the other day... seeing what boxes I still had for my diecast models (trying to sell some of them... will be a thread about it soon). I've been up there before, but I noticed something for the first time. Well... I'll let the picture speak for itself... Appearantly, my house caught on fire once. Couldn't have been within the past 15 years or so, though. I think I would have noticed something like that... above where my bedroom is. It just caught me off guard. But it really makes me wonder...
  9. Technically, you're wrong. The only things shared with the Achieva on my GA are the doors, the chassis, and the mechanicals/etc. So... take that, you bland car driving fool who makes fun of non bland cars with inaccurate information! Huh! No one wants cladding back, including me. I just don't want bland...
  10. Alright... So we have a thread for pictures of how we look currently... but what about when we were young? Nope, don't see it. Well... I thought I'd start a thread for this. I love this pic... I look cute. Oh... and that's my cousin beside me. This was my aunt Cherry's wedding in 1997, I think. Also, I don't have any new pics of my cousin. Just thought I'd let you know... I'll post more, I just have to find them.
  11. No, that's just a theory. A mighty stupid one, at that. Anyways, I bet it would have sold 10% better with the name Grand Am, rather than G6. It's well known, regardless of any image problems it may have. I think using G6 was just a desperate attempt to help it appeal to import buyers. Guess what... The car is more important than the name if you want that. Obviously they forgot that, as the G6 is somewhat mediocre... and bland. Actually, I don't think it deserves the name Grand Am... with that rental-car-bland styling and all...
  12. I hate minivans. So hard to make one look... uh... attractive. Bleh.
  13. $20 to everybody who mentions me! Come on now... Say my damn name over and over and over and over and over! I have about $200 to give away. Hurry, people, hurry! Let's see... I respect any and everyone who respects me. Well... almost. Nos can be a little whore sometimes... keeps flirting with me, inappropriately. He knows I enjoy it too much... Specifically, though (using code names!)... Chris, Bill, Drew, Chris II, Frank, Brian, Sylvester... um... Mod person PA, Mod person ZC, that one guy, that other guy, that other-other-but-not-other guy, that gal, that resident bitch, that weird-freaky-robot person... and some dude. Don't ask. You know who you are...
  14. Cory Wolfe


    This is unexpected... Well, sorry to see you leave. Good luck. Just know that... I'll always remember your nice comments about Pontiac. Oh... and that other thing you did. What was it? Um... Selling condoms? No? Ah... it was providing insider information. That's it!
  15. What? No one wants to comment on my lovely Suzuki?
  16. What? No comments? :P
  17. Coming from you... that's ironic. :P What would you call me, I wonder... :D
  18. Let's compare... shall we? Old way: New way: Oooh... nice.
  19. Here's an old pic of it, I found, which I scanned with my scanner. That's my cousin on it, the one that currently has two sets of twins and a huge new ranch home at 22 y/o. And the one that wrecked the Firebird, as I shown you guys. I'm on my grandpa's Honda Fourtrax 300, in the white shirt with my brother. Don't laugh.
  20. My room... it's been updated recently, so I must post more pics, you know... :D Anyways, my parents are trying this new punishment technique where they take my TV and put it on the dining room table. I don't quite understand it yet, so I'll keep you informed about whether it works or not. Here's my custom made Cadillac lamp shade. :P ...And my Pontiac diecast. Finally... my room at night... with some of my awesome lights on. 8)
  21. Pussies are more fun to kill.
  22. Yeah... I just look at myself as an accident, not a tragedy.
  23. Except for rape, of course...
  24. That house + broken Grand Am + Swimming pool = playing with each other all day and night until we're too sweaty, and getting wet.
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