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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Reg is a sad, sad man... He is overcome with jealousy which prevents him from functioning properly. It's why he is making excuses, blind statements, and denying the truth. Sad... so, so sad.
  2. Can you tell I'm bored yet? Now and Then *yawn*
  3. Cubonic.
  4. Alright, that's good, because I could only find the ebarrassing baby pics. Whatever "young" means to you. It's fine.
  5. Basically, it's the same list as I once typed in this thread. Nissan 240SX coupe/hatch BMW 325 coupe/sedan Mazda Miata Nissan 300ZX Subaru Impreza coupe Honda Prelude Acura Integra Honda CRX Ford Probe Meh... still need to sell the 300EX first, though.
  6. Hey Sixty8... if you make the width of it 590 pixels or so (or the approximate width of my current one, whatever that may be) and change my name to the script I always use (coppertone gothic, I think, but don't quote me...) with the 8891 part... I might... just might use it for a little bit. Seriously.
  7. I'm so sorry to hear that, Bimmer. Glad you and your friend are okay. That's what's important, of course, even though I hate to see the IS get wrecked. Well... Hopefully things work out alright for you. I definitely know how it feels when they don't, and it's the worse possible feeling. I wouldn't want anyone to feel it... Good luck, Bimmer.
  8. Baby pics... I guess I could do that.
  9. Yeah... it's old, which explains all that. I'm not sure of the size of anything, though. I'll have to check the next time I'm up there. As for the height... about 4 feet or so. It's just a crawlspace attic. The rooms it covers are 16 x 16 combined. It's small... I'm not really worried about it collapsing, but this house is unpredictable. And unexplainable in instances like this. I still can't make sense of it...
  10. Yeah, baby... Memba numba four, yo!
  11. Alright... I still think it pointless for a 167hp 4cyl to power a 3305lb car.
  12. Yeah... I was 9, I think.
  13. Better than an auto, I guess... Although, I still don't get the reason why a 167hp 4cyl needs to power a 3500lb car.
  14. No... You did, but that's just too much clutter for me. I like some sort of flow and design... you know, I'm gay, what do you expect? :D :P
  15. Let's see... I can easily compare test data for the the performance aspect and the Lucerne has a cheap interior. Need I say more? It doesn't take much, you know. I have eyes, I can read, I have hands, and I have feel. Ooh... wow... my ass, eh? I guess I like looking at and feeling my ass with my eyes and hands. Mmm... BV likes.
  16. I can't believe I agree with you... I mean... damn... talk about GM kool-aid addiction.
  17. Nissan/Infiniti/Datsun owns you. You're next purchase will be a 240Z to replace the 68 Camaro.
  18. Bleh... mine's tasteful and uncluttered. :lol: :D It is. Look at it. Then compare. :P
  19. Reg is just... Reg, who is like a wpbharry mini me. Ignore him. Anyways, again, I must say... The Azera? Well... it sure beats any of it's competitors. It looks nice, isn't overly large, performs well, and is a quality piece. The Avalon? Overpriced, overrated, and styled by a blind person... or so I'd hope. The Lucerne? Completely unoriginally styled with mediocre performance and quality... trying to be something it's not.
  20. OMG... the irony. :o :blink: I'm speechless. Anyways, no, it's stingy yellow 25 year old carpet. Beautiful, I know... :D
  21. Alright... if people don't start commenting... I'm going to leave C&G forever. :D I'm dead serious. No, really, I am. Don't doubt me! I will! Take that look off you're face! How dare you look at me that way?!?!? The nerve of you idiots! God! Okay... I'm done. Bye, bye...
  22. I don't know about you, but I do... appearantly. I'm seeing a psychiatrist/therapist for my numerous problems. And numerous, I mean literally. I beat his longest interview by 2 hours (4 hours), while his sessions are only 1 hour... gave him the longest treatment plan he's done... and am special, of course. Or so I'm told... I think that should be my member title: The Special Member Or "I'm Special"
  23. Yeah... but I'm used to it. Anyways, Chris, that's exactly what I said when I saw that... I can't believe that's the roof over my head. I mean... damn... I have to sleep under that?!?!? What if... we get a light rain? Is it going to collapse? Holy $h!!
  24. Yes... You are. :D In fact... let's check my posts in your thread... That has a link to my "Welcome to Brookville" thread. And that one has a link to my "Home Sweet Home" thread... as in this one. :P
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