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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Just take my advice, guys. It'll prevent you from pounding the stairs with your back.
  2. But Croc, I of all people mentioned you. Don't you feel special that someone as special as myself would pass my specialness onto you? You do, don't you? That's right, you do, and you know it. Don't worry... that's a good feeling you have in your heart... even though your brain may be saying "No! Bad feeling! BV is a very bad influence! He may attempt to manipulate you! No!" Whether that is truthful or not, you shall never know, but you can't trust me when I say that is a good feeling. I swear to God. :AH-HA_wink:
  3. How high is Edmunds? I suggest they lay off the Pot.
  4. Is it a good thing that I can't, for the life of me, design a minivan? I mean... unless I enter that jokingly drawn Pontiac one I did a while ago... I don't see me entering. It's only a front view, but I could easily come up with an interior. Those are my self-proclaimed specialty. Same with wheels... and small details. Specialties. Haha... I guess I'll just do that, though. It actually looked somewhat appealing.
  5. Why does it seem like I am the only one who would much rather have those supposed new taillights than the current ones, which just add to the overall watered-down-ness of the STS's design? I think all these changes look good. I mean... anything's better than what we have now.
  6. I never used the key hole to open my trunk. It's not electronic. There's lever on the floor. I always used it no matter what. See? No need for a key hole if I say there isn't. Silly people...
  7. Don't ask me... I'm not the one who does it.
  8. Aw man, Josh... I feel your pain. My dog Lucky is going through the same thing. He has trouble walking, eating... everything. I can't imagine losing him. We've had him for only ten years. He can't possibly die already... I mean, it seems like we got him not long ago. I really hate to see him suffer, though. If only my parent's hadn't stuck him outside in the cold with all the cats and all the $h! he got into... He was fine before. It just sucks. The only pet I lost before was my cat a few years ago, but I can't really say I enjoyed him like I do Lucky. Lucky's been "my" dog for awhile, as I've been the only one to respect him as a dog and he's always slept in my bed until recently. My parent's, especially my mom, treated him like $h!. Kicking him for no reason. Same with punishing or whatnot. My dad would never do anything about it. It always seemed like I was the only one willing to stand up to my mom and "her" dog, Harley. Either way, I really don't want to see Lucky suffer or die... Anyways, I'm really sorry to hear that, Josh, and I know how you feel.
  9. Yes, TJ... be a whore like the rest of us. You know whores get all the lovin'!
  10. If, in your life, there is ever a time when you are in a hurry, in the second story of a house with old, worn out carpet on the stairs, and you feel the need to apply your haste to the speed that you walk down the stairs... don't. Pace yourself and be careful. Otherwise, you may slip and fall. Then, you'd end up with a sore ass, right leg, left arm, and chest. It won't be pleasant. I'm warning you, it won't. You may shake it off, shortly after it happens as you get up and continue doing what you were doing, but the pain/soreness will increase as time goes on. As you wake up the next day, you will wish you had not been in such a hurry for such a silly reason. You say "I can't believe I did that... damn, does my ass ever hurt" or even "Wow... just wow. I amaze myself (sarcasm)". You will regret every bit of it after you can no longer stand the pain/soreness. Are you asking yourself how I may know all this? You are, I know so. Well... I've had to experience this. Friday morning, I was behind in time for getting ready for school. As I came flying down the stairs, my feet slipped out from under me and gravity took a hold of me, pulling me down towards the stairs and the floors. I whacked myself off both. My ass hurts. My right leg hurts. My left arm hurts. My chest hurts (mainly when I tighten my abs or breath in). Just soreness, nothing severe. It really isn't pleasant, either way... Damn stairs. So slippery. I think we need new carpet that isn't worn down from 30 years worth of feet traveling over it. It's dangerous. I could be killed. You would all commit suicide if such a horrible thing would happen to me... You all love me way too much.
  11. Interesting...
  12. Hmm... I forget. Although... recently, google and yahoo have been blocked. Specifically, the image searches. Teenage boys can be very naughty if they have internet access in a school with an image search. Not me, though. I'm innocent. No porn searches for me for obvious reasons. Don't want to get caught, ya know...
  13. What? I missed Northie's Bday? *nails self in the crouch* Oooh... shouldn't have done that. Ouchowwwwwiiiiiiiiiiioooowwwww.... Hope you had a good one. I'd say something positive about you including your GTO, but I'm too damn jealous.
  14. What? My school doesn't block C&G... though, it probably should. Anyways, yeah... your mom's harsh. I don't even want to tell you all that I've done and all the more I've been punished. I consider myself lucky and try to keep my mouth shut about it. I made that mistake once... telling her how she never punishes me. Well, bad decision on my part. But, yeah... I've had similar problems so many times. I always find a way around it, but I feel your pain. C&G addiction is extremely hard to stop.
  15. Do it, Toni. It looks hot. Chrome is highly overrated, anyways... Do it. Do it.
  16. Just think of me as a... um... younger female version of Ocnblu and you'll never find my posts odd. Alright? But, yes... it's so overpowering that, well, I can't control it. It's like this force inside my mind that won't let me deny these comments. No matter how hard I try, it's always the same... "Shut up, Cory... I am going to type this whether you like it or not. You can't do that. Yes I can. No you can't. Yes... I can. Uh... No, you stupid little brat. Hey... do you want to masturbate tonight? Damnit" You see...? I can't win. Don't blame me, blame me, not me... since it's obviously me. I'll apologize for him, though... He's too cold-heated to do it. I appreciate that. Thanks. Although, the comments were probably deserved. That's why. I did have a few problems in the past, and I've tried to work on improving how I conduct myself here for the past half-year or so. All the comments I would receive... as well as my poor self image... made me want to that. Um... I guess I've improved, right?
  17. New Escalade... I was like... "Woah... holy f@#king $h!!" Also... BMW 325 coupe! OMG! Parked up the road from my house at Bekah's house... well, for her dad's garage. I think it might be dark green, too! OMG! I wonder if it's for sale.. hmm... Sorry. You can't tell I'm desperate, can you?
  18. Alright... In case you don't know, I'm resident Pontiac fanatic here. Anyways, has anyone ever told you that you and the most biased GM humper there ever was? Wow... I think I killed brain cells reading your posts. No offense, but you are no better than the Import humpers you seem to despise. I'll try to respect your opinion, but damn... I mean... Come on, now... they are barely competitive, let alone superier in any way. And that's excluding the 3-series and the G35. For those... what the hell are you smoking? Don't be ridiculous... First off, only the LaCrosse could possibly compete with any of them. Second, the W-body is the worst platform GM produces right now. It was never a good platform in the first place. The Grand Prix GXP can only manage .82 Gs... Hell, the 99 Grand Am GT could pull .82 Gs. Does that not tell you something? Okay... the Cobalt is somewhat competive, but the Mazda3 is a much better car. Wow... there are only two words that could possibly explain this: Domestic humper. I'll give you this one. Again, don't be ridiculous. Yet again, don't be ridiculous. Those don't even compete with each other... they are for different purposes. Apples to... not oranges, too close... but to peas. That's right, peas. :rotflmao: Oh my... Such a.. well, not domestic, but GM humper. It depends. It really does...
  19. I thought Buickman once "left" and was never going to come back? Yet he does... with the same old posts filled with the same old BS reaking of his same old ego. He is a disgrace to this site and doesn't deserve any respect... if he even gets any now. Anyways, yeah... That is the most ridiculous article I've ever read.
  20. Oh... Tequilla rocks.
  21. No need to chop... Headlights like the Roush Concept would look good on even the cheapest looking G6s... Don't be crazy. Not even close to rice. You're insane, you know that? Rice smice... I can show you some freakin' rice.
  22. Sixty8, don't be stupid... I'm annoying the hell out of you. Shake your head and agree.
  23. That's it... no blowjob for you. I was going to give you one instead of $20, but not now.
  24. I'm self conscious about my heigth, too. I wouldn't in a relationship to be taller than me. Oh.. sorry, can't give any advice.
  25. Oh my... I was a bleached blonde for a while when I was young. Afterwards, got highlights and tips... Sad...
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