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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Honestly now... Compare. The coupe was always the sexier of the two and the sedan is now more like the coupe. Definitely an improvement as I never really like the G35 sedan... just the coupe... as it was sexy unlike the sedan. I think you're crazy.
  2. As far as replacements go... it won't be a new vehicle. We'll barely be able to afford a used one. We still owe alot on the Blazer... about what it's worth and what our insurance would probably give us. We are pretty much screwed... always were, really. The only positive thing I can say is that my grandpa is willing to help out a little bit if he needs to. Either way... it's not looking pretty.
  3. Me too.
  4. *hears thunder* Uh-oh...
  5. Don't make me eat your words, mmmkay?
  6. Cory Wolfe

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    BV's in da chat room, bitches.
  7. Yeah... she did. As did her leather coat. Probably ruined... not just from the mud, from the glass, rocks, and $h! like that too. I don't know about that... I know how I fit in the Blazer and let me tell you... my head would have been full of roof and windshield... it's worse in person than it looks in pics. Well... unless you were talking about the rear passengers...? Yeah... hopefully. That is the one good thing about her wrecking it. We'll get rid of the POS and get something alot (literally) better. Well... hopefully, anyways.Anyways, guys... you want to know the most ironic part about her walking away practically unscathed? She wasn't wearing a seatbelt. Amazing, if you ask me... I can't believe how she lucked out. But thanks for the kind comments. Though she can annoy, I still love her and wouldn't want to see her get hurt. The feeling I had when I had heard the news that she flipped the Blazer... was not at all a pleasant one. I didn't want to believe it being that the Blazer is unsafe, she never wears a seatbelt, and she drives like a maniac... I could only expect the worst upon hearing that. I'm so glad she isn't hurt.
  8. I'll let the pics do the talking.... Yeah... My mom wrecked the Blazer this morning. Don't worry... she walked away and is okay for the most part. Thank god. Anyways, it was foggy and the roads were wet... some deer were on the road, she hit the brakes and tried to avoid hitting them. She swerved off the road, hitting a bank and a huge rock. It flew through the air, flipped over, and landed on its roof. It then slid for about 20 feet. It looks totaled to me. Here's where she wrecked:
  9. What? ...Because I agree with what you said, hence the "i'm with stupid" smily.
  10. Is it just me... or does it look really sexy in these two pics?
  11. Who do you think? Would I agree with Mr. GivesBValaugh? Think about it...
  12. No one, really... just making a point that fussing over language is silly, especially in saying that nudity is some how on the same level as it. Both are forms of censorship, which I am against, however. But being that language is by far the lesser of the two... and you just had to start whining about a minor incident that happened however long ago... Yeah. Again, I say get over it already. Words are about as harmless as... words. No words are special, IMO.
  13. No... the Aztek has more cohesive design while the Compass is a bunch of random pieces mashed together. That, alone, makes the Aztek the less uglier of the two. That doesn't count that the Aztek looks sportier... in its own weird way.
  14. Domesticated is good for one thing and one thing only... a laugh. Thanks, man... you always make me fall on the floor laughing.
  15. Cory Wolfe


    I am still meaning to get new pics of me... sometime.
  16. You got that backwards....
  17. Meh... I really don't like the interior. The exterior is excellent, though.
  18. Interior looks nice... And... um... the exterior isn't bad, I gues... except for that front fascia.
  19. New pics are better... I think I like it other than the interior, which may have to grow on me.
  20. Cory Wolfe

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  21. It's sexy! Anyways, Dodgefan, you want ugly? Here's ugly...
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