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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. You know you are addicted to C&G when the letters "BV" mean something to you.
  2. Thank you. I hate you. Bah... old enough to understand. At 12? Wow... sorry, but I was doing it long before 12. Like... since I was in 4th grade.
  3. What? A Cobalt? Nooooo! Alright, get an SS SC if you must. Atleast an SS. No other Cobalts... or else. You should look for another Q45, though... You never know... Anyways, my parent's are hellbent on getting another crappy car, so it won't be another Japanese rolling advertisement, Z. Most likely a $h!ty little Cavalier or Sunfire... or a $h!ty Dodge Stratus... or some $h!ty Ford Escorts... *shudder* We did look at a damn nice Alero, but they act like they're supposed to cost $3k! WTF? This superb-looking one was $5k with 94k miles... it was loaded except for leather. It had very little problems, just asthetics. It books for $8.5k... Come on, now... that is a god damn good deal! If they don't go for it, or get bit in the ass for not buying today... I am going to be pissed. How muchso will depend on what they end up getting. Grr...
  4. Oh... I know the feeling even though my situation is a bit more complicated. Not sure if I have any advice for you... atleast not yet, anyways.
  5. Heh... while the Fit may not be the sexiest thing there ever was, it is certainly better looking than it's competitors. In substance and overall good looks. While the interior may be... techy, it's certainly not ugly and it certainly doesn't have center gages. Combine that with the superb chassis and such, as well as the interior, and it's easily the best. Worth the premium, in a way.
  6. No, it's called inconvenient and costs money. I couldn't get to one even if I could pay to use one. I have no car... my parent's have no car... and I have no money unless you count a shotglass full of pennies. My back yard is not only free... but in my back yard. How convenient!
  7. "Unfortunately, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont do not currently provide addresses for registered sex offenders. Consequently, we are unable to provide adequate or meaningful information about sex offenders located in these states. We will add functionality that will allow searches by name and city in the future."Yay, go PA!
  8. I don't stand in front of a window naked! Get it right... I lay out in the yard naked. Big difference! Besides, it is if he's not supposed to look. Come on... it's my yard and the sign says "don't look". And... I have to get a sun tan... I don't want to be white!
  9. To answer your questions... Do most use gel or warming liquid? Whatever I have. Usually petroluem jelly or something with the same feel. Scented or unscented? Unscented, but it doesn't matter since "the stuff" smells very unique. Do people keep a towel nearby or run up and get tissue paper from the bathroom? Both, sometimes, but usually run down to the bathroom for toilet paper and to wash off. Do you let "the stuff" land on you or elsewhere? Myself, ofcourse. It's an important part of the feel of masturbating. Why else? Anyways, Lauren's just disgusted about guys talking about getting caught masturbating. Kind of like heterosexual guys would be disgusted about me talking about gay sex. Nothing irregular.
  10. Ofcourse it does, as Enzora said... However, the pictures say otherwise. Clever, though.
  11. Well, once I start acting like a 12 year old, I'll call you. I know some 12 year olds... I'm glad I don't act like them. Again, you must know some pretty amazing 12 year olds to justify that claim.
  12. What praise this car doesn't get is usually deserved. Sorry... Reality calling.
  13. Wow... you must know some pretty amazing 12 year olds. I don't.
  14. You do realize you're not going to get anywhere if you approach me in that way. I thought you knew that by know? If I am pushed, I push back harder. Remember, silly? Besides, I'm not the one with the personal little protest, bringing up irrelevent instances of the past. This entire thing could have been avoided had it not been for that.
  15. I think my neighbor is... he spies on me.
  16. Well... it hasn't lost its fun, but I do wish for something more. I am lazy, though, so...
  17. You know... You're a funny guy. Hey, just remember, I'm not the one whining because nudity is so obviously not allowed. I mean... wow. C&G isn't a porn site. If you want to post nude pics of Marylin Monroe, find a forum that dabbles with porn, and post it there. Otherwise, stop whining already. You sound like my younger brother... he whines about everything. Kind of like you.Also, if you don't like my selective use of words or how I like to see how far I can go with someone, especially when pushed into it, you can ignore me. Atleast that way you will hinder yourself inable to fill these forums with more whining nonsense... atleast when I innocently post. I predict this won't be the last time you whine about that incident, which happened with reason, over a month ago. You like to like to whine, you can't easily change that, quite obviously. I understand. There are many differences, though. Most of it is emotional with words.. and most of the harm comes when those words are from someone you acknowledge... either through love, hate, envy, desire... etc. Usually with the truth. They say the truth hurts the most. People hate to hear the truth... especially when told by someone that has some meaning to them. A random person you don't know telling you something you don't believe is true... or something that has no real meaning. No effect. As far as tasteful, well, the Supreme Court doesn't reside at C&G. Here, the admins make up the Supreme Court and they say nudity is not allowed, especially compared with language, which in the entire 2.5 years I've been here, there has never been a note-worthy problem with, atleast when not used in abundance. My one post could be considered that, but it was done in jest to make a point. That's just my take on it, however... but what do I know? I need to grow up, right rkmdogs?
  18. Oh... and I played no part in those. Well, atleast it wasn't completely my fault...
  19. I know... it's only 70 out here and I'm as pleased as can be. Oh, btw, Charger... you shouldn't be outside in the cold with only shorts and a t-shirt. You're going to freeze your balls off, literally. Well, atleast something was garanteed to shrink. Also, your shirt is off-center on your shoulders. What? I'm only making observations...
  20. I got to mellow out in another Lucerne. This time a CXS. Alright, it's not that bad of car other than the styling. I can get quite comfy inside it. It's a mellow place. Also, looked over that Solstice again. I want one. No, not moreso than a sexy deep purple Sky Redline, though. Maybe... if the front fascia weren't so botched... and the rear fascia weren't so damn high (as in visually because of the design, not literally)... and the details were better executed (like that top... so wrinkly)... and the GXP weren't so plain... and if the overall design was more aggressive............
  21. Yes... too many times, too. Damn mother... doesn't know not to open my door when it's closed and locked... and comes down too many times at night. Damn her. I wish I had a new door and I wish the computer was in my room.
  22. I remember when it snowed in April, here... a long time ago, though... like the mid '90s.
  23. Cory Wolfe


    Holy $h!... I only have one pair of shoes. Some K Swiss sneakers that I wear... everywhere. Wow. So sad, isn't it? *shakes head* I need to go shopping...
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