You don't have very high expectations of me...
Anyways, I have a weight machince and try to use it. I also try to do exercise and dieting, too. Yeah... but I get bored easily. That's my problem, I think. But I'm more active than you'd probably think. I hate doing nothing. I have to be doing something and since it's been nice out, I've been outside doing alot of stuff. Another problem is that while I try to diet, I don't eat very healthy food. Not that I don't want to, but that my parents don't buy any. Whether I like certain foods or not, I want to eat them... but I don't like many healthy foods, I'm extremely picky. Still, I wouldn't substitute exerisizing for any time on C&G... Sorry to disappoint.
Meh... I have asthma and 3 miles isn't bad. The only thing I have a problem doing is running/jogging it constantly. After every half mile or so... I have to stop...
Well... ATVing works out your arms depending on what you do. For those have never riden one, steering on certain terrain isn't exactly easy. Especially at the speeds I ride...
Besides... I don't take my ATV in demanding places very often. I usually stick to dirt roads and fields. Those are easy with bikes... except for when I encounter a hill, of which there are many around here.
That and... biking, to me, is more for getting around when I don't want to waste gas than exercising. I never really did that with my bike. Speaking of which, it's broke, although I still have my dad's.
Yeah... walking and running is better exercise, I've found.
Again, I don't get the impression that you have the highest expectations of me. Not that I understand why, though... I don't even have high expectations of myself. Damn low self esteem.
Yeah... and don't forget to take off those shirts!