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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Well duh... Ofcourse... silly, Quen was always a little weird yet somehow intriguing. That's why Queen is quite possibly the best band that ever existed with some of the best vocals, song writing, and lyrics there ever was. I mean... What would we ever do without "We Will Rock You?" Seriously... Same with all those other songs I mentioned. Queen rocks, simply put.
  2. What... the... f@#k? $499? Are you freaking serious? I thought the PS2 was expensive... Holy mother of all things that seriously f@#ked up. Damn.... No PS3 for me. Not worth it anymore.
  3. Queen.... everything on their Greatest Hits I album. Ah... Queen rocks. I absolutely love Bohemian Rhapsody, Somebody to Love, Killer Queen, Another One Bites the Dust, Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy, Play The Game, Bicycle Race, and ofcourse.... We Are The Champions.
  4. Um... I have no idea. The only law I think is retarded is the curfew. I'm also a night owl, if you haven't noticed. Besides, I'm mainly complaining that I got fine for being a few minutes past it, on my way home... Regardless of what I think about that law, I think that was a bit extreme, don't you? Sarcasm. It just so happens that it made sense, too... Besides, I will never a have a wife or any kids. I need a practical car because...? Exactly. A two seater without a trunk would suit me fine... for the rest of my life, too, probably. You can't forget to incorporate that little bit about me being gay... So yeah... I am more of an enthusiast since I don't have to give up anything and am into better and more performance oriented cars.... and that doesn't mean they cost any more either. Other than the Solara's nice interior and silky smooth engine... you could have gotten a more performance oriented car that's fits your needs without costing any more than it. Silly Satty. And who says I can't keep a car running? I can afford to, but I don't want to keep that POS running. It'd be nice if me or my dad could even figure out what's wrong with it to fix it. And *ahem* I am a responsible driver... when I choose to be. That counts for something.
  5. The only thing I did that could possibly reign with "stupid" is hit the governer. There's nothing wrong with the spinning the tires a little or going up through the gears to see what kind of power it had quickly. I only caught for those two and if weren't for it being a losy 5 or 10 minutes after 11, I would have been away with a warning. Besides, this isn't the first time I've did these things and then posted about them. So that, with how other people post about this stuff makes me wonder why all of a sudden I'm getting these sort of comments. I understand, but this isn't any different from those times.Anyways, about that future... um... FYI, I've dropped out and am going to get a GED. It didn't work out. I blame it on my depression, but I probably could have handled it better and not let it get the best of me. I wish, anyways. That and I don't want to go through the embarrassment of repeating a grade. I couldn't possibly handle that, even on medication. So... my future is questionable right now. It'll clear up as life moves on..... Besides, I'm just a natural born risk taker. I'm not going to stop anytime soon.
  6. Yeah... I use dial up and look at the posting I do.
  7. Cory Wolfe


    Is that a promise? Sorry... I had to...
  8. Cory Wolfe


    I contributed... but I was a good little boy. Croc and Charger were the meanies being sillies. Blame them. Just don't blame me. Or any other super duper cool people, like NOSie and Ocnie and yellowiejacket and Bobbie.
  9. Cory Wolfe


    Heh... I wrestling. When do I get my chance to wrestle?
  10. I disagree. It's an evolution of metal and while it may not be exactly like some of the original metal, it's still thoroughly metal. Modern metal. And by that means, it is included, as is all other forms of metal. Hard rock... metal, goes mostly hand in hand. More or less two different names for the same thing. That's basically what VH1 does. Remember that countdown they did a while ago featuring the 100 greatest hard rock bands? Most of artists of the songs on this countdown were there, as well. AC/DC is hard rock. "Hard rock" and "metal" are basically the same thing. Regardless, AC/DC along with Deep Purple and Black Sabbath are bands that influenced alot of metal/hard rock and they basically created this entire genre through three unique styles. Like it or not... I was right and I wasn't the one that stormed out of the chatroom all pissy. Hah... yeah... you had it coming since you brought that up. Boy.
  11. Of course I would. Well, when I was doing those things, it was just about 11 and I was on my way home. And being in Brookville, well... cops are rarity. I hardly ever have to worry about cops. The later it is, the less chance I have of seeing one, too. Anyways, other than it being my mom's car, exactly what is it that I done that called for comments like "retarded", "sophomoric", and irresponsibility? I've never heard anything like that when Sixty8 tells us some of the things he does, and same for others too, some with parent's cars. Just... inform me. I've been thinking about this and I just don't see it, unless you're calling something that I do being a car enthusiast that as I originally suggested. Atleast that Solara lovin, mullet wearing, Saturn fan Satty was... But what about the rest of you, damnit? Huh? Give it to me. Now.
  12. Cory Wolfe


  13. Hmm... this all sounds fishy. Sorry to hear about that, though, NOS. Good luck.
  14. Cory Wolfe


    I'm not quite sure what's so awkward about this... but he doesn't seem to like it.
  15. Cory Wolfe


    You must not have any taste... I just see pure sex.
  16. There are major differences, as I've said. I don't expect you to understand the difference. I really don't.
  17. Uh... not quite. I always laugh at stuff directed at me. I can laugh at gay jokes, white jokes, redneck jokes (as much as I hate them, I can't say confidently that I'm not one... haha), etc.. Again, this is all about being able to laugh at oneself and being overly sensitive and easily offended. People like this have no sense of humor. These are the type of people who don't like people like Carlos Mencia. These are people like the Gay activist group(s) that got offended by Dodge's Caliber commercial. These people take things too seriously. And again, Mencia isn't making fun of certain races or people or certain sexes or sexuality... He's merely making fun of the stereotype people have. It's not certain ones either, he makes fun of stereotypes of everybody, including himself. There isn't joke he's made that I haven't laughed at...
  18. Well yes... the fact that the car isn't mine is definitely that. But I treat my parent's car like my car... when I don't have car. I can only go so long without that fixation and exhilerating thrill of letting the car enthusiast inside me drive. And you shouldn't be speaking either. You're not exactly much of car enthusiast... you're more obsessed with interiors and cars as "transportation". So... nah, I'll always be a car enthusiast and I'll always love driving fast. It's in my blood. It's like trying to tell someone that's races for a living that he'll grow out of a retarded and sophomoric thing. As I said, the only thing that could be considered that is the fact the car isn't mine. But I get sick of not having a car. Otherwise, I only do stuff like this when there's no traffic and when there's no other passengers in the car. I only put myself at risk, and I like it that way. Other than inexperience, I consider myself a good driver. Add to that, I always get compliments on my regular driving. So... I feel that I'm not going to wreck unless something unexpected happens. If something does, I have all my years of riding ATVs to help myself to regain control or atleast avoid the worst outcome.
  19. It's not necesarily making fun of others, though... It's merely making fun of stereotypes. That's what Mencia does. If you watch it and pay attention, you'd notice that. He's not being racist, sexist, or anything like that. He and people like those homophobic assholes are different. One I can laugh at and one, I'm just offended by. There are differences. And again, some people just aren't open minded enough to do understand it. Also, this isn't directed at anyone and isn't justifying Charger's comment. Blame this on Dodgefan inspiring me to share my views...
  20. Heh... I'm afraid I will never be able to stop having fun while driving. That's just me. I understand that since you've bought a Solara... and was always into Saturns, you aren't much a of car enthusiast, more like a Tool, like Reg. So... just because that's just you... doesn't mean you have to call things I will always enjoy "retarded" and "sophmoric". I mean... I don't want to be like you, that's for sure.
  21. Heh... no, I didn't.
  22. People can be so sensitive... everybody takes things too seriously. Especially minor things... or even the cold, hard truth. Those are people who can't laugh at themselves. If you can't do that, you are most likely one of the ones who get offended easily. That means they have no sense of humor, what so ever, even if they think they do. So... yes, you are absolutely correct. Carlos Mencia is hilarious.
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