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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Photography can do wonders... but in reality... it's still horribly cheap looking, far from classy. Sorry... but this is just hilarious... I can't believe someone is trying to convince people that Ion sedans are classy...
  2. Cory Wolfe


    My Space is for those who have not discovered the joys of the C&G Lounge.
  3. Classy? If you mean classy as in extremely and laughably cheap looking.... I like the Quad coupe, though.
  4. Oh come on... everyone wants Walmart radios in their bland midsize sedans...
  5. That was a great article, honestly.
  6. Well...Hmm... what? That's 100% perfect? You've got to be F'ing kidding me. Did I say that? No... I was posting it in responce to what Imaj said and was saying "Well..." and "Hmm...". That's all there is to it, really... Because... IMO, it's not better than the rainbow colored interior. Looks... bland.
  7. Cory Wolfe

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  8. Yeah... because... I mean... I am so gay. I make Queen gay, not the other way around.
  9. Only 3 votes for the Ion... I'm actually surprised, I thought it'd atleast get 4.
  10. IMO... Caliber = laughable.
  11. *BV is drooling*
  12. Well... Hmm...
  13. Cory Wolfe


    Mute's hot... he can do whatever the hell he wants to with his body. That about explains it.
  14. Again? Z, I oughta dent your non dent resistant panels for that. :P
  15. Hyundai impresses me each time they produce another vehicle.
  16. Hmm... It'd help if it wasn't rainbow colored. That interior is more gay than me. Anyways, it looks good. Not perfect, but good from what I can tell. Although... It's not as nice as that interior. I hope it reaches production in one form or another. That interior was absolutely perfect. I have no complaints what-so-ever about it... Unquestionably and without a single solitary doubt. Some people make it a personal mission to never be even close to 75% satisfied with GM output, and we will have the cozy pleasure of reading all about it, ad nauseum. Well, it's not like GM has put out a 100% perfect product... not for awhile, that's for sure.
  17. Um... I wish Subaru was still part of GM... hmph. Out of the two? The Cobalt is better in every way possible except originality.
  18. Yes, you are... You're like... a younger, slightly more immature BV. And yes, that's a compliment, bitch. :D Yeah... how in the hell did that happen? :lol:
  19. Oh... damn. Um... have fun with her... I hope she doesn't bite.
  20. Cory Wolfe


  21. Oh... almost forgot... listening to more Queen. This time their Greatest Hits II album.
  22. Yeah... I eventually figured it out. It just didn't make sense to me that it was used for that. I knew it had to be some sort of bottle lid, but why a two piece one and glass at that? As you said, I can't see how it'd be any better than a 1 piece lid.
  23. I am afraid you are wrong... unless you meant Tool sucks more than Queen in being more interesting. I mean, you didn't specify what you meant for ">". So I could take just as I demonstrated... or with words in similar meaning to sucks. Elsewise... Queen rules the earth. It was because of Queen, that bands like Tool even exists. Seriously... with a name like Tool... yeah... I'm positively serious.
  24. Fly... only on Sundays. I promise.
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