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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Anyways............. My GA's going to get a bath this afternoon. If my dad gets the registration for at as he said he would, I'll take my first official (and legal!) ride in it. I would seriously laugh my ass off if something happens to it...
  2. Saw a 997 911 Carrera yesterday. Damn... it has presence... a great stance too. Afterwards I saw a new M5... I just about gagged in comparision.
  3. Maybe its just me, the I don't like the new Aveo any more than the old one... which I don't really like. I could live with a Fit over it... I'm serious, too.
  4. Yellowanorexorcistjackety... this thread rocks thanks to me... don't ruin it.
  5. Satan is my savior.
  6. Haha... no... nothing to do with MTV's rock the vote, but it was lovely, wasn't it?
  7. Hmm... time to take the GA for a ride... See if someone totals it for me... collect money.
  8. You don't wanna see me nude? B..b..but I thought you l..liked me... *sniff* *tear*
  9. Haha... I am the good deal find... I found a pristine 94 Miata C-package with only 40k miles, BBS wheels, leather, and a hardtop for only $4700. How hard can it be to find a 300ZX TT?
  10. I say 300ZX. Don't argue with me, either. You know you want one too.
  11. Sorry... I keep staring at Bush flipping me off and then flip him off. It's a fun game.
  12. I've felt like that before...
  13. Heh... well... I'm gonna try something like that to get those spark plugs out. I just hope they won't break on me and then be stuck in there... Then I couldn't even limp the damn thing about like I plan to...
  14. Damn... I forget... there are just too damn many... Good thing we have Bush to create an amendment to ban gay marriage. Damn queers... They're making the divorce rate sky-rocket, turning us all gay! Save the children!
  15. Nah... he loaned it. He doesn't use it very much, but he make's it known that it's his.
  16. Don't forget that perverted gay guy who's always in there....
  17. I have some sick humor... but am under agreement to not use it on C&G. Fly owns my ass.
  18. But Josh... you asked for them. I don't understand...?
  19. Alright... took it for a drive. It runs alright, I guess. Although... it's still powerless feeling. Also, the oil temperature gauge ain't working at all. It ran for a good 10 minutes and it didn't budge one bit. As for the ticking... It's constant while accelerating. Let it idle afterwards... and it's not but it's like... "tick 1...........tick 2 tick 3....tick 1" over and over, constant, but irregular. That's the best I can describe it. It's louder and I can feel it in the clutch and the shifter, unlike before. To me, it sounds like the timing is badly off. I think the pressure might be off as well and I'm sure the spark plugs being impossible to remove has to have something to do with all this. I read in the Hynes repair manual the trouble shooting techniques.... it doesn't list the exact problem, but many different ones that apply. Everything from the sparkplugs, timing, pressure, or irregularities in parts and the like, etc. I need to take to a mechanic is what I need to do, though... Probably my uncle in Punxy. When your dad works on your car while he's drinking, something's bound to be screwed up.
  20. Bras are bad for your health... you'll only attract guys, thinking about what's beneath it.
  21. Gas hog. For the past 7 months... my GA hasn't used a bit of gas. Beat that, bitch.
  22. Satan day was upon us yesterday... so what did it bring? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Grand Am's engine is back together. So... I bet you want to know about it? Well... I doubt it, but here goes... Does it run? Yes. Better? Eh... Wait, even the same as before? Eh... It's hard to say. It may run better, but the ticking has gotten even worse. Something went wrong. The fact that my dad ended up with two extra bolts isn't good. One thing that I do know is that neither of us could get the sparks plugs out. My dad isn't weak, by any means. They would not budge at all. I don't think that's a good thing, either. But back to the ticking... it's much louder and upon revving it, the ticking dances around a bit. I can't explain it any better than that. So... is it good enough? IDK yet... It's still in the garage on jack stands. I'm thinking about reattaching the right front wheel, taking in off the jacks and drive it down the road to get a better idea of how it runs... but IDK if my dad was going to do anything more with it. I know he looked pretty pissed when he started it for the first time. I doubt he wants to tear the engine back apart again... and I know I don't want him to either as it'll end up sitting in the garage for another freakin' month. Long live Satan day. Oh, btw... anyone want to loan me $2000? That's all I need. I found a Miata with only 40k miles for $4700. It's a C-package, meaning that it's loaded with leather and factory BBS wheels. It's black and even has a hard top with it. It's looks good. I want it... badly. If you ever thought about being nice and loaning the money to me before... now would be the time. A deal this good doesn't come by often and it's only $2k.
  23. Actually... I do, thank you...
  24. Oooh... that brings back memories... No me gusta.
  25. Dude... Lakefire's married... Dude! Throw some celebratory eggs at him!
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