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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Not rice, it's tasteful.
  2. I haven't checked my uh... *cough* MAZDA *cough* Millenia's mileage.
  3. Yeah.. I always wear a helmet while riding the Nighthawk. My dad doesn't. I couldn't imagine hitting the pavement would feel very pleasant... I agree. Still, I hope Ben recovers... The Steeler's still need him.
  4. Cory Wolfe


  5. Nice intake, Avro.. Anyways, damn... some of you guys need to remember than anything bigger than 600 pixels wide is pushing it for pictures. My PC can only take so much abuse and I can only take so much side scrolling. The Millenia's 2.5L V6: w00t!
  6. Heh... I already have people asking about my Millenia. It seems no one in Brookville ever heard of one. Can't wait to remove my badges and have people guess. Anyways, Fly... I had a badge like that I could have given you... you should have said reminded me that you wanted something like that.
  7. Cory Wolfe


    Okay... Brookville, PA doesn't get hurricanes. Correction... atleast the wrath of them.
  8. Well... Amber is quite the ugly color, IMO. I'm glad my GA didn't have any. But yeah... clear is for me and I'm definitely going to get those bulbs that are colorless, but light up amber. Heh... IDK if I really wanna spend so much for lights... but I wonder if I could find taillights with clear corners as well.
  9. Hey, NOS... isn't your Camaro black? My moniter isn't quite accurate, so it's hard to say.
  10. Anyone happen to know where I can find THESE, but for alot cheaper? Damn...
  11. NOS, I've been watching R-rated movies since I was about 8... I still watched cartoons until I was about 13. Hell, my brother watched the same movies as I did, so he had to have started watching around 6... Well, he still watches cartoons at 15.
  12. Wal Mart was kept out of my town...
  13. Cory Wolfe


    PA doesn't have Hurricanes. Yay.
  14. Whether or not a company's product is made in the USA... They are still Japanese and will always be Japanese. People who say elsewise just befuddle me. And besides, the Japanese vehicles that were built in Japan seem to have been better than the ones made in the US, quality wise... Regardless, though... It's not like I care where a vehicle is made. If I like it, I'm going to buy it and not bitch or put up with bitching about it being unamerican.
  15. Cory Wolfe


    Um... definitely not what I was expecting. I was hoping for something more like the Triplets' styling. This is just bland and weak and weird looking. It doesn't even look classy... it looks like a Chinese knock-off of a Chevy. Hell, something more like the Cheyenne concept would have been better as. This just looks all out of proportion and $h!...
  16. Well, I'm afraid I'm going to putting alot of miles on my Millenia to visit people instead if no one wants to...
  17. You're having a BV moment. I was in the same state with my GA... then the engine took a $h! on me and it sat in the garage for 7 months until my dad halfassedly tried to fix it just for it to blow up. Dont let the same thing happen, atleast... Get that Cobalt as soon as you can so the Camaro doesn't turn into a nightmare.
  18. Thanks. Heh, I hope so, too...
  19. Heh... Congrats on the Super 88. Now I'm going to have to call you Sly from now on since Sixty8 is no longer meaningful.
  20. Haha.. yeah... My GAGT is still sitting out at my Grandma's... it's not far from Brookville!
  21. Cory Wolfe


    I hate you. I really do.
  22. Alright... Each year, Brookville host's the week long Laurel Festival on Main Street. It officially starts tomorrow, monday morning. Well, most of the things planned all week are quite boring, but it ends with a nice car show on Sunday. Well, being that it's really the only thing worth coming to Brookville for, other than the Labor Day homecoming in nearby Knox Dale, I thought I'd see if anybody wanted to meet there. I mean, might as well come to Brookville to see me sooner or later. And plus it's a car show that closes down Main St... Who can go wrong with that? You could even enter it if you wanted. So... anyone up for it. If not... well.. I thought I'd atleast ask, you know? Cause.. who wouldn't to finally meet me and my new Millenia...? Or cruise around Brookville? Have fun on some back roads? See my lovely house? Haha... Anyways, for those interested, it's Sunday, the 18th. Registering for it starts at 10am while the Show starts at Noon. It last until about 3pm, where for those willing, they cruise to the local Ice cream place. The Frosty Freeze, I think. -Cory
  23. Cory Wolfe


    Well don't joke around about that with me... I give in too easily...
  24. Well... I four litters of kittens here at the house... if I was closer, they could probably have a home here, as if we really needed another litter...
  25. What he said.
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