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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Okay... seriously, now... I take it I'm going to be alone this sunday.. greaaat....
  2. B..but... you guys are m..my friends..........
  3. Well... I'll gladly break it.
  4. Here's a question... would you guys rather have me drive to your town and nag you to death with gayness while hitting on you and trying to get you into bed with me... and jacking off in your house... on your mom..er.. girlfriend, etc?
  5. Well... little ol' GM doesn't make many RWD compacts, do they? Didn't think so...
  6. Suppose I should start crying then... *puppy dog lips... teary eyes* Please?
  7. Um... anything except Ford or Toyota. Otherwise... the more intriguing question for me would be what GM would I drive if nothing else existed... *shudders*
  8. I'm not postwhore......... compared to Sixty8 or Charger.
  9. I'd be worried about my Millenia... 3200lbs, 170hp, 7k redline... and Me.
  10. Okay... that Fiero... I'm taking a rifle and I'm going to "chat" with that guy. The rest? Blah... who care's? Just a few cars I never found attractive anyways... Monsterize away!
  11. Heh... yeah... let the stupid people kill themselves...
  12. Heh... I had to see what he could do... and getting sideways was a complete accident.
  13. No... My parents still have control over that.
  14. A Mini with a "Trend Motors" plate on it.... hmmm...
  15. Well, I found out the Millenia takes Premium. So... what did I get myself into? Heh... I'm just wondering, though... save with Regular or save with Premium?
  16. Okay... so the Pageant was tonight. It was held at BAHS' auditorium. I went... semi-regretfully. First time seeing some people since I was... well removed by my own will. I now remember why I did... it reinvigorated too many feelings that even the miracle working antidepressants couldn't hold back. So... I tried to ignore it and pay attention to the girls. Well... she won. I almost left, but decided to walk back in. I somehow gathered the guts to go up to her and talk to her when the crowd died down. It's been years, I tell you. It was nice to talk to her and she seemed surprised to find me there. I don't think she knows what went on with me and school, so I mentioned that I had some problems with it. Well, she then had to go... couldn't exactly catch up then, but she's going to be at the Laurel Festival most of the week and wanted to know if I would be. I am... hopefully we can catch up. I want to come out to her so badly... but I'm kinda scared...
  17. Don't make me cry...
  18. Anyways... tonight was fun. I now know that it'll do atleast 115 mph and that the ass will get sideways while going around a sharp turn that happens to have gravel covering the pavement. Whoops... didn't see it coming.
  19. Hmm... Well... guess I ought to just keep the Bose system. However, anybody know where to find a CD cartridge for the Panasonic CD changer? That's all that's keeping me from enjoying the system. For now Im stuck with a piddly cassette player and the radio. Ugh...
  20. Cory Wolfe


    I've let it set it... and the verdict is... a Titan and a Colorado had offspring, but they abused the wrong octane gasoline and didn't change their fluids often enough throughout the pregnancy. The Colorado went to see a Tahoe hooker and might have "poked" the growing Silverado influencing it a bit.
  21. Dekah, can I have your Pontiac related prize since I only lost by 1 point and am the Pontiac fanatic? Just askin... Thanks for the votes, too... even though somebody accidently voted for Dekah instead of me...
  22. Let me teach you my ways... you don't buy from just certain brands you like. That makes you ignorant and close-minded. You buy what you like, but because "Toyota and Honda are just better". Now, if you honestly like the vehicle... okay then, but you wouldn't say "my next car certainly will be built by..." if that's the case. So... I'm just saying... *Gets ready to hop into his Import*
  23. I know.... but even I didn't expect to accually end up with a V6 powered semi-luxury sedan.
  24. Hmm... this is what I've been thinking about doing.
  25. Maybe I should search junkyards... since I basically want it to look like the 99-00 Millenia... Or ebay...
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