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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. "I just got word that the Spokesperson for Pontiac was just murdered by a crazed 17 year old with this car they call a 'Millenia."
  2. You don't happen to have a patent on this yet, do you...? Just.. uh... curious....
  3. Is it me... or does that not even rhyme?
  4. "When we're all young, it seems fine. But when we grow old, we all bitch at the young."
  5. Hey Tony... time to post more pics of yourself. Then I'll comment whether or not I should shoot you in your foot. There's a good chance I won't have to.. but who know's if you've suddenly gotten fat or something... so... Hmm.
  6. Hah... yeah... like you and your whiplash enducing governer, right? Anyways... yeah, I'm not sure about Lancaster, but here, the interstate is pretty damn flat, pretty damn straight, pretty damn empty, and petty damn open. Yeah... and compared to how I drive on back roads... I'd say I can handle it. I mean.. if I can handle getting airborn in the middle of a turn, I think going 115 on a straight, flat, empty road is pretty simple. BV thinks he shouldn't be underestimated so much. But yeah... as far as Z's post. I don't think I need instruction for that. I mean... I could cruise at that speed on those roads. Interstates make that possible. They're like Autobahns... but with speed limits and cops. 115 is nothing... I do 90 on some pretty rough back roads with no problem. And yeah... the back roads are the ones that are hilly and windy. Those are about 90% more complicated... I've lost grip before, but regained it. That's where I thank my 300EX, and all those years of riding ATVs. As far as irregularities... well, I'm traveling on these roads all my life, and personally driving them for the past 3 years (who says you need a license to drive? )... I know every bump, hole, crack, turn, hill, etc. Nothing's going to fool me. Except a bunny rabbit.. but that's just an extra bump... one with blood. Wait... that was last night... poor rabbit. Haha...
  7. We need to come up with the universal date(s) in which to meet on.
  8. Saw the new ES as well as a Cobalt SS SC... and a 40's Ford coupe for sale.
  9. I had that happen... but with someone in an Achieva.
  10. Cory Wolfe


    What are you trying to say about me, Chris? Simple, clean, and kind of mean. That's what a Silverado should be.
  11. Next year... Me and Brookville might not be roomies.
  12. I respect the thought... but I'm laughing at your entire post. Sorry.. no offense...
  13. Um... I'd say a Grand Am or Alero. Both good cars. Otherwise... how about a Nissan 240SX? You can easily find an S14 for under your limit. They're great, fun, economical cars.
  14. Well... Ocn, luckilly for me, I always wear my seatbelt.
  15. Okay... so how about that Laurel Festival Car Show? I think a Supper 88 would look mighty fine sitting in front of the Courthouse. Actually, anywhere in Historic Brookville. You know... it's very interesting to see historic cars parked along Main Street in such a historic town. It's like... a flashback for car enthusiasts. I think you'd love it. I really do. You should come. I'll... pay $30 of your gas. I will. Just come... haha...
  16. Ouch... if anyone did that do me... I'd throw... uh... rocks, I think... IDK.
  17. Ofcourse... there's no doubt that I should, it's if I can. I came out to another friend last night and the reaction has made me hopeful. While she wasn't the first I came out to, it was the first time I actually said "I'm gay" to. It made me feel good... So... Haha... that's what I thought when I first read his name.
  18. Wow... talk about an improvement....
  19. Heh... if we can plan a meet... I'll go... with my Millenia.
  20. Well... when you come across a cheap ass semi-luxury sedan that runs and drives perfectly... Wow... I wouldn't even consider some of those cars...
  21. Um... can't you just roll a Jeep getting a few guys to push one side of it?
  22. Are you saying I am unable to handle driving a car at that speed and the interstate (which is basically straight and smooth)...? I was born to be a racer, remember? And I had an ATV which I carved through demanding paths through the woods, along hillsides, etc at near top speed... Not to mention the drifting. Haha... I suppose comparing an ATV to a Millenia doesn't make much sense...
  23. Hhrrrmmm... I filled up yesterday... I'm now below 3/4 of a tank. Heavy foot..?
  24. Okay Mr. Breeder. (blame Chris Doane for that... ) Anyways, no... her... uh... assets are just that. All real. She also happens to be a Christian in a Christian band.. with... her dad. Heh... her boyfried, though... whom I am related to, is such a dirty player. He once f@#ked a girl he didn't know before in a field...
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