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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Well, I decided to go with Quaker State High Mileage oil. Mobil 1 was expensive and the rest were all pretty much the same. Since this is a sponser of JG... I chose it.
  2. Frank... You haven't retired yet... Next year is when I take over your job... Silly.
  3. Well, then... indecently expose yourself to me. Heh...
  4. Frank, remind me to smash your left taillight when I come up there...
  5. What do you guys think is the best oil? Anyways, I'm asking because my dad always buys the cheap stuff... regular Pennzoil 5w30, and that's what I have to put in my Millenia (due for a change, according to what the guy said). However, I want to put the best stuff possibly in it, including high mileage stuff if it really is all that much better for an engine like mine. But yeah... Tell your what you use and what I should use.
  6. Oh... egging! How could I forget?! Haha... thanks, CB.
  7. Heh... I would have taken it if I hadn't found the Millenia.
  8. You don't know the meaning of fun... And if you can't drive well... T'is your fault.
  9. Dude... this is my kind of question... There was a reason I used to use "illegalBV" on Alpha's old chatroom. Underage Drinking Public Urination Indecent Exsposure Driving without a License Driving without Registration Driving with illegal accesories Driving afterhours (well... ) Driving "dangerously" Riding Motorcycles without a License Riding ATVs on Public roads Running from Cops Vandalization Breaking and Entering Trespassing Unauthorized use of Fireworks/explosives Porn (it's illegal! imagine that! ) Heh... alot of that I haven't done in years, though. I was a bad kid, I guess you could say. I don't have an ATV anymore... so... that eliminates the possibly to do some of that now. I think alot of it was because of my neighbor, Shawn, who I pretty much grew up with. He forced me to do alot of that stuff... So... I don't hang out with him anymore, unintentionally, so that pretty much rids the possibility to do anything else again... Besides the things related to my driving. Heh...
  10. RWD Compact Pontiacs...
  11. Hey Sixty8... shouldn't there be a sticker somewhere on the inner door or pillar that will say when it was manufactured? Or didn't they do that back then?
  12. As I said, you don't care about back seat room, so why the hell bother with those? You are so f@#ked up it's not even funny... The only suggestion I will ever give you is a GTO. Compared to the others... it blows them away... especially the GP GXP. Jeesh... and people called me picky?!
  13. IDK what you guys are talking about, but hydroplaning is fun.
  14. I haven't even heard of most of those movies, let alone watched them... so... your list sucks.
  15. I'd give them a C, at best. I mean... but not really average. It's just that it's a love/hate relationship and I never agreed with how they parented me. I mean... I should as punishment and chores are almost nonexistant, but I feel that they turned me into the lazy, stubborn guy I am...
  16. Cory Wolfe


    Nah... the one behind him is just... ugh... I want him... Ask him... I had a woman once... means nothing.
  17. Chat... for I am willing to, as long as you agree to some cyber sex.
  18. Heh... that reminds me... I haven't ordered a brochure in over a year. I'm due... that is, if Pontiac doesn't still have me blocked... The bastards stopped sending my requests...
  19. Cory Wolfe


    Hey Mute... Hook me up with the guy behind you... He's cute.
  20. Haha...
  21. Well... thus far, I've gone 200 miles on this tank and it's right at half a tank... Doing pretty damn good now if I drive with a light-as-a-feather foot...
  22. Well... Anywho... It's hard to find a book that interests me. The only ones that have so far are "Rainboy Boys" and "A Seperate Peace." Otherwise... Meh... books. Reading magazines and forums is good enough for me.
  23. I'll need to copy Fly and get some for my classy Millenia...
  24. Oh... whoops... did I let that out? Hmm... I guess an inch is an inch... especially where it counts.
  25. First off, it doesn't make noise. It purrs at an acceptable volume... all through the RPM range. One thing it does make is power. The tires will chirp going into second, if up to 7k in first, which is more than what I can say for any other automatic trannied car I've driven... The auto is what's keeping the tires from spinning from a stop, and I don't feel like abusing the tranny. Besides... I like high end power. There's something about going up through the revs to get power that just intrigues me. That's not saying I like a total lack of power in the lower RPMs like some engines... No... It runs better than anything in our driveway, including the Sunfire. For 160k miles, I find that very suprising. This thing was treated like a baby throughout it's life.. It's pretty obvious. I guess the guy wasn't lying when he said it was his mother's (and he was about in his late 30's/early 40's) and an older doctor before her. Still... it was an old notion that high RPM's equals danger to an engine. I laughed at my dad for saying that once some time ago.. So, I hope you were joking. Anyways... 900 miles and of my driving and it still runs perfectly.
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