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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Interesting... Well, I feel better already.
  2. Oh man, Deft... I'm so sorry to hear this... I... I don't know what to say...
  3. I'm sorry... I still think C&G is better off without Buickman.
  4. Frank, Frank, Frank...
  5. I hate 'em too.. but I'm itching for attention. Hahahaha...
  6. Blah... My car needs a paint job anyways...
  7. What? No... We're 9th cousins, three times removed.
  8. I wonder how many people this would piss off:
  9. What fun is that? Besides.. it'd be the easiest way to come out to everyone... Hahaha...
  10. Haha... Hmm, maybe I sould make my own bumper sticker... I just don't know what... "I'm only gay if you ask" "I hate homophobes" "I hunt and I'm gay" "Some rednecks are gay" heh...
  11. I'm serious, though... I want a bumper sticker for my Millenia.
  12. Heh... well, got any pics of him?
  13. Bumper stickers and rice? I don't see the connection?
  14. Is he cute?
  15. ...edud ,driew ooos era ouy ...SON
  16. Okay... a few days ago I saw a minivan being driving by a 40s-ish guy. The catch? There was a bumper sticker on it that said "Marriage? Yes! One Man. One Woman". Ever since, I can't stop thinking that I should put my own bumper sticker on my Millenia... just... what, though? Yes, it'll be tacky, cheesy, etc... but so what? I need some way to get back at all the homophobes that drive around.
  17. Yeah... and me and Ryan... who, btw, I am starting to wonder about. IDK...
  18. Never flown, but I imagine I wouldn't get sick... Nothing gets me sick, haha...
  19. Oh... sorry to hear about that. I've felt like doing that to a few guys... Um... I think for me, the thing that would help me the most is to just give him some attention and try to be caring. Let him know how you feel and again, let him understand that you are straight. I mean... give him some room, but try not to let this ruin anything. You have a connection with each other that can be saved, you know... Neither of you guys want to break off the friendship. Alright... I'm not a speciallist, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
  20. Eh... I'd still be tasting latex. No Thanks... Hey... you're not the one who will have to suck latex...
  21. I pretty much agree with everyone else here. Although... to be evil... some people don't deserve any respect, dignity, etc....
  22. Heh... I know, but sucking on latex is highly appealing, ya know. So... no thanks.
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