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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. I am dearly offended.
  2. Oh... somehow missed this... Anywho... Congrats, Corey! The interior color combo does look great. Hope you enjoy it. What did you do with the RSX, though? Keep it or trade it in for the Colorado?
  3. But yeah... the color combo on that interior is gorgeous.
  4. More pics...
  5. Okay... I know the RWD Regal before it was quite the car, but you can't deny that the FWD Regal coupe was a cool Buick at the time. I mean... I still wish my dad would have never gotten rid of it. I definitely would have taken it. Heh... and I love my Millenia.
  6. Alright... this probably won't seem like it'll fit... but... a Buick Century driven by an old geezer. Now... the thing is... I was going about 90 and he flew by me...
  7. Uh... does the white "Friend of Fast" sticker on a reverse light on my Millenia count?
  8. 3er coupe = sexy. Best Bangle design yet.
  9. Here you go... Clicky
  10. Sixty8 is an old slut.
  11. I don't, but I like their music. Same with Evanescense. I think Rhianna (or whatever her name is) newest song is pretty good. I hate the poppy or hip hop sounding stuff, so being that it's like a slow/emotional song it's alright. But yeah.. I don't listen to it, I'm just intrigued to.
  12. Ah... cool. I loved our 89. I wish we still had it. It was sporty, yet luxurious... Like a Buick should be. I loved the digital dash... the styling... the amenities... *sigh* There's a newer one for sale 2 miles up the road from me. Looks kinda $h!ty, though...
  13. Eh... I wish I knew how the remove the chintzy ones my Millenia has. I bought new ones but it doesn't seem that the old ones are removable. So annoying... it's like I'm going to have to break them to get then off, but I don't want to end up being without wipers, heh.
  14. Okay... what Buick are we talking about here?
  15. What Bobo said...
  16. Um... Pink and Jewel.
  17. I miss our old 89 Regal.
  18. Yes... and quite often. I Arby's.
  19. I still love the Murano... such a beautiful design, but I do agree that the FX45 has it beat.
  20. Yes... and still am. It helps since I have no life.
  21. I love the GTO... they have one exactly like that one at my local dealer.
  22. Cory Wolfe


    Me and coffee would abuse each other.
  23. Me and sleep hate each other unless I'm falling over asleep.
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