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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Cory Wolfe


    You look nice in that picture, Drew.
  2. Cory: Hollow, Celtic/Gaelic. Wolfe: Irish, English, and German. Variant spelling of Wolf.
  3. Room for one more Picciotto!
  4. Cory Wolfe


    I heard condoms are a good thing... especially ones with spermacide. But I'm sorry to hear that, I hope it isn't yours.
  5. Haha... stop whoring up my damn thread!
  6. Haha... sorry... That would be the result of my fantabulastic typing skills. Check my edited post.
  7. Razor, I understand, but this is just for fun between us friends. It's not an actual rivalry. CaptainBooyah was being sarcastic. As Mute said, you should lighten up. Whatever grudges you may hold, take them elsewhere, please. This is not the place and I dont want you to ruin something so harmless created for fun.
  8. Nah... I'm not jealous, you can take youre riced out Camaro.
  9. Um yeah... anyone have any explaination as to how that could have happened?
  10. No, that was misprint.. We are a mafia.
  11. Wanna do a good old fashioned gun fight? I'll bring my 243!!!
  12. I, Mr. Cory Wolfe (blackviper8891) of Brookville, hereby start the Front Drive Mafia of C&G. For starters, anyone involved with RDM will be denied membership. Should you choose to support and endorse FDM over RDM, if involved with it, I may give you consideration. Otherwise, to gain membership, you must own a vehicle with front wheel drive. You must have a clean history of not bad-mouthing fwd. You can prefer rwd over fwd, if that appears to be the case. You are obliged to support this club in any way possible. You are also obliged to endorse this club with our seal integrated to your signature. Further commitment to this club is not necessary, but will be rewarded. There are no other requirements for joining and we do not discriminate towards select manufacturers. With that said, if you are interested in joining, please post below saying so with naming the fwd vehicle you own. I will accept a total of 35 members. After reviewing each request I will either deny or approve it until that number is met. Thank you for your time and please join today! Cory Wolfe (blackviper8891), FDM Father. *Disclaimer: This is meant as a harmful rival to the Rear Drive Mafia. Any acts of voilence towards each other is not recommended and is not by fault of FDM, or its Father. Such actions will not be tolerated unless no harm is done. In the case of such happening, a secretive punishment will be carried out. That punishment shall only be discussed amongst FDM members and is very harsh, not a lie. 1. FDM Father, Blackviper8891 2. FDM Consigliere, Flybrian 3. FDM Caporegime, Mute 4. FDM Caporegime, Farkas 5. FDM Caporegime, Speedy_2 6. FDM Caporegime, ToniCipriani 7. FDM Picciotto, Hudson 8. FDM Picciotto, Evok 9. FDM Picciotto, CadillacFan 10. FDM Picciotto, 11. FDM Soldati, 12. FDM Soldati, 13. FDM Soldati, 14. FDM Soldati, 15. FDM Soldati, 16. FDM Soldati, 17. FDM Soldati, 18. FDM Soldati, 19. FDM Soldati, 20. FDM Soldati, 21. FDM Soldati, 22. FDM Soldati, 23. FDM Soldati, 24. FDM Soldati, 25. FDM Soldati, 26. FDM Soldati, 27. FDM Soldati, 28. FDM Soldati, 29. FDM Soldati, 30. FDM Soldati,
  13. Eh... The Silverado is way overdone and the black plastic front end looks cheaper than a 90's Cavalier.
  14. Exactly... I've never seen that happen before...
  15. Cory Wolfe


  16. Blah...
  17. Sorry guys... Me and my Mazda rock and we're made for each other. We both suck... alot.
  18. Not bad...
  19. That's why I'll out run you any day of the week... even if I use regular gas.
  20. Hmm... NOS is just jealous because my ass looks better than his. As for Toni, well I can't help that my Millenia will out run his G6. Blame Pontiac. Anywho... my balls are sweaty... yet again.
  21. I'll take mine... wait... I have a Millenia... Your loss.
  22. I say we all send a bunch of dildos to him... I have a used one.
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