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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. The problem is... I tell so many ppl things that I frequently forget what and who all I told.
  2. Pure sex. Altho, I like the roadster better.
  3. Hmm... That does look like a Camry grill. Well, as long as it takes after the Legacy, it'll look good, I hope.
  4. Cory Wolfe


    Still nice.
  5. Hahahaha.... but wait... how did you know I sleep nude? Used for exaggerated effect, which gave us Ocn's story. But it's similar, just not nearly as high.
  6. ^ My new hero!
  7. Well, NOS, atleast it's a GP... Imagine her in one of these...
  8. Cory Wolfe


    I'm starting to realize that in less than one month, my younger brother will be 16. Not only do I tremble at the thought of him driving... he wants a truck, no less. And not just any truck. He wants one that isn't low to the ground. Hide me. Haha. The day he gets his license and starts driving on his own, especially if he gets the sort of truck he wants, will be the day I move far far away from any roads he'd travel on. Anywho... While doing my usual dealer hopping, I did look at a few trucks for him. In Clarion there's 93 GMC Sierra 1500 4x4 with a manual tranny for $2000. It's a single cab, short bed. Then theres like a 94, I think, Ford Ranger in Dubois for about $3000. IDK. I hope he goes back to wanting an Eclipse... But I'll have to show those to him. Yikes.
  9. What about in the old C/K trucks? Did they ever have manuals pared up with the 4.3?
  10. Fine with me. What do you like? Beer? Coolers? Rum?
  11. Okay... you got me...
  12. NOS, you do know that since you love me, it doesnt have to be my birthday for you to do that?
  13. Woah down... You're thinking big for a beat up old S10.
  14. Yes, would be pure enjoyment.
  15. 8 year old Gateway Essentials with Pent III processors and Windows 98 suck. Be glad you dont have one.
  16. Both of them look great. Clear or red. So shoot me.
  17. Oh f@#k them.
  18. For me, when I had the GA, I'd hold in the clutch on hills and just use the brakes to save gas. Wish I could do that with my Millenia, but putting it in neutral then back into drive while moving isnt the best thing for the transmission. Oh really? Even me? The great BV? You're inferior to my greatness. Bow before my feet! I have driven FWD/man, FWD/auto, RWD/man, RWD/auto, 4WD/auto... and all in more than one vehicle more than once. Muahahaha... And I've had ATVs and dirtbikes all my life with plenty of drifting experience. Muahahahahaha... I am better than you, you silly boy. *looks innocent*
  19. Eh... Oh well. I may not like it either, but as long as JG races, Ill watch. Can't let the whole wall of JG stuff go to waste. It wasn't free.
  20. Cory Wolfe


  21. Hah... well thanks.
  22. Well, as I said, the 11th, was me and Erik's one month anniversary of being together. I'm happy. Yay! However, I have another anniversary today, the 12th. It's somewhat related and something I can't believe I even remember the date of. But none the less, it started an important time in my life and really got me closer to being my true self. Can you guess? Curious? Well... One year ago, I came out to you guys as being attracted to... well... guys, haha. Course, I was still confused at the time and still not ready to completely rid the denial, so I came out as being Bi. So yeah... just thought I'd mention it since you guys love me.
  23. Haha.. Damnit NOS... You and your relatives.
  24. Cool.
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