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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Agree with Croc. My grandma is a smoker and is like that. Otherwise, I'm not a real big fan of smoking, but admittedly, when doing it, I enjoyed and it made me feel relaxed. Every once in a while, I'll feel like smoking a cigarette. Luckilly, I haven't fallen to addiction.
  2. I agree with Croc, Olds, Northie, etc... Otherwise, the only real advantage to having everyone register would be to up the amount of members, like GMI essentially used to. I think it's fine here as is.
  3. ...And how many savings bond must I cash? Anywho, I missed all the excitement do to life. Is that something I should be happy about?
  4. Thanks Z. I realize some of those problems were my contribution. I'm trying, but I've getting a royal beating by life. Well, perhaps not all that royal, but a beating none the less...
  5. Well, there's a problem. I certainly reported a post of two. Anywho... I understand.
  6. A friend of mine has a Prizm of that gen. Her's is purple and also has the 5 speed. The one thing I was impressed about was the interior. The one thing that had me wondering was the lack of tach. How do know where the redline is?!
  7. Premium gas is the lowest I've ever paid for it... and I've had my Millenia since mid June.
  8. Thank you Ven for answers... and sorry to be such a pain in the ass with my responses. I just wanted some straight up answers and I wasn't getting them until Northies final post and Me and Ven's chat. Now to do something to try and get rid of this damn headache.. Damn Lexapro...
  9. I will thank you for finally handing over some answers instead of usual excuses on your part, lack of explaination on Fly's part, and general "just do it" attitude of the entire moderation team. See how much easier it is? Could have saved a bunch of argueing. There are still a few more things needing answers however.
  10. *gag*
  11. Looks good... but... are those G6 wheels?
  12. Yeah.. Scientology... maybe I should be a mini Tom Cruise.
  13. Duh duh duuuuh... Read my last post. It wasn't meant to be anything but contradictory."Free speech = I get post that and Razor gets to continue to berate people since that's all he does. No free speech, I don't and Razor get's whats coming to him. I'm sick of it and how he's allowed to run around insulting and offending people. It's supposedly not allowed here and I've reported his posts, with not even a simple response or action. This is more about lackluster performance of the moderators. They can bitch about this, but not take action? This would be my complaint. Do something or don't expect change from me. Simple as that." So which it is? Except... No one ever had a problem with it until I did it. What the f@#k gives?Seriously guys. Your moderation of this forum is becoming quite laughable. I'm not going to stoop to someone like Josh's levels, but let's just say I expect better and it was there in the past. I think a 12 year old could do a better job.
  14. Wow... the MDX looks even better in person. Sexy. Love it, inside and out. As far as the XL7 comparision... it looks ungainly and ugly, especially compared to the MDX.
  15. Dissapointment is not what I expected.
  16. Haha... but wait... where's my Millenia?
  17. Well, there's more to my post than just a simple thing about free speech. Free speech = I get post that and Razor gets to continue to berate people since that's all he does. No free speech, I don't and Razor get's whats coming to him. I'm sick of it and how he's allowed to run around insulting and offending people. It's supposedly not allowed here and I've reported his posts, with not even a simple response or action. This is more about lackluster performance of the moderators. They can bitch about this, but not take action? This would be my complaint. Do something or don't expect change from me. Simple as that.
  18. Heh... I'm not suicidal or depressed. That "I hate life" bullitin on Myspace was for something completely unrelated that started when I was still on them. If you're really curious about it... IM me on aim.
  19. No... If I wanted advice, I would have asked for it. I've gotten all the advice I need off that forum. It's not Lexapro's website. Click on it. It's why I included the link. It's a forum about drugs. And again, I'm taking the advice of people who've taken Lexapro and got off it both with weaning and doing it cold turkey. Weaning only means I'd have to keep buying and taking it, keep dealing with the side effects, still have to deal with withdrawl, and just make the process last longer. That is, according to those that have dealt with it themselves. So I'm taking my chances.
  20. Oh... hi, guys. Sorry. Freedom of speech allows me to post screenshots of how I've blocked Razoredge. It's not insulting. It's not offending. It's not worse than reading Buickman's hate ramblings about Rick Wagoner or the endless, mindless, and blind hatred for Toyota and other Japanese brands posted throughout the site. Sometimes, a post with including it is more relevant than half the dribble people post about. I've seen people do the same with Buickman and even have those screenshots in their signatures. The difference is? Suddenly I do it with a different memeber and its wrong. Suddenly I do it and Northie, the one with the problem with it, posts a thread about it... Not to mention delete a post of mine because of it. I call power abusage over a little personal annoyance. And being that members like Buickman and Razoredge, who are nothing more than trolls here to cause trouble, one of which has personally offended me, are still allowed to post here is mind boggling. I've reported posts, like you're supposed to, and I haven't seen anything done about it, let alone get a simple response. The way I see it, I'm entitled to my opinion and free speech. Unless that's something C&G doesn't respect... So, until I suddenly don't have those rights anymore, don't expect anything to change.
  21. Ocn... I've read of no possible way to get off it safetly on the Drug forum I linked to. And quite frankly, I don't trust my doctor anyways. My therapist, however, I do. I am going to talk to him about it. Still, I'm already off it and not getting back on it. Tonight's jack off session sealed the deal. So far, I've read that drinking lots of water, getting lots of rest, and doing physical activity will help with the withdrawl symptoms. Three things I've neglected in my life. For the sake of being able to think clearly... it's time I ought to change that. Anyways, thanks for trying to help Ocn and caring, but I'm not looking for advice.
  22. I know, but I've read from that site that weaning off of it still has the same withdrawl symptoms. Talking to the doctor that prescibed this in the first place would be useless. I'm trusting what's on the website I went to for my information. But yeah... being that Lexapro definitely isn't cheap, further dealing with the side effects isn't something I'd want to do, that I hate being on drugs, and that I'd still have to deal with withdrawl... It's not worth it to wean off them.
  23. Happy Bday, Cort.
  24. Cory Wolfe

    Oh My...

    As many of you may know, I've been on antidepressants since March, Lexapro to be exact. They did their job, getting my out of my depression, for good news. Otherwise, the side effects were unbelievable. Weight gain from appetite increase... Problems with excessive yawning... Inability to orgasm during any form of sex... and Sleepiness and Insomnia both. Because of these, I've had a desire to stop taking them. Considering that I was in a "rut of life sucking" when I was depressed and was put on these, I figured it's about time to get off them. Life for me has changed so much since March and most of the reasons why I was depressed in the first place have disappeared. I really don't want to be on drugs like I am and certainly don't want to have to deal with the side effects any further. Well, as of Thursday, I stopped taking them in hopes to finally rid myself of the side effects. The first few days were good. That is... until yesterday, Sunday. Unbearable headaches, dizziness, and this really weird sensation of going out of consciousness and instantly recovering. Headache medicines have been completely ineffective. So, in thinking something is f@#ked up... I've been searching around desperately for answers. Well, I came across of drug forum with a 154 page long thread about Lexapro Withdrawal. Reading through it and seeing people complain of the same things I am, I realize I'm not crazy. For some people, these symptoms never go away. http://www.drugs.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=7826 My final thought is that I cannot believe this drug is even allowed to on the market after all this. Not only am I suffering... I'm quite pissed off at my doctor and my therapist. I mean, I was never even warned of any side effects, let alone withdrawal effects. This... This is just wrong... Unbelievably wrong. This sucks.
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