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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Well, I wouldn't get any of those for $1600 considering that's how much I got my Milly for.
  2. If this is what you might end up getting... I change my mind. Go for the Fiero, damnit.
  3. Love the MDX.
  4. Man, Im so sorry to hear that Dave.
  5. Nintendo, to me, has always had kiddie systems with kiddie games for... kids. A new high tech system isn't going to change that. Especially one with a tv remote for a controller. Of the three new systems, Wii is at the bottom just as the Gamecube was.
  6. Hell if I know... As long as he isn't going to kill me, hell if I care. That show was hilarious.
  7. Hmm, if you want a Fiero, atleast get one with the 2.8L V6. Ones with the Iron Duke are slow (can you say 88hp?) and as pointed out, not the most reliable ones out there. I love Fieros and even I would have to pass on it.
  8. Me? My PS2 was expensive and I didn't get it until a few years after it was out. For all the more I need a gaming system for, it will suit me fine. The PS3 is far too expensive with features I simply don't need.
  9. Dude, practice that yourself with your own post. I only said the bumper is flimsy, which it most certainly is. I didn't say that makes it a bad car. I didn't say it's the decision in choosing a car. I didn't say this makes me hate all Malibu's. Look above. I said the car itself is decent as far as quality goes. Look at my original post, too. If you can't read, I'm afraid it is not me that has issues... It is you.
  10. The car itself... decent. It's front bumper? A flimsy SOB.
  11. Mazda's bitch? My cheap ass Grand Am has less flimsy bumper!
  12. Pull in certain places? You don't even have to pull.. and it can be anywhere, and the entire bumper cover of any Malibu will move, making considerable gaps below the headlight and hood. I have never came across any vehicle with such a loose and flimsy bumper. It's not normal... It's cheap.
  13. Haha... Yeeeah, as much as I browse the car lots... I don't think so. Certainly not as loose as the Malibu's. Each of the three cars in my driveway have much sturdier bumpers and with them, there's no fear of pulling too hard and breaking something, like it feels like will happen with the Malibu.
  14. Haha... I think it started with Enzora getting his hair cut and when I got my hair cut, I think someone, maybe me, said I had been Enzorafied, haha.
  15. Eh... The Malibu SS is the bottom of the rung to me. You can't get much worse, other than cheaper Malibus. Ugly, even after the update. Cheap... and this isn't just about the interior. The front bumper feels like I could remove it by hand, the grill feels like it will just pop out of the bumper the same way. The front bumper on our Sunfire is more solid than it and that's saying alot. Then there's the powertrain. Quite frankly, the 08 Malibu can't come soon enough.
  16. As if that wasn't easy to figure out... But my question is... Targa as in Corvette or Targa as in 911.
  17. My mom would be driving an Alero right now if my dad wasn't stubborn because it barely had over 100k on it, only 15k more than the Sunfire we ended up with.
  18. Oh... yet no one ever donated to my old Fiero Fund?! How rude.
  19. Chris, Chris, Chris... *shakes head*
  20. That's funny, haha... I am sorta soft around the middle, though. I need to be in a gym, but the only gym I know of in Brookville is the HS gym. I don't think they have memberships.
  21. I have a bunch of random car brochures, though some get butchered and put on my wall. Otherwise, I have a bunch of 1:18 scale models of random cars. Most of which I tried selling but I never went through with any sales. I'd still like to sell some of them if I can. I also have some badges off certain vehicles... So if you ever need 1993 Cavalier RS... Cutlass Supreme... or Cutlass Ciera badges.. I have them! Haha... Also have some emblems, including the one off our old 89 Regal.
  22. I think I'm going to let my dad take ownership of it and let him do what he wants with it. I'm not particularly sold on the idea of fixing up the Grand Am... There's so much wrong with it, and that's just for it to be road worthy. That and it's still just a Grand Am. As I said, this is Dreamland I'm in. I want a car that will make the enthusiast in me... well, you know. Like this one of these that are both for sale in Dubois... I'm just always meeting new guys. It's fun. I just hope one of them turn into that special something.Thanks, haha... Ofcourse... My Millenia get's all my attention first. With 170k and constantly rising, it needs it. Haha... Well, when I'm ready to buy, if you still have it, I might have to consider it.
  23. Happy birthday, Enzora.
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