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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Yay. Say what you will, but I'd love to have a BMW 1-series... hatchback or otherwise.
  2. For all my fans, I am there and you have a chance to chat with me. You know you want to. EDIT: Scratch that... It's not working for me.
  3. Also gave it a 4 with my main problem being the center stack. I'm sorry, but GM still doesnt seem to be able to do a center stack right on any mainstream cars. They always look off.
  4. Well... First, I'm going to have dinner with my dad's side of the family. Then, I'm going to have supper with my mom's side of the family. Afterwards, might either stay there the rest of the night playing cards or whatnot or go spend it with a friend since he doesnt seem to have any Thanksgiving plans. On a side note, this Thanksgiving is going to be different. It's been ages since I've seen the entire family. Part of the reason being some of them have found out about... you know, haha. Not that I care since I'm not anything but open about it, it's just unknown how some will take it and well... will be quite awkward. Especially with my uber christian grandma (dad's side). I think she found out as she's been acting really weird around me. So yeah... I'm anxious, yet nervous for tomorrow.
  5. Happy birthday, bitch.
  6. Hmm.. It looks nice, but I think it'd look better from a different angle. And I agree with offering real NAV.
  7. $2000 in difference is how. That's like having a 95 Millenia versus not having a 95 Millenia. That is big.
  8. How about a 1978 Ford LTD sedan? It's really cheap! You know you want it.
  9. 170,000 on my Millenia 121,000 on my Grand Am
  10. BV likes to role play.
  11. w00t.
  12. BV is in the chizzat, biznitches!
  13. Haha... those are funny.
  14. Cory Wolfe


    Ouch, that sucks, Dave. As for this curse...? *sprinkles magic "anti-damage" fairy dust around his Millenia* It's weird.
  15. I saw this and just had to post it. Yay for using a friend's PC. Clicky.
  16. Hmm... the A3 actually looks good.
  17. Eh, I still don't see the appeal in the S-class. I like the CLS much, much more.
  18. Brookville, Brookville, and oh... Brookville. Lived here my entire life (and it sucks).
  19. There's more to the controller than just that... Like the Wii's remote, it's sensitive to movement. It's definitely still the best controller for comfort and use. Simple and not over thought.
  20. The 99-02 look was too... soft.
  21. I am so bored... So somebody... anybody... chat with me.
  22. Um... NASCAR race!!! Woo!!!
  23. Issues? The only issues it has are due to high mileage. There's the missing at idle thing which is something simple like an oxygen censor going bad or something being blocked. Otherwise, it only has a bad left axle which is $60 at most. I've put 9k on it since I bought it in June and it's those were there from the start. It's been very reliable.
  24. I heard organic fluids work.
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