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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Haha, gracias. It's only the first of a few I plan to use... All Atheistic, too.
  2. Happy Bday, Mr. Undecisive-about-what-car-to-buy.
  3. Cory Wolfe


    In spirit of the holidays...
  4. Merry Atheistic Xmas, bitches!!!!
  5. Seen this coming. Poor DCX.
  6. Hah! That's hilarious.
  7. Cory Wolfe


    You? I'm only two inches taller than him yet weigh about 20lbs more.
  8. Look at it this way... You are innocent unless proven otherwise.
  9. Oh my... hahaha... BM.
  10. Considering the Red Line isnt half bad, its not surprising. Now, if you confessed love the ho hum sedan, I'd have to question your mental state.
  11. If it's coming as an 07.. it's a little late, isn't it?
  12. Happy birthday, bitch!
  13. Comparing an older, though just as ugly, design to a new one? Yeah, you're smart.
  14. I didn't say the vehicles themselves sucked. The styling? Yes, and that's all that I talked about in my post. This is where you let me prod you. You shouldn't do that. You should read more carefully. :wink: What about 75 years after they were made? Your argument is skewed. You're comparing eventual 10-15 year old products to a 75 year old product. How do you think a 31 Pontiac was treated in the 50's?
  15. YES!!! And now for the prodding. Read Fly's post, then read mine. I was agreeing with him in that cars back then all looked alike. They weren't enthusiast's vehicles. They were simply for making getting from a to be alot easier. Styling was a carriage with an engine connected. Oh wow... Sexy. The few that were more than that, were expensive. It was not until the 40's and 50's that the majority of them were designed for looks. The 20's and 30's? Not so much. The essential equivilant of the Japanese in the 80's and 90's, or the domestics in the 70's and 80's. Sure, there are always a few nice designs, but the majority of them sucked ass. If you're going to disagree; you're a hypocrite. Simple as that.
  16. Sixty8, you do realize that if you were to buy this car, you could no longer be critical of Honda and the like without being hypocritical? Please do it, though. I need to have some fun prodding someone.
  17. Other than the commentary for the 3rd point, I actually agree with Razor. But yeah, I read the article and the ass load of comments. Alot of hypocrisy over there. Being an Atheist and gay... I sort of have to laugh. All that over what some silly book says? Are you for real? People should live their lives as they see it, not by what some "god" or book says. Seriously.
  18. That's reeeeeaaaally cheap. The 93 that's just as loaded minus the CD player is $2k and it has 150k miles... and its still under its retail value. I went back to check it out. I almost started a thread about it. I'm on the verge of going back again. I like these Bonnevilles and all their nifty features. But thats the problem. Theyre just an electrical mess waiting to happen. This one, the left turn signal was on the fritz, the rear windows rolled down from the the drivers door but you have to use the rear doors to get them back up, and the trunk button didn't work. Otherwise, they all worked, but playing with them, I couldn't figure out how everything worked. So many buttons and controls and theyre not very intuitive. So, if those electrical glitches disappear, I think I'd go for it. The only other problems I noticed are asthetic. It runs good and its in good condition. The only downside is that there is a glaring difference between the quality of it and my Millenia. The engine was loud, everything was clunky, the interior was pathetic, and as mentioned there electical glitches. It's going to be hard to step down to a low rent car, even one I'd love to one... Damn Millenia. Why must I be bored with it?
  19. Cory Wolfe


    Suuuuuuure... I gotcha. *winkity wink*
  20. Thanks, Mr. Five-Days-Late. :wink:
  21. Sex on the beach and robots.. do NOT mix.
  22. That is just sad looking. It might just be as ugly as the Sebring. The R/T concept looked like it would atleast look better, albeit slightly. Ouch. Poor DCX.
  23. Eh.. no worse than than any '90s Pontiac, which is probably why I like it.
  24. Wow... it actually looks great. I like it.
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