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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Hmm... looks good under camo.
  2. Hmm... I'm stumped.
  3. Hmm, I guess its going to have to grow on me. I was expecting too much, I guess. It looks cluttered with a stack of three grills. The headlights are cheap. I don't understand why they can't use projectors... they look so much better and open up the possibility for optional HID headlights.
  4. Put that dream car on your list for a very merry atheistic Xmas!
  5. Oh... oops. Didn't mean to insult him. I forgot how bad Josh's reputation was.
  6. YJ, I think you're seeing things. Secondly, I'll have to side with Turbo on this one. "World Car Fans Breaks GM Embargo" implies anything but an opinion piece. There's no "proof" of anything, just speculation. Before the changes and before this thread was moved, I couldn't fault you. Now its being taken seriously and looks like you're passing off speculation as fact... This reeks of something Josh would do.
  7. I used to see our old 89 Regal around... but its been years. Other than it, I'm not sure I've seen any of our old cars. There are just too many purple 5spd 96-98 Grand Am SE's to accurately find ours... I'm afraid ours didnt have anything special about it for it to stand out.
  8. Not starting anything, yet calling me out? Ironic. I'm just agreeing... Since I can and all. Oh, you know it.
  9. Yes and no. The 240SX was just a Silvia, but the S14 was the last one to be imported. The S15 which Moltar posted never made it over here and it was, arguably, much better looking than the S14. I know it would be on my list of cars I'd like to replace my Millenia with.
  10. Nice. The second pic is pretty. Makes the Aurora look... well.. prettier than it is. :wink: Hmm... is that a good or bad... thing...?
  11. Cory Wolfe

    Hi Everyone

    Welcome to C&G... Despite a few bad apples, we've got a great bunch of members here.
  12. I'm glad I can still listen to GNR, just without Axl. Yay for Velvet Revolver.
  13. New Altima... first gen Q45...
  14. *Books a trip to Bolivia and Xian in China*
  15. What I'm getting? I have no idea. What I want? I have no idea. What Im giving? I have no idea.
  16. Yeah... don't care.
  17. Yeah... and I'm not sure how canadian insurance works, but those rates are insane. Something can't be right.
  18. Sixty8, I do believe that design was a mix of these two Silvias: In modern design, it doesnt mix well, so I would have to say it could look better.
  19. Congrats. That's good to hear, Sly. Now, don't f@#k up it. :wink:
  20. Millenia? You can probably find late 90's or even 2000's under $7k with either the Miller cycle or the 2.5L. Even base models with cloth are well equiped and luxurious. Their reliable as well. Any problems I've had are due to 171k of use and abuse. Only problem I've heard of them having are the transmissions. A transmission cooler is the best fix. Mine is still on the original transmission without one, however. So yeah, I would have to recommend a Millenia.
  21. Blue... hmm... that doesn't look too bad, though, its very... interesting.
  22. Wait, wait, wait... I think I have an idea... Why don't you all just drop it? If you're going to bitch, then don't post. It's pretty simple. Honestly, if you can't find the humor in it, rather than find some illogical way to call it an indirect personal attack, then yeah, you're uptight. I find it odd that two members who do have a problem with this thread have shown tolerance issues in the past. Yeeeeaah, what were you bitching about again? As far as Chris, this wasn't the most useful thread ever, but it was funny. I'm sorry, but Buickman is a douche... Just like Josh, wpbharry, etc. They're members that have done nothing but give us reasons to do things like this.
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