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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Well, if a guy is freaky... Say wha...? I don't get it.
  2. 15 minutes? That's twice as fast as it takes for me. Song downloads easily take a half hour or more for me. My connection with PeoplePC is 26.4kbps. Songs download at 3kb/second max. Hmmph. I might download on Limewire sometime to see if I've heard them before... but if they suck, you owe me a half hour for each. See? Someone gets it.
  3. Hmm... Ferguson... I should have known figured that from the manual.
  4. Decided to finally enter another competition... and I'm taking it seriously for once. Expect an interior sometime before the deadline to accompany it. *Edit* Interior and Rear included.
  5. Cory Wolfe


    I concur. Look at the ridiculous "Word Association" thread... That is one that needs to die. No offense, Charger.
  6. Mazda6 and Mazda3 for Mazda.
  7. I didn't say they were identical. The overall styling is similar though. Then again, which DCX interiors aren't? One would hope. Other than that clock and the bits of wood, it doesn't look any better than the Magnum's interior.
  8. I didn't say they'd be back overnight. Will they, though? Yes. You're stereotyping based on what happens with other bands. This isn't GNR, you know. That's not at all what I meant. Add, as in each member has something to add, their own uniqueness, and it all adds to the sound. There could never be another John or a another Shavo. Like with Serj and Daron, they have their own sound and without it, Soad isn't Soad. And yes, Tool puts me to sleep. It has nothing to do with what genre they are. I can easily listen to a Johnny Cash song and be more entertained. Tool, if you ask me, is like a bunch of other bands out there. It's like a little of this band, a little of that band, a little of that old worn out band, and presto; you have Tool. Do they have their own sound? Yes, but it's no Soad by any means. Tool simply doesn't have what I can appreciate. I have no idea what that may be, but they don't have it. It's not specific to genre, as I said... I listen to many different genres, not just hard rock. As for having bad taste... you're straight. What did you think?
  9. Cory Wolfe


    There's a Coryville somewhere around here.
  10. Welcome. I'm not a good person. You may want to ignore me.
  11. I'm just in a bad mood so my judgement sucks right now. But I figured you were joking to some degree. Millenias are sexy, ofcourse. Guitar hero... That most likely would have been "Bat Country", but most songs on City of Evil have a similar feel. On their previous album, "I Won't See You Tonight, Part 1" is pretty good. If you don't mind limited screaming, "Chapter Four" and "Clairvoyant Disease" are both pretty damn good.
  12. The Compass is hideous and with cheap interior. Need I say more?
  13. That's what I thought they were. Awesome. GM gets so many things right with this car, but gets one of the more important things wrong? Wow.
  14. I read it and I get the point. Is it unfair? Yes, I'm not questioning that. However, to lay all the blame on the companies themselves? That in itself is manipulation of the truth. Then to dislike them after putting this undeserved blame on them? That's just pure idiocy. If you want to see the real culprit, look no further than the government. Who the hell do you think is letting all this happen? Who's not doing a damn thing about it? Exactly. It just happens to benefit Japanese companies while doing the opposite to Domestic companies. Japan's goverment is doing all it can to ensure its companies can do their best. Is their fault their country cares? Is their fault our country doesn't give a $h! about our companies? f@#k no. I'm sorry, but I'm not the one with my head shoved up my tailpipe.
  15. It's just out of sight to the right. I'll take a pic.
  16. You have taste? What kind of taste? Wait... don't answer that. I dont think I want to know.
  17. Haha... You're an evil little bitch, aren't you? Say what you will, but I'm confident they'll be back. Give them some respect. Serj is a very innovative writer and vocalist with alot of talent. Daron is a better guitarist than most people would like to think... You don't need to do fancy guitar solos or special effects in movies to be considered a great guitarist. Shavo and John don't as much credit as Serj and Daron, but they're great as well, and just add to the overall sound. As far as Tool goes, they put me to sleep honestly. Very few bands have that special something I can enjoy. Tool just doesn't have it. Do they suck? No. I would have to listen to all they're stuff, a few songs every know and then doesn't do any band justice anyways. It's not about how good a certain band is, it just happens that SOAD rocks. You may not see that since you have poor taste. Oops, did I just say that?
  18. Hmm... Dave... I think I like Dave... Anyways, happy birthday, if it's really today. Well, I guess yesterday, I think I'm a few minutes late. No! I wasn't! Haha... right on time.
  19. Anywho, it looks better than I expected.
  20. Is it me, or is something glowing in the headlights?
  21. Hmm... So now it's even less original?
  22. Cory Wolfe


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