Some more I forgot about, plus explanations on those I didn't... Friik (two versions "Friik!" and "Friik", the first is from Soad's very first demo, the second is a newer version from what I've read; both hard to find, I have the first)
The Metro (two versions, the demo and one that was later released for a soundtrack; the latter is easy to find, unsure about the former, I have the latter)
Dam (off Soad's second demo; not as hard to find, but I don't have this one)
Honey (off Soad's third demo; not hard to find at all, I have it)
Temper (also off Soad's third demo; not hard to find either, but the only versions I've found have some of the song cut off, I have it)
Marmalade (can be found on special version's of the their first album; easy to find, I have it)
Storaged )can also be found on special version's of the their first album; somewhat easy to find, I also have it)
Johnny (can be found on special version's of Toxicity; somewhat easy to find, I have it)
Virginity (also known as "Cherry" was a leaked song that was supposed to be on STA! but was cut; sort of hard to find, I have it)
Fortress (also known as "Forever" or "Outer Space" was also a leaked and cut song for STA!; sort of hard to find as well, I have it)
Blue (don't have any info on it; its easy to find, I have it)
Snowblind (Black Sabbath cover; easy to find, I have it)
There are more out there, but those are the only ones I can vouch for.