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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. I will personally slap anyone that complains. This car is easily the most competitive thing to grace Pontiac's lineup in a long, long time... and it's sexy as hell to boot. Love it.
  2. 1989 Honda Civic with mismatched doors and altezzas.
  3. Very.
  4. Well, I don't know about you, but it is by far one of the sexiest sedans out there. I even like it more than the CTS. I loved the GTO, but it's not hard to see why it "failed".
  5. I've been trying to find that pic forever... I saw it long, long ago and it disappeared. Gracias. I wouldn't even bother with a 4spd auto in the first place.
  6. No problem... I saw what you were saying and I think the Edge was atleast good enough to beat the Highlander.
  7. I read it myself and this is what it says for anyone who wants to know:
  8. Same here... I love hatchbacks and I love coupes/sedans. It really depends on the styling of the vehicle itself, not whether it has a decklid or not.
  9. I pushed, pulled, pounded... it wasn't coming open. Course... I haven't been driving much lately anyways, so it's probably a weeks worth of ice securing it shut.Anyways, to add to those pics, the snow drifts are insane. The snowplows can't seem to keep up with them. In some places, there's a good two feet of snow on the road. In others, there were huge 5ft drifts along the side of the road making it even narrower. I was riding around with a friend and nearly got stuck a few times... Also got ran into a drift by a car coming the other way. Must not have realized there wasn't a berm to pull off onto like usual.
  10. I simply don't agree with that. I don't care if you're a passionate GM enthusiast or a passionate GM hater... Intentionally trolling the forums for your own personal vendettas is absolutely ridiculous. If that's your intention, I stand by what I said. Just because you have a problem with what certain insiders say doesn't mean trolling them will help the situation. And whether you agree or not, they are an asset to C&G as they do have information others don't. The only one making a fool out of himself was the one trolling. With that said, if you stop with the trolling, I'll have no problem... and will actually encourage you sticking around. As I said, it's nothing personal. Agreed. Guys, don't get me wrong... I under stand all of that, respect FOG, his modding, and have nothing personal against him. However, reading that he intentionally trolls the forums...? It's unacceptable no matter what your ranking or what your interests are. I think he is a great guy who's very passionate about GM, but I'm not going to ignore what he's done just because of that. I just don't put up with stuff like that. Doing that certainly isn't helping C&G. As I said, it is unacceptable and there are no exceptions for it. I'd say the same thing to anyone else who does... and have in the past. That, alone, was the reason for the tone of my post.
  11. I love the Murano.
  12. It looks really really narrow and tall...
  13. I can't wait to see one of these in person.
  14. That says alot to me. Well, FOG, I hold nothing against you. I just don't see you as an asset to C&G anymore, so I can't say that I'll miss you. In the early days, you're posts were great reads. As time went on, however they became more and more like mindless media-conspiracy banter. And now that I see your true motive, all I have to say is good riddance. Those "analysts and government employees" are much more valuable to C&G than anything you've contributed.
  15. G6 stands for nothing, especially in conjuction with the G5 and G8 (as well as the G2 and G3 in Mexico). Believe what you want, but it's nothing more than meaningless alphanumerics.
  16. It's an improvement, but still not all that good looking. Sad, considering the last gen was one of the best looking trucks out there.
  17. I honestly don't see what's so bad about it. It's unique, driver oriented, and fits with the overall theme of the car. Again, I sort of like it.
  18. Cory Wolfe


    Oh, it sure is. Beautiful... I guess. *shrugs* My Grand Am is now a fastback... My house has kitty killers... Yeah, it's nice to look at, but I hate it. It's freezing cold for one. I stepped outside and instantly felt a slap of cold air. I walked to the top of the hill, too. It was windy and felt like it was negative 20. Brr. The dirtroad was mostly ice with gravel sprinkled over it. Slippery. Everything has about 6 to 10 inches of snow covering it. As you can see, drifting snow turned my Grand Am into a fastback. My Millenia's doors are frozen shut and were impossible to open. My house has huge kitty killers on it. Some are taller than me. Then there's the hard roads with all the rust causing salt and disgusting slush. Oh, I just love it...
  19. Cory Wolfe


    I was bored... Super bored... So I took a new pic.
  20. Mazda, Volvo, and Land Rover? Going away? Someone is high. First off, sales aren't as important as profit. I'm willing to bet Ford makes alot more money off those three, than they do Mercury or Lincoln. Not to mention that they have appeal outside the fleet market, geriatric crowd, and outside the US unlike Mercury and Lincoln. If any brand is in danger of being dropped, it's those two. Hell, Pontiac has a better chance of being dropped even with the upcoming G8.
  21. It's certainly different and looks better than our Civic's interior. I sort of like it... As for digital speedometers... Honda has used them in the S2000 and Insight as well.
  22. Myspace rules, bitches.
  23. Let's go down to Mexico and buy the original it ripped off... Pontiac Matiz (rebadged Daewoo Matiz)
  24. After watching Gone In 60 Seconds, again, last night... I will have to agree. I love those. Possibly the only Mustang I'd bother with.
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