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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. I said it before and I'll say it again. This lawsuit is retarded.
  2. Tell me... Are Pontiac's, Cadillac's, Jeep's, Dodge's, MB's, BMW's, etc... Are their grills getting cheesy too? It's called a brand identity. I *heart* driver oriented interiors.
  3. Ugly =/= Love it or hate it.
  4. http://www.autoblog.com/2007/02/19/maserat...e-pics-surface/ ------------------- Very sexy... Edit: New shot added.
  5. Wow, that is really sexy. I love it.
  6. You can also change it at the very bottom left on the forums.
  7. It does?
  8. Brookville is old school... Buick, Cadillac, Chevy, and Pontiac are combined in one dealership.
  9. Wow... They're actually scaring me a little.
  10. I'm rocking the Opel skin. The yellow is crisp, refreshing, and different. I love it.
  11. Eh... I certainly don't care for Toyota being in the sport, especially with Darrel Waltrip basically being an in-booth spokesperson for them. They all did pretty poorly, regardless of all the talk. I'll still watch Nascar and I'll still enjoy. This was still one of the most exciting Daytona 500s I've seen in a while. I find it funny how so many people here bitch about it. Nascar this, Nascar that... Almost as bad as those bitching about foreign cars, modern cars, FWD cars, etc.
  12. I never really saw anything wrong with Nicolas Cage... As for the movie, it looks good.
  13. It looks bad regardless of the vehicle. So yes, let's bitch.
  14. Me neither, but it doesn't look like paint.
  15. Unless it's a flat dark gray/ash... I highly doubt it's painted. It's not shiny...
  16. A Cadillac Deville that almost t-boned me and a Dodge Neon that almost rear-ended me. Course... they probably had their reasons...
  17. It's very odd, to say the least.
  18. I lied about the Civic. My next purchase will instead be an Astro van outfitted with a custom Astro roof and Astro turf. I dig it.
  19. Cory Wolfe


    I take that back... I'm not sore. I'm f@#king sore. Ugh... I need a massage. Anyways, went to my grandparent's for something to do after I posted. Brought the camera along with me to get some pics. These aren't quite the worst areas around here, but I didn't feel like driving anymore than I had to. The first pic sucks, but on the left is a huge snow drift that's probably 6' deep. It's taller than me, I know that much. The rest just showcase what most areas look like.
  20. What he said. Welcome. I must ask though... You wouldn't happen to have a craving to own a '95 GAGT coupe, would you?
  21. I saw that on the news while I was at my grandparent's... Diverted my attention until my grandpa changed the channel.
  22. I'm pretty sure he qualified 7th or 8th... How is that mediocre? And from what I've read and heard, the problem with his car during the shootout was electrical.
  23. Cory Wolfe


    I don't know the official total, but here at my house, there's 8-12 inches... Insane snow drifts from the wind. And I shoveled half of my driveway since the tractor wouldn't start. I'm sore.
  24. I think you did the right thing... it was in self defense and it obviously worked. If it were me, I wouldn't have stood a chance being that I'm built like a 14 year old.
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