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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. I doubt this look will work for 90% of existing dealerships unless they plan on doing a major overhaul.
  2. Lots more pics... and high res ones at that. Clicky I will say that it looks better in these pics, especially the interior, but I'm still iffy about it. It's just not what I think of when I think Mazda. Doesnt look like one to me, whereas the 3, 5, 6, RX8, MX5, CX7, CX9, and the previous Demio pretty much define the Mazda look. As is, the only thing Mazda about it is the front fenders and the grill.
  3. That one looks decent since the color hides small details, the pic blurs out the rear, and well... the front angle is least offending view. It's still a pretty pathetic looking car. *claps* Well said. Agreed. I don't think I could even choose the Avenger or the Sebring over... the G6, Aura, Malibu, Accord, Camry, Fusion/Milan, Altima, Mazda6, Sonata, Jetta, Legacy, or Galant. They are all more appealing than those two. Stylistically, mechanically, materially, etc. The only reason someone could possibly have to buy either is if there's the very small chance that they somehow like the styling or if they refuse to buy anything but Chrysler. Thats about it.
  4. Yes, the other day there were birds outside my window... and it was still freezing out. Crazy.
  5. Is it sad that I forget what I voted for? :D Damn bi phase I went through after I first came out... :P
  6. I think the roads being wet helped... All I saw was a really bad case of wheel hop.
  7. One tractor + two guys + one newly reassembled engine + one atv + alot of free time = trying to start this old brute: Did they get it running? Nope. Must need more work.
  8. Snow driving is fun, but not with bald tires. I've only slid once, but I just expected to have alot more problems and am always anticipating it. It's really not that bad, though. Seriously.
  9. Ouch.
  10. Very nice. I'm jealous. Now you just need the 18 inchers and the 06 taillights.
  11. It's still pretty irrelevant. An actual breakdown of retail sales versus fleets sales says alot more than how much the fleet incentives were. It would be alot more useful, too.
  12. *slap* I think there should be a 'Laws of Auto Enthusiasts' list out there, and on it, be one that states "Thou shalt not make fun of a gay man's equally as gay car, for he most likely has better taste than your straight ass."
  13. Well said. This Pontiac fanatic agrees.
  14. A tractor being pulled by an ATV. Pics coming sometime today, if you're intrigued.
  15. Here's some lyrics with a personal meaning to me. It's a very slow paced song, so the lyrics work better in conjunction with the song.
  16. The only complaint I really have are those "fangs".
  17. I know they had brake problems, but the few times I drove my Grandpa's Silverado, I thought it rode and handled pretty well compared to other trucks of the same time period.
  18. Good for GM... Too bad for Ford and Chrysler. Oh well.
  19. Truly sexy.
  20. The TL looks old? That's news to me.
  21. Great write up, Bimmer.
  22. What would a random lyric thread be without SOAD?
  23. Apparently enough so that a woman would give her baby up for the downpayment... Clicky "Pueblo, Colorado police arrested three people on charges of using a 5-month-old baby as a down payment on a car – not even a new car, but a used Dodge Intrepid. A young woman apparently tried to get a car and some cash and only had the baby to offer in exchange. Allegedly, Nicole Uribe gave the baby to Jose-Juan Lerma and his wife, Irene, for the down payment on the car. She also would have received an unspecified amount of cash, in addition to the car. The baby is now in a foster home, while the three suspects sit in a Pueblo jail with bail set at $50,000 each. After being tipped to the exchange on Monday, Police Sgt. Brett Wilson said they had Uribe in custody within hours. The Lermas were arrested Tuesday. All are being held on charges of felony child trafficking." Wow.
  24. The Knox Dale Vol Fire Dept has an antique fire truck. It's always brought out for the Homecoming parade. Maybe one of these days, I'll get a pic.
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