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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Well, my driveway is pure mud, hence why it's so muddy. Not to mention that there's always gravel on the the backroads I live on. As I've mentioned in the past... Keeping a car clean is impossible living here. Nothing I do with this car is going to be cost effective, since it is a 12 year old car, but my dad can do body and paint work. I'm probably just going to try to have it sanded down and repair the fenders as best as possible. Same with the scratches... They're deep enough to feel. I figure that it needs a paint job anyways. I think the only reason I'd get rid of my Millenia anyways is if the engine blew up, like with my Grand Am.
  2. Seriously. I thought something so obvious would be easy to see.
  3. I think it's time to move to Arizona... This is ridiculous. My Millenia was never perfect in the first place, but damn. Rust, scratches, a ding? Pisses me off. It always had a bit of rust on the right rear fender since I bought it, but it was barely noticeable. As soon as winter came, it started to get worse. After that, I didn't really pay attention to it. Well, yesterday, I happened to look at it and its so much worse, not to mention I now have some on the left side, too. I'll just let the pics speak for themselves. I couldn't get a pic of the ding, though.
  4. I also like the V10's for your car. I think those Foose Wheels would look nice on my Millenia, however.
  5. A suggestion... If you like the Maxima, how about an Infiniti I35? Doesn't have the Maxima's personality, but it's better looking and has more luxuries. They go for about the same money as the Maxima does, as well.
  6. Well, I don't have a stand out favorite by any means. I just love cars.
  7. Maxima. It's easily the best car.
  8. I would have to agree. Do something for me, please. Test drive a LaCrosse CXS. While it's not the greatest midsizer there ever was, the CXS, with the HF V6 is actually a nice car for what it is. It's not trying to be sporty. The entire feel of the car is soft, but controlling. It's also not the nicest styled car out there, but neither is the Avenger.
  9. *cough*Amati*cough* Anyways, yeah, while I don't think all Asian vehicles look alike, that sketch certainly looks derivative. It seems to be a mix of Lexus GS and Toyota Avalon. Eh.
  10. Okay, Mr. Technical. I meant that it's not an outright application of BOF. A mix of BOF and unibody obviously isn't completely BOF. Hence what I said.
  11. Heh... Wow... Odd. My opinion? No f@#king way.
  12. I didn't say you were the only one to have a problem with it, I said you were the only one to turn it into an issue and make it into such a big deal, not mention go about all of it in a disrespectful tone. How you continue to post just reinforces that, especially after you said "I'm done with this". I just think it's a little hypocritical and harsh. I mean, what does it matter to you what I do? I'm just some person on some forum to you. *shrugs*
  13. It's certainly ridiculous, but knowing that if I ever called in from a draft, I could just say... "Hmm... Nope, I'm gay, you don't want me."
  14. I haven't personally seen it, but my cousin's replacement for her Neon is a Hyundai Tiburon. That makes two Hyundai's in the family.
  15. I didn't say I was good driver either. My, you guys really like to put words in my mouth. Do I think I am, though? I don't think I'm the best driver there ever was, but I think I'm decent. If I wanted third party opinions, I could go to my family or friends, which say I'm a good driver, but I know things they don't obviously. I'll admit when I do something wrong, which I have before. I'm just saying texting doesn't affect my driving as much as some people would like to imply. It's not hard to critique my own driving. I know when I drift out of a lane, take a turn or brake too early or late. Texting generally doesn't cause me to do anything like that. Other things have, however. As I said, most of this thread is just politics. Texting, while obviously not the safest thing to do, isn't as dangerous as some would like to imply, especially if you know what you're doing. That's what I've been trying to say since my first post, but some people are too hypocritical to understand.
  16. Hah... Nice.
  17. Cute.
  18. Looks like it's mostly similar to what my Grandpa wants to get.
  19. Considering I've been the only one getting bitched at, it just seemed natural. Regardless, I don't think anyone is saying they should, or that they won't wreck.
  20. If I said "I should", point it out to me. If I said "I would never have an accident", point it out to me. Again, changing a CD is more distracting than texting. I don't see posts bitching about people who do that, which just about everyone without a CD changer does. So why is texting the subject being beat to death? As far as I'm concerned, anyone who doesn't drive with both hands on the wheel entirely, never touches or does anything else while driving, never has passengers, never listens to music, never looks at the gauges, and focuses 100% on driving has no room to speak against anything that was brought up in the thread. Anything done while driving can be dangerous. Only those who truly remove all means of distraction are safe. Even then, that doesn't make them a good driver. Much of this thread is just pointless politics. Either way, you guys are still jumping to conclusions. It's not like I text while I'm doing 60 down some twisty backroad. I do it at a speed I feel comfortable doing it at and most likely on a straight stretch of road. I don't look at my actual phone anymore than I look at the gauges.
  21. No one is brainwashed besides your biased self. If you put stuff in the trunk of your car, you're also screwed. As far as being underpowered, not for its size. Same with it's specs. There's no real and fake trucks. It's unique in that it isn't BOF and excessively sized. The only reason I don't like it is because of it's styling, inside and out.
  22. No. It's just you. And I already pointed it out. You haven't pointed out anything. So what are you done with? There's nothing to be done with. You're the only making an issue out of this, not me or anyone else. I innocently posted, you berated, I followed up, you berated, I once again followed up, and you just berated some more. I don't think you know what you're doing. The fact that you can't even spell my name right, even after Fly did, says something... Who knows what, but something.
  23. Well, if you'll accept a Grand Am as a trade, I'll gladly take the Jaguar off your hands for you.
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