Appearantly, the only cars you should be buying are ones that increase in value or ones that are the anti enthusiast. If your only thought when buying and using a car is how others perceive your vehicle, you're not an enthusiast. If your only thought is how much you'll get out of your vehicle when you sell it, you're not an enthusiast. If putting money into your car to improve it's looks, performance, or whatever isn't worth it, you're not an enthusiast. However, If you like how your car is in the first place, that's fine. But things like this is the entire reason vehicle modification exists, whether the vehicle is a show car, daily driver, or an off roader. It's all the same and it's not worthless unless you're not a true enthusiast. If you love the car you own and are an enthusiast, you won't care about petty things like that.I will add that if the only reason you bought a certain car is just to have a car strictly for transportation purposes and feel no attachment to it, like a Camry, I could understand the above. It's how my Millenia started out, but it's much more than that and I eventually realised it. For the sort of mileage it (and DF's Intrepid) has, there's not much reason to even try to sell the car as it was bought. While the gains may not be much, modding them will increase the value, just like remodeling areas of a house will increase the value. You just have to find the right buyer. Even then, I can't see myself ever parting ways with my Millenia. I'd love to keep it, better its condition, and see how long it can go before it gives up on me.