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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Nice choice. Some may complain simply because its a Honda, but it's the best sport compact sedan out there.
  2. New Silvy HD, MKX, Superduty, and Z71 Tahoe. Also saw two BMW 325is's, a Fiat 124 Spyder, and a Mazda RX8 for sale.
  3. If you ask me, other than the wood... and in some cases overload of wood, they all look about as luxurious as an everyday midsize sedan. 6 1 2 5 4 3 7
  4. I was speaking in general, not towards anyone specific, FYI.
  5. I forget if I'm Irish or not.
  6. True, but no one buys a car as an investment. You either buy it for transportation or because you like it. On your terms, the whole act of being an enthusiast is worthless. There's no money in being an enthusiast. With anything, it's because it's what you enjoy. If all you're worried about is money, you shouldn't be talking about cars in the first place. Money isn't everything.
  7. Appearantly, the only cars you should be buying are ones that increase in value or ones that are the anti enthusiast. If your only thought when buying and using a car is how others perceive your vehicle, you're not an enthusiast. If your only thought is how much you'll get out of your vehicle when you sell it, you're not an enthusiast. If putting money into your car to improve it's looks, performance, or whatever isn't worth it, you're not an enthusiast. However, If you like how your car is in the first place, that's fine. But things like this is the entire reason vehicle modification exists, whether the vehicle is a show car, daily driver, or an off roader. It's all the same and it's not worthless unless you're not a true enthusiast. If you love the car you own and are an enthusiast, you won't care about petty things like that.I will add that if the only reason you bought a certain car is just to have a car strictly for transportation purposes and feel no attachment to it, like a Camry, I could understand the above. It's how my Millenia started out, but it's much more than that and I eventually realised it. For the sort of mileage it (and DF's Intrepid) has, there's not much reason to even try to sell the car as it was bought. While the gains may not be much, modding them will increase the value, just like remodeling areas of a house will increase the value. You just have to find the right buyer. Even then, I can't see myself ever parting ways with my Millenia. I'd love to keep it, better its condition, and see how long it can go before it gives up on me.
  8. The naming doesn't make any sense. If they are going to do a retarded alphanumeric scheme, do it right. As is, it's stilled mixed in with real names and the number designations are completely random.
  9. Cory Wolfe


    You can just take refuge in my room. As long as you don't mind my dogs hogging most of the bed at night, the gay porn I might have on my computer, and the overall smallness of my room... You might be alright. I don't hate it, per se, but for what I want in life, it just doesn't cut it. It's definitely peaceful, though. Really peaceful... unless it's hunting season. As I've said, I love the country, but growing up with only one kid to hang out with other than my brother, being isolated from everything and everyone, and having to travel long distances to buy anything decent has just been a pain. Not to mention that the high number of homophobic conservatives out here really puts a damper on things. Living directly in Brookville might have been easier, but the nearest city would still be a good 2 hours away (Pittsburgh). Then there are the winters, which I despise. Personally, I think I'd like to live right outside Pittsburgh.
  10. The thing is... Wheels are A) Removable and B) Reusable and C) Can be Sold regardless of the car.
  11. Do you even have a first car yet? I would advise to get a daily driver before you decide on any project or a car that will need alot of work to be road worthy. While it doesn't seem like fun, it'll most likely pay off in the end and give you more seat time on the road, which is always enjoyable.
  12. Yet you payed how much for a beat up Camaro? Anyways, to some people, wheels add to the look of the car. Having ugly or small wheels detracts from the look and you're not going to find "junkyard special" wheels that look halfway decent. Also, the handling differences are minimal. Ride, however, will obviously change. And as far as being stolen, ever hear of a locking lug nut set? One came with my Millenia and every RX-8 I've ever seen had one.
  13. Spring break... What's that?
  14. Cory Wolfe


    Mine, too, thus far. Well, I'm almost required to leave. There are no career opportunities here. The people here aren't exactly those I'd prefer to be around. That and, well, there are no guys here. I like the country side, but I think I'd like one in a more open minded area near a big city.
  15. Yes, well, I'm looking at you, just remember that.
  16. Cory Wolfe


    Hah, yeah... I didn't realize how dirty my mirror was until I got my pics onto my computer. But thanks.
  17. A few days ago it was really warm. Today, it was raining, sleeting, and snowing... Lots of flooding.
  18. Wow... Cool.
  19. Alright... I'll be the first person to say not to underestimate the Koreans, but I truly think they're starting to get ahead of themselves. First Hyundai's Genesis and now a Kia "TT?" Come on... Is this a joke?
  20. Cory Wolfe


    I got my hair cut... by me. I didn't screw it up and it actually looks quite good.
  21. Bill O'Reilly is retarded.
  22. Unless it was a Formula or a Fastback, I think I can hold back the tears.
  23. We have an air compressor, though, I'm not sure if it's decent. It's probably in one of the pics I took of either the tractor or my Grand Am. I'll have to look into the spot blaster. I could deal with it if I had to. As Z said, I can't stand winter and I'd easily consider moving to somewhere with very little chance of my car rusting. Yeah, I thought so.
  24. I'm just curious... What do you own? I can't see 15" wheels looking good on anything but a subcompact.
  25. That's very... very, very odd.
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