It is. But I'm about as likely to buy it as you are to like a Toyota Camry. It probably is. I zoomed in as much as I could without zooming in too much and then my camera auto focuses. I can't manually focus, so if I aim a bit off, it'll happen. That's my uncle's Titan. If you remember, like us, he had a run in with a Blazer and it scared him into a Nissan. Haha. As for the lawn ornament, it does say "Pontiac Grand Am" on the back. I never debadged it. The lighting, angle, and distance I took the pic from makes it look invisible. I had to do a double take. More random pictures. The first of which are some pics I took during winter. Sort of forgot about them, so why not post them? After those are some pics of paint. Haha... I was bored. The first is my Milly's and the second is my GA's. Then, it's another pic of my house... This time from up on the hill, in the field, looking into the valley. Last is a pic of Harley and his new collar. For those who didn't get to hear me bitch for a few days on aim, he got loose and ended up getting sprayed by a skunk. He still stinks as does parts of my house. So he got many, many, many baths as well as a new collar. This one, he can't slip out of. And before you comment on the color... My mom picked it, not me