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Cory Wolfe

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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Hmm... "I'm voting for Sanjaya because he is the worst... to make American Idol a joke" =/= "I'm voting for Sanjaya because I want him to win... it's entertaining." Yeah. As Blu said, it's leading the poor guy on. Stern, votefortheworst.com, and people like yourself who do this for those very reasons... Immature, unnecessary, stupid... Need I go on?
  2. Haha... well, I just like how he sings and interprets songs. Yes, those people have a few screws lose. As far as his appearance, he's alright.
  3. Heh... Yes, I have... And I was going the speed limit on a straight stretch of road, thank you very much.
  4. As noted... Get a daily driver before getting a project.
  5. Oh, I've taken road trips, albeit small ones, but I hate city driving. T'is no fun. :P
  6. Say what? The way I drive? How do I drive? Wait... not only that, but, how do you know how I drive? Have you been spying on me? Should I... like... call the police or something? :P Actually, myself, I'd be more scared of my engine... I've still yet to get the miss fixed and I don't trust it on long trips. Good news is that the check engine light finally came on a few weeks ago, so if I can find a place with a pre-96 diagnostic hookup, I might be able to finally find out what is causing it. My uncle, a mechanic, couldn't figure it out by looking at it and neither can my dad. So... This should be fun. As far as my tires, they should be fine for a few more months now that the snow is gone. My tires aren't completely bald... they still have a tiny bit of tread left on them, which is good enough for dry pavement and wet pavement as long as there isn't sitting water on the road, like in a downpour.
  7. Yes, it's the same vice versa. Plus, Lancaster is confusing to someone used to a small town.. And all those Amish, my, those Amish. :P Anyways, the closest I've came to meeting someone has been Drew but things never worked out on my side, and he seems to be busy at times. One of these days, since Pittsburgh is only and hour and a half or so from here. Although, I think Lancaster is confusing, so Pittsburgh is whole 'nother story. I've never actually been to either by myself, but I'm not looking forward to it. City driving is not my cup of tea. :D
  8. Heh... For me to say that would be immature would be an understatement... and Ironic. I'm not saying it's the best show ever, but it's not affecting people like you and others who intentionally vote for the worst. The show simply help those with talent to sing and do what they love. Is that so wrong? Many people who have been on American Idol have been able to make a career out of it where they might not have ever been noticed otherwise. Why harbor ill will towards the show for no reason? It's just stupid. Anyways, myself, I hope he gets voted off soon. Personally, I'm a fan of Blake Lewis on the show and marks the first time I'm a real fan of any contestant on the show since its inception.
  9. Nope, not yet. T'is sad.
  10. I have no problem with some fast food... like some much less common places. But Mcdonald's... Damn. It's like eating trash out of a dumpster. When you have other places to choose from... *gag*
  11. Reminder numero dos... Anyone nearby is again welcome to meet up at this year's Laurel Festival car show in Brookville. It's the third week of June, I think, but may be the second. Either way, it's on a Sunday, the 17th or the 24th.
  12. Reg, we get it, you're biased. Now shut up. Anyways, it looks really good, even with all the white tape. Seems like Honda is returning to a style similar to the 94-97 and 98-02 Accords, which is quite welcome. I never really liked the styling of the current one.
  13. Gotta love the Fiero. Anyways, I have to give credit to Balthy. I'm unsure why certain members are trying to imply they were rebadges. They obviously were not. I may have said that styling was similar enough that, if photoshopped, a non car enthusiast would be unable to notice, but never anything more. So if there was any confusion about that, I'm sorry. Back to the G8, whether you like the styling or not, be glad Pontiac is getting a world class sedan that is able to put a BMW to shame. It may not be perfect in your eyes, but it's not ugly by any means, not yet another FWD vehicle, not a rebadge of anything sold here, and not lacking in many ways. For a vehicle this great to wear a Pontiac badge... It's not a disgrace, not a shame, not anything like that. It's the exact opposite. What's in the past, is in the past. As is, the G8 will be a fine counterpart to the Solstice, which can't be said for any other current Pontiac. Myself, I'm a fan of many Pontiacs of all time periods. However I realize that it is a better vehicle, all around, than most of them, regardless of styling. Call it unoriginal, bland, a rebadge, a faux Pontiac.... and I'll call it the best damn unoriginal, bland, rebadge, faux Pontiac I've ever seen.
  14. Heh, well... That pales in comparison to when you actually meet me. RAWR. :lol:
  15. Being gay has its advantages.
  16. That's insane.
  17. Well, it's a Mcdonald's... Only stupid people would eat their food. Oh... Sorry, Blu. If you feel guilt, you might be alright, though. :wink:
  18. A red S2000. And that's it. Pa can be boring... What a surprise.
  19. Actually... Scratch that. Things didn't work out this time.
  20. I have... different tastes. Clicky and Clicky. Both are quite nice. Edit... Then again, there's always this one, too. Clicky.
  21. This thread is funny. I laugh.
  22. I agree with Drew, as well. Conserving energy, of any form, is something one shouldn't think twice about. That shouldn't mean we, as enthusiasts, should have to drive something much less desirable. This focus on hybrids, cutting horsepower, certain type of vehicles, etc... Shouldn't exist. I think alternative fuels, like ethanol, are better ways to "be green" than everyone driving 100hp hybrids.
  23. Well, I'm working on my entry. I should have the first done by tonight, but I'm unsure about the second view.
  24. Unattractive ones. And I can realize that the platform itself pales in comparison to others.
  25. Myself... All four windows must be rolled down the same amount. The passenger seat must be at the same position as mine. On the interstate, whilst changing lanes, I will only gently press the turn signal stalk for one flash. Pennies must go in the driver side dash compartment while larger change goes in my ash tray. There cannot be any visibly garbage, it must atleast be hidden. Receipts and other random junk go in the console bin while condoms and other stuff I want hidden, like garbage, must go in the door bins. Other than things with my car... Not really. I generally have a spot for my keys and my wallet, but it's usually just so they're easy to find when I need them. Okay, I might have one thing... I can only sleep nude. I feel so uncomfortable trying to sleep with closes on.
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