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Cory Wolfe

In Hibernation
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Everything posted by Cory Wolfe

  1. Certainly looks better, though I still think the greenhouse is too big and too bulbous for the body. I also think it would look better as a sedan rather than having those huge doors. I can't really see the front, so I can't further critique it with these pictures.
  2. They really are damn cool cars. If I came across one like I did with my Millenia, I would probably add a third car to my personal stable.
  3. I spy a nice C2 Vette.
  4. Neither? I'd say an even mix... for everthing. Looks, size, personality, etc. The person I look the most like, however, is my grandpa. You can really see it looking at pics of him when he was my age.
  5. An 80's Saab.
  6. No... You linked to an article about speculation. The "I told you so" was in your post, you just indirectly said it by referring me to them. Yeah. Nice tactics.
  7. That "all circuits are busy" message was for every contestant. I couldn't get a single call in for the first half hour that the lines were open. As for it being rigged... Excuses, excuses, excuses...
  8. Heh... I was happy last night. For those who voted for him as a joke... You made him cry.
  9. Say it with me, now: Spec-u-la-tion. Save the "I told you so"s until gas actually reaches $4/gal. Until then, its opinionated guess work and nothing solid.
  10. Pressure can be good and bad. If you relieve all the pressure, I'm likely to be lazy and procrastinate. If you put too much pressure on me, I'm likely to stress out, find myself a closet, and hide in it.
  11. That is quite the coincidence to both use the same picture at the same time.
  12. Um... Are you sure the entire greenhouse is glass? Otherwise, it sounds like you are talking about the Subaru SVX. The SVX:
  13. Pontiac is no longer a mainstream brand. It is a niche brand. It's not supposed to appeal to everyone. If you only like bland, boring, FWD appliances, you're not going to like Pontiac. It doesn't matter if Pontiac sells 50k vehicles or 500k vehicles. GM making money off the brand is what matters. Sales numbers are moot. A brand like Pontiac doesn't need a FWD appliance just like Hummer doesn't need one. It doesn't go together. Now, some advice... Get over it and stop fooling yourself.
  14. Chris, I think he likes you.
  15. Eh... the greenhouse looks too big in relation to the body. The front doesn't look classy enough for a Buick. If they went with a front end more like the Velite, shrunk down the greenhouse, and perhaps elongated the front a bit... It would look much better. As is the body lines and the rear are almost perfect. The execution... isn't.
  16. Looks good. BTW, I think you should link to those pictures, not post them. They're copyrighted.
  17. Mmm... Sweet, sweet power.
  18. Camino... What days is it open? Just Friday and Saturday? Also, what time does it open and close?
  19. Define "lead foot". Do I? At times, yes. From the sounds of it, not nearly as much as some of you other guys. Generally I'm a speed limit abiding (well... 10 over is abiding, right? ...and the rare top speed runs don't count) driver. As well, I usually don't accelerate quickly unless I have the Sunfire. It's only fun to do that when you can shift your own gears.
  20. Hmm... If Drew or anyone else west of me plans on going, it wouldn't be too much to stop in Brookville and pick little ol' me up, would it? Anyways, still searching for the possibility of coming. Whether it's with my Millenia, the Sunfire, with a friend, or with another C&Ger who can make a detour to Brookville. It's about time I meet some of you guys.
  21. Hmm... I'm not sure. I'd love to go, but as mentioned, I can't really trust my Millenia on long trips and I'd have cough up the change for a fill up or two (tank is 18 gallons) of premium. That could be expensive. If I do, I might have to resort to borrowing the Sunfire which doesn't seem very likely. Who knows.
  22. Reg is a tool, therefore he thinks like a tool. Don't blame him for his absurd comments, he's just a tool. :wink:
  23. Don't... Don't tell me you're thinking of Brokeback Mountain?
  24. For all... Agreed. Back to the W-body. There are a few I would own. The ASC/McLaren Turbo Grand Prix, Shortstar powered Intrigue, SC 3800 powered Grand Prix GTP coupe, and 3.4 powered Cutlass Supreme convertible among the few.
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